  • 给她送些儿去那是最好办的事.
    Send her some flowers that's the easiest thing to do.
  • 容易得到的钱也容易掉。
    Money easily come by is often easily spent.
  • 彬格莱先生同样有这个打算,并且一度打算就在自己故乡购置,不过目前他既然有了一幢很好的房子,而且有庄园听他任意使用,于是那些了解他性格的人都说,象他这样一个随遇而安的人,下半辈子恐怕就在尼日斐园度过,购置田产的事又要留给下一代去做了。
    Mr. Bingley intended it likewise, and sometimes made choice of his county; but as he was now provided with a good house and the liberty of a manor, it was doubtful to many of those who best knew the easiness of his temper, whether he might not spend the remainder of his days at Netherfield, and leave the next generation to purchase.
  • 她穿着复活节的服装,看起来很优雅;公子。
    looking fine in her Easter suit; a fine gentleman.
  • 我立刻给了她们两元,其余的两元多,就在请她们吃饭的小馆子里,等到回去,又只剩几毛钱了。
    I quickly gave them two dollars and spent the remaining two dollars and something treating them to dinner at a small eatery. I returned home with only a few cents left.
  • 划算的由所费的金钱得到的商品或服务上有利的,划算的
    Economical in terms of the goods or services received for the money spent.
  • 一种有重要经济意义的非洲草(开优质白),是谷类植物也是草料和干草。
    an African grass economically important as a cereal grass (yielding white flower of good quality) as well as for forage and hay.
  • 如果节省费,我们将会熬过难关
    We'll get by if we economize.
  • 我们替她安排的养老院设备管理都很好,所需费用我不必谈了。我不富有,我的姊妹兄弟也如此,可是我们认为这是必需的费-不是多余的。(我们在其他方面节省。)
    The nursing home in which we have her is of fine quality, and I will not even go into the expense involved. I am not wealthy, nor are my sisters or brothers, but we regard this expense as a necessity – not a luxury. (We economize on other things.)
  • 厄瓜多尔和秘鲁的一种小型树种,叶巨大且有光泽,大型粉红色圆锥序;树皮可入药。
    small tree of Ecuador and Peru having very large glossy leaves and large panicles of fragrant pink flowers; cultivated for its medicinal bark.
  • 然后天主上帝在东边之伊甸建造一座园,他把他造的男人安置在伊甸园中。
    Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden away to the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.
  • 台布四周镶有花边。
    The tablecloth was edged with lace.
  • 郁金香环绕着园的四周。
    Tulips edged the garden.
  • 边或有彩色条纹的。
    edged or streaked with color.
  • 沿着园小径开放的
    Flowers that edged the garden path.
  • 她给枕头套镶上边。
    She edged the pillowcase with lace.
  • 那个美丽的园的边沿栽种着树木,树上繁盛开。
    The beautiful garden was edged with flowering trees.
  • 长有锯齿边缘常年开的石竹变种。
    very free-flowering variety distinguished by jagged-edged petals.
  • 边小圈一种绣制的小圈,作为某些丝带和边的装饰边
    A small embroidered loop forming an ornamental edging on some ribbon and lace.
  • 洋蓟头这种植物的可食用的,未成熟的
    The edible, immature flower head of this plant.
  • 了两天时间来写作、编辑这篇文章。
    I spent two days writing and editing the piece.
  • 所以我建议,除了做好毛泽东著作的整理出版工作之外,做理论工作的同志,要相当多的功夫,从各个领域阐明毛泽东思想的体系。
    For this reason I suggest that in addition to editing and publishing the works of Mao Zedong, comrades doing theoretical work should endeavour to expound Mao Zedong Thought as a system from various perspectives.
  • 了很多钱让他的女儿在寄宿学校受教育。
    He had paid out good money to educate his daughter at a boarding school.
  • 教员的问题中附带说明了许多有关私人园的事实。
    The teacher's question educe many fact about home garden.
  • 抬起这只沉重的箱子要费相当大的力气。
    It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box.
  • 省去不必要的费或努力。
    make unnecessary an expenditure or effort.
  • 梅布尔的朋友们怂恿她钱摆阔气。
    Her friends egged on Mabel to spend money to show off.
  • 在糖碗里加上盐、小甜饼里塞进棉、早餐时端上一个空蛋壳都是很好的传统把戏。
    Filling the sugar bowl with salt, stuffing a biscuit with cotton and offering an empty eggshell at breakfast, are good old tricks.
  • 是埃及的主要贸易项目之一.
    Cotton is one of Egypt's staples.
  • 她将其全部积蓄都在了去埃及有这趟旅行上了。
    She spent all her savings on a trip to Egypt.
  • 埃及的一种蓝色睡莲;被埃及人视为神圣的
    blue Egyptian lotus: held sacred by the Egyptians.
  • 了5角钱买了一包埃及香烟。
    He spent fifty cents for a package of Egyptian cigarettes.