  • 温暖水域中带蓝色的海洋食用和猎用鱼,幼鱼成游入浅水。
    bluish warm-water marine food and game fish that follow schools of small fishes into shallow waters.
  • 加利福尼亚州的一个国家公园,以瀑布和岩石闻名。
    a national park in California famous for its waterfalls and rock formations.
  • 他出来时向人挥舞著文件。
    He came out waving the document at the crowd.
  • 随着告别的列车越走越快,她渐渐地消失在挥舞的人之中。
    As the train was going faster and faster, she verged into the waving crowds.
  • 所以没有众自觉地参加政治斗争,要想削弱封建阶级的政治地位,是不可能的。
    Therefore, it is impossible to weaken the political position of the feudal classes without the voluntary participation of the masses in political struggles.
  • “手一停,口就停”作为一句本地俗语可谓道出了许多弱势体的心声。
    “Living from hand to mouth” is indeed the experience of some weaker groups in society.
  • 事实上,要想探测一种叫做“弱电鱼”的鱼所发出的电脉冲需要一种特殊的设备才行。
    In fact, it takes a special instrument to detect the electric pulses made by a group of fish known as“weakly electric fish”.
  • 他们是和人民众同甘共苦的普通劳动者。
    They are ordinary labourers, sharing weal and woe with the people.
  • 全党必须在思想上不断有新解放,理论上不断有新发展,实践上不断有新创造,把"三个代表"重要思想贯彻到社会主义现代化建设的各个领域,体现在党的建设的各个方面,使我们党始终与时代发展同步伐,与人民众共命运。
    The whole Party must continue to emancipate the mind, come up with new ideas in respect of theory and create something new in practice. It must carry out the important thought of Three Represents in all endeavors of the socialist modernization drive and in all aspects of Party building so that it always advances with the times and shares weal and woe with the people.
  • 全党必须在思想上不断有新解放,理论上不断有新发展,实践上不断有新创造,把“三个代表”重要思想贯彻到社会主义现代化建设的各个领域,体现在党的建设的各个方面,使我们党始终与时代发展同步伐,与人民众共命运。
    The whole Party must continue to emancipate the mind, come up with new ideas in respect of theory and create something new in practice. It must carry out the important thought of Three Represents in all endeavors of the socialist modernization drive and in all aspects of Party building so that it always advances with the times and shares weal and woe with the people.III. Objectives of Building a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way
  • 他说反对党的成员是一没有力量和活力的家伙。
    He said that Opposition members were a bunch of weary Willies.
  • 在人群中迂回穿行
    weave one's way through a crowd
  • 他从人群中挤过去。
    He wedged his way through the crowd.
  • 5月5日,美国经济学家发布了她们的一项最新研究结论:在未婚妈妈这一体中,生男孩的女性嫁给孩子父亲的几率比生女孩的女性大,她们更有可能为自己的孩子构建一个完整的家庭。
    A woman who has a boy out of wedlock is much more likely to marry the father than if she has a girl, U.S. economists reported on Monday.
  • 他取消了整个管理阶层,最终发起了著名的“力”工作程序,同一操作流程不同级别的全体员工与他们的上级聚在一起召开“市镇会议”,员工们就如何更好地运营提出问题或提供建议——对其中的80%要当场做出某种答复。
    Welch wiped out entire layers of management, eventually launched the famous workout process, in which employees at all levels of an operation gather for “ town meetings” with their bosses and ask questions or make proposals about how the place could run better --80% of which must get some kind of response then and there.
  • 基韦斯特市基韦斯特岛上美国佛罗里达州南端一城市,是墨西哥湾内佛罗里达岛的最西端。渔业和旅游业是其经济的重要方面。人口24,832
    A city of extreme southern Florida on the island of Key West, the westernmost of the Florida Keys in the Gulf of Mexico. Fishing and tourism are important to its economy. Population,24, 832.
  • 很久以前有一神秘的移民离开西班牙,来到了这块突出在海湾里的地带安居下来了,一直生活到现在,当时没有人知道他们从什么地方来。
    Long ago this mysterious colony quitted Spain, and settled on the tongue of land on which it is to this day. Whence it came no one knew, and it spoke an unknown tongue.
  • 任何人身旁,若环侍着全心全意乐于提供其劝告、咨询和私下合作的一和谐共鸣的人,便可以带来不少经济上的效益。
    Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of men who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid, in a spirit of PERFECT HARMONY.
  • 《中国工人》将以通俗的言语解释许多道理给工人众听,报道工人阶级抗日斗争的实际,总结其经验,为完成自己的任务而努力。
    Using simple language, The Chinese Worker will explain the hows and whys of many issues to the workers, report the realities of the working-class struggle in the War of Resistance and sum up the experience gained, and in this way it will endeavour to fulfil its task.
  • 我们应该博览书来扩大我们的知识面。
    We shall do a lot of read to widen the range of our knowledge.
  • 有关内容包括社、康乐和社区活动,以协助青少年增广知识、发挥技能、体验人际关系、认识本身的社区,以及提高对社区的责任感。
    Social, recreational and community activities are held for participants to widen their knowledge, develop their skills, appreciate human relationships, understand the community in which they live and enhance their sense of responsibility to the community.
  • 进一步健全民主决策制度,鼓励人民众对政府机构及其工作人员进行监督,拓宽及时反映社情民意的渠道,使政府工作能够真正体现人民的意愿和利益。
    We need to further improve the democratic policy-making system, encourage people to oversee the work of government departments and their functionaries, widen the channels for promptly reporting social conditions and popular sentiments, and ensure that government work truly reflects the people's wishes and interests.
  • 其军队虽多,却不能使兵士众和许多小生产者出身的下级干部自觉地为国民党拚命,官兵之间在政治上是分歧的,这就减少了它的战斗力。
    Though it has a large army, the Kuomintang cannot make its soldiers and the many lower-ranking officers, who were originally small producers, risk their lives willingly for it. Its officers and men are politically divided, which reduces its fighting capacity.
  • 向风岛中部的一个岛国。
    an island country in the central Windward Islands.
  • 马提尼克岛位于西印度岛中向风岛的一岛屿,是法国的海外省。1502年哥伦布发现此岛,1635年后沦为法国殖民地。首都是法兰西堡。人口328,566
    An island and overseas department of France in the Windward Islands of the West Indies. Discovered by Columbus in1502, it was colonized by French settlers after1635. Fort-de-France is the capital. Population,328, 566.
  • 但是主要的目的还在另一方面,这就是为了发展阵地,为了实现“动员千百万众进入抗日民族统一战线,打倒日本帝国主义”这个积极的目的。
    But our chief purpose is to extend the ground already won and realize the positive aim of "winning the masses in their millions for the Anti-Japanese National United Front and the overthrow of Japanese imperialism".
  • 原生于西印度岛的草,但在美国南部很常见,有簇生的金属丝一般的茎,通常和黑色真菌共生。
    grass native to West Indies but common in southern United States having tufted wiry stems often infested with a dark fungus (Helminthosporum_ravenelii).
  • 他是一个才智超的人。
    He is a man of great wisdom.
  • 对一个人或一人不赞成的倾向。
    an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group.
  • 在这些被移居的狼当中,特别有一只与公园内狼的重新形成关系密切。
    One of the transplanted wolves in particular,has had a lot to do with the park's wolf repopulation.
  • 群狼一死众羊安。
    The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep.
  • 电影镜头超前描述了狼死亡的情况。
    The film flashed forward to show the deaths of the wolves.