  • 我们注视着嬉戏的孩子,安吉拉:“她长得多象多米尼克啊,是吧?
    "She looks so much like Dominic, doesn't she?" Angela says as we watch her play.
  • 天使般的恶魔-这是一种自相矛盾的法。
    An angelical fiend is a contradiction in terms.
  • 他因发怒而不出话来。
    Anger choked his words.
  • 他气得说不出话来.
    Anger left him speechless.
  • 愤怒使他不出话来。
    Anger bereft him of words.
  • 坦率地,我们这一角力量是很单薄的。
    Frankly, the China angle is not strong enough.
  • 那就换个打法:这名战士伸直了手臂,手稍稍向下弯曲,然后轻声:“向目标射击。”
    The squad member extends his arm, hand angled slightly downward, and whispers, “ Fire on target.”
  • 10分钟后,这些人气呼呼地回来对同伙:“毫无作用,这些人脸皮真厚。”
    Angrily the men returned the minutes later to tell their mates,"We had no impact. These men have skins like a rhinoceros."
  • 他气愤地插嘴:"我不明白为什么我不能去。"
    "I don't see why I must not go, " he burst in angrily.
  • 老鼠非常生气地厉声
    cried the Mouse, sharply and very angrily.
  • 呀,告诉我!”高格生气地喊。
    "Come on, tell me!" Gog said angrily.
  • '我一句也听不见了!'我愤怒地
    'I can't hear a word! ' I said angrily.
  • “去年干得比这个强,……”谢辽日卡气愤地
    “It was better last year,” says Seryozhka angrily.
  • 愤激的言辞使问题更加不清了。
    Angry words beclouded the issue.
  • 他生气时,会不出话来。
    He becomes inarticulate when angry.
  • 她愤怒的目光足以明了一切。
    Her angry glance said everything.
  • 反映者,虽然这些谈话,未完全解开他们心里的千千结,但是,一时之间,他们觉得肩膀上的负担似乎减轻不少。
    While the minister’s remarks could not rid them of the sense of angst, they said they did feel a lightening of the load on their shoulders.
  • 片假名一种相对来生硬的假名,用来写外来文或官方文件,如电报
    A relatively angular kana used for writing foreign words or official documents, such as telegrams.
  • "你认为我应该回去和安格斯重归于好吗?""你可以试试。改过不嫌晚嘛,再,这次一段时间的分手也会使他明白许多道理。
    "Do you think I should go back and live with Angus again? ""You can try. It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense."
  • “你认为我应该回去和安格斯重归于好吗?”“你可以试试。改过不嫌晚嘛,再,这次一段时间的分手也会使他明白许多道理。
    "Do you think I should go back and live with Angus again?" "You can try. It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense."
  • 唐太斯眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒,不禁道,“你什么呀,你好象窥视到了我心底最秘密的一线希望。
    cried Dantès, his eyes sparkling with animation; "pray mind what you say, for you are touching on the most secret wishes of my heart.
  • 在这种灵魂的背景之下,人类自然也被视为神灵的具体表现了。
    With this animistic background, it is natural that man is also considered a manifestation of the spirit.
  • 这是以灵魂为背景的:世间万物都有生命,或都有神灵依附着——山川河流,以及一切达到高龄的东西。
    The background was animistic: everything was alive or inhabited by a spirit mountains, rivers, and everything that reached a grand old age.
  • 阿妮塔生她母亲的气,因为她母亲了吉姆的坏话。
    Anita bridled at her mother's unkind remark about Jim.
  • “够了就吧,安。”“我够了”安
    "Say when, ann.""When," say ann.
  • :“安星期一到。"
    He said,"Ann arrived on Monday."
  • 他说他在等安。
    He said he was waiting for Ann.
  • 你听说安辞职了吗?
    Have you heard that Ann quit her job?
  • 对着特德送的花,安感动得不出话来。
    Ann choked up over the flowers Ted gave her.
  • 到打网球,安没有敌手。
    As a tennis player Ann is second to none.
  • "行,"吓着了的安?玛丽
    “Yes,”a frightened Ann-Marie said.
  • 他说:“我在等安。"
    "I'm waiting for Ann," he said.