  • 色彩方案和字体选择给用户的消息增添了个性,阻止不想接触的人的来函和依据主题和发送者信息过滤消息的力都非常有用。
    Color schemes and font options add individuality to users' messages, and the ability to block unwanted contacts and to filter messages based on subject and sender information are quite useful.
  • (计算机科学)和计算机网络系统联在一起的或够被电脑触及的。
    (computer sci) connected to a computer network or accessible by computer.
  • 数字包装器最被认可的形式是数字信封,这些代码主要完成电子邮件的加密,把想打开信封而没有正确数字密钥的入侵者挡在外面,数字信封主要由通过密码加密或软件算法加密的代码组成,运载着正确让接收方识别发送方身份的数字签名。
    The most recognized form of digital wrappers are digital envelopes.Those pieces of code are the workhorses of e-mail encryption, locking out intruders who don't have the right digital key to open the envelope.The digital envelope is essentially made up of code encrypted with a cipher, or software algorithm, and carries a digital signature that properly identifies the sender to the recipient.
  • 够得到的或者容易获得的,而且已经准备好了使用或者服务。
    obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service.
  • 但并非人人都轻而易举地得到水。
    But water is not easily accessible to all.
  • 不将信函和文件以书信方式投寄,而透过电脑间的电话线,将信件变成电的字节传送出去。
    Instead of sending letters and documents on paper in envelopes, letters are sent as bits of electrical energy transferred through telephone lines from one computer to another.
  • 这个岛只有坐船才到达。
    The island is accessible only by boat.
  • 所有功都可以通过公共api访问。
    All capabilities are accessible through public APIs.
  • 有些火山不完全接近。
    Some of them are partially accessible.
  • 这个小岛只坐小船去。
    This island is accessible only by boat.
  • 太阳发出大量的能。
    The sun sends out vast amounts of energy.
  • 面向对象技术、what-if功、用客户机/服务器网络连接的多种流行平台上的可访问性以及使用另外的工作流方法论等,是供应商在其工作流设计软件中强调的某些特点。
    Object-oriented technology, what if capabilities, accessibility on a range of popular platforms linked by client/server networks and the use of alternative workflow methodologies are some of the features highlighted by vendors in their workflow design software.
  • 够接收和发送各方向信号的天线。
    an antenna that sends or receives signals equally in all directions.
  • 发射出激光,并通过读取反射计算移动。
    The device sends out lasers and collects the reflections to calculate motion.
  • 除非有关各方都派代表参加,才可圆满解决这个问题。
    Only each part concerned sends its representatives, can the problem be solved successfully.
  • 他可是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人。
    He may belong to senile residents who stray from home.
  • 衰老大脑功的衰老;老年昏聩
    A deterioration of mental faculties; senility.
  • 只有发现这类不正常基因,生物医学研究才可找到有效方法来阻止人类早老性痴呆现象的产生。
    Only through the discovery of these kinds of genes can biomedical research stop this most pemicious cause of human senility.
  • 他补充说,现在就得出饮用葡萄酒或米酒会延缓老人脑功退化或防止衰老这样的结论,还为时过早。
    It was premature to conclude, he added, that drinking wine or sake slowed the deterioration of brain functions in the elderly, or warded off senility.
  • 使…能进入;打开
    To give access to; open.
  • (3)提高数据存取的性
    3) increased data access performance;
  • 进入某物的通道被堵住或是某物因受阻不前进。
    prevents access or progress.
  • 在工厂,总要选业务力和管理水平比较高的人当厂长,不管他年龄大小,辈数高低,不讲这个。
    In factories too, we should always select directors those who have the greatest technical or managerial competence, regardless of age or seniority.
  • 按资历来说,指挥一个团,如果好好学点知识,学点本领,锻炼一下,当个中小工厂的领导,大厂的车间领导,应该说是可以的。
    As far as seniority and experience are concerned, a man who can command a regiment should be able to function as a leader of a medium-sized or small factory or of a workshop in a large factory, provided he has acquired some solid knowledge and skills and has really tempered himself.
  • 他是她的私人秘书, 接触到她所有的信件.
    As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence.
  • 让我们共同努力加强老年医疗保健制度,让所有老年人都享受到“处方药方案”带来的益处。
    Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors.
  • 激酶催化施体,例如,adp或atp中的磷酸酯转化给接受体的各种酶
    Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from a donor, such as ADP or ATP, to an acceptor.
  • 因此,我要求国会今年同我一起为通过一项《病人权利法案》而付出努力,使没买保险的工人够享受健康福利,使老兵够大幅增加在健康方面的支出,使那些老年人够享受健全的、现代化的医疗体系,其中包括处方药。
    I ask Congress to join me this year to enact a Patients' Bill of Rights ? to give uninsured workers credits to help buy health coverage ? to approve an historic increase in spending for veterans' health ? and to give seniors a sound and modern Medicare system that includes coverage for prescription drugs.
  • 引人注意的人像素描最终画成了动物;令人感动的音乐会——永远不忘记的音乐会;动人的表演。
    an arresting drawing of people turning into animals; a sensational concert--one never to be forgotten; a stunning performance.
  • 《考克斯报告》攻击中国长时间广泛“窃缺美国的各种军事技术,但通篇从头到尾都用“似乎”、“大概”、“如果”、“可”、“或许”、“将来或许会”等猜测性语言,没有任何实质性证据,没有任何确凿的具体的事实,竟然就判定中国有组织地广泛“窃缺美国敏感技术、危害美国国家安全,这是十分荒谬的,这种耸人听闻的结论是站不住脚的。
    The Cox Report attacks China for extensively "stealing" various military technologies of the United States over a long period. But, terms of conjecture such as "seemingly", "presumably", "if", "perhaps", "probably" and "perhaps in the future", can be found throughout the report while offering no substantive evidence. Without any solid, concrete facts, they even claim China "stole" US sensitive technology in an organized and extensive way that threatens the national security of the United States. This is utterly absurd. This sensational conclusion does not hold water.
  • 感知的、特别是通过触摸不可以感知的。
    incapable of being perceived by the senses especially the sense of touch.
  • 他可也看出来了。因为他接着又说:
    He sensed my feelings, no doubt, for he went on: