  • 带上用带有饰性图案的或具有保护功能的面具覆盖
    To cover with a decorative or protective mask.
  • 培植器皿,花架容纳植物或小树的饰性容器
    A decorative container for a plant or small tree.
  • 戴在领带上的饰品。
    a decorative pin that is worn in a necktie.
  • 羽状绣花针迹绣成之字形饰曲线的一种刺绣针迹
    An embroidery stitch that produces a decorative zigzag line.
  • 有挂着灯芯绒或者带子的饰性边缘。
    having a decorative edging of hanging cords or strips.
  • 树疤制成的木板从这样的树瘤上砍下的木头,经常当作饰性的镶木板
    The wood cut from such an outgrowth, often used decoratively as a veneer.
  • 他是油漆装饰工.
    He is a painter and decorator.
  • 我不是什么室内潢设计师,可室内潢的大部分事情我都能够拿下来。
    I'm not an interior decorator, but I could always turn my hand to most things.
  • 璜者,饰者尤指室内饰工
    One that decorates, especially an interior decorator.
  • 这位修工用极其现代化的陈设饰这家旅馆。
    The decorator appointed the hotel with ultramodern furnishings.
  • 我已安排好让饰师星期一来。
    I have fixed up for the decorator to come on Monday.
  • 他们给修师全权来翻修他们的房子。
    They gave the decorator a free hand in doing their apartment over.
  • 室内饰家设计,饰房间或建筑物的内部
    An interior decorator design and decorate the interior of a room or building
  • 老板放手让潢设计家修他的办公室。
    The boss gave the interior decorator a free hand in furnishing his office.
  • 室内饰设计员是为房子内部设计颜色和家具陈设的人。
    An interior decorator is a person who plans the colours and furnishings for the inside of a house.
  • 他假很高兴,很有礼貌地鼓掌喝彩。
    he pretended to be pleased and applauded decorously.
  • 为了很好工作,数字信封需要有一个公开的密钥基础设施:没有正确的数字密钥对包器解密,入侵者就不能看到里面的信息。
    To work well, digital envelopes require that a public key infrastructure is in place: without the correct digital key to decrypt the wrapper, an intruder can't view the message inside.
  • 在加密数据上加上不加密的报头和报头有效传输负载,允许在加密/解密置的位置上有更大的灵活性。
    The attachment of an unencrypted header onto the encrypted data and header payload permits more flexibility in the location of the encryption/decryption devices.
  • 警察驾驶学校亦已设专用的无线电系统。
    The Police Driving School was provided with a dedicated radio system.
  • 有的一度取消了人民武与游击战争,招致了人民的不满和失败情绪的增长,引起了一些混乱。
    Others abolished the people's armed forces and discarded guerrilla warfare, which caused dissatisfaction among the people, increased defeatist sentiments and brought about confusion.
  • 通便和撒尿的铅管固定置。
    a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination.
  • 抽水马桶一个用于大便和小便的置,由一个有翻转式坐部和并与废物管道相连的桶身和一个冲洗器具组成;厕所
    A fixture for defecation and urination, consisting of a bowl fitted with a hinged seat and connected to a waste pipe and a flushing apparatus; a privy.
  • 设计用来抵御武车辆的。
    designed for defense against armored vehicles.
  • 车阵由甲车或是货车围成一圈而形成的防御性营地
    A defensive encampment encircled by armored vehicles or wagons.
  • 很明显,造成损坏的原因是蘑菇在包前没有干透。
    It's obvious that the cause of damage lies in the fact that the mushroom was not completely dried defer packing.
  • pxe定义了从远程引导服务器给pc机操作系统的方法。
    PXE defines the way in which a PC should load its operating system from a remote boot server.
  • 她的服确实与众不同。
    Her style of dress is definitely off-beat.
  • 开头,各县完全没有了党的组织,地方武只袁文才、王佐各六十枝坏枪在井冈山附近,永新、莲花、茶陵、酃县四县农民自卫军枪枝全数缴给了豪绅阶级,群众革命情绪已经被压下去了。
    At the start, all our Party organizations in the counties were defunct.The local armed forces consisted only of the two units under Yuan Wen-tsai and Wang Tso in the vicinity of the Chingkang Mountains, each unit having sixty rifles in bad repair, while the peasant self-defence corps in the counties of Yunghsin, Lienhua, Chaling and Linghsien had been totally disarmed by the landlord class and the revolutionary ardour of the masses had been stifled.
  • 这是延期装运索赔。
    This is a claim on delayed shipment.
  • 设法减肥;发现梳妆台上一些额外的变化;然而另外一本关于纹章学的书或许会被认为是多余的;科技进步使许多技术成为了多余的;在客房睡觉;额外的饰;让她心满意足是多余的;删除多余的(或不必要的)言语;额外的肋材和其他额外的内部构件;剩余的奶酪分发给穷人。
    trying to lose excess weight; found some extra change lying on the dresser; yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant; skills made redundant by technological advance; sleeping in the spare room; supernumerary ornamentation; it was supererogatory of her to gloat; delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words; extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts; surplus cheese distributed to the needy.
  • 他装糊涂.
    He's being deliberately obtuse.
  • 复杂而精致奇特的
    An intricate, delicate, or fanciful ornamentation.