  • 所以是能为公众献身人,应当是不被家室所累的人。因为只有这种人,才能够把他的全部爱情和财产,都奉献唯一的情人——公众。
    Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men; which both in affection and means, have married and endowed the public.
  • 伊基克智利西北部城市,濒临太平洋,位于秘鲁边界以南。建于16世纪,于1883年由秘鲁割让智利。人口110,153
    A city of northwest Chile on the Pacific Ocean south of the Peruvian border. Founded in the16th century, it was ceded to Chile by Peru in1883. Population,110, 153.
  • 给你点辣酱好吗?
    May I offer you some chili sauce?
  • 我马上就去您拿点儿辣椒油来。
    I'll go and bring you some chili oil immediately.
  • 给你点辣酱好吗?
    May offer you some chill sauce?
  • 洪水山谷酿成了大灾害。受寒会导致感冒
    Floods brought destruction to the valley. A chill can bring on a cold.
  • 他们端上可可茶和果酱面包,我想这能帮助他们抵御外面的风寒。
    I served them cocoa and toast with jam to fortify against the chill outside.
  • 大约20名唐人街制衣工人——他们说老板突然关闭工厂,令他们在圣诞节一筹莫展——昨天要求付他们40000元欠薪。
    About 20 Chinatown garment workers — who said their boss abruptly closed up shop, leaving them high and dry at Christmas — yesterday demanded $40,000 in back pay.
  • 如果你问居住在纽约唐人街、温哥华或檀香山的华人:“你是华人吗?”他们都会你一致的答案:“当然1
    Asked of a New York Chinatown Chinese, a Vancouver Chinese or a Honolulu Chinese: "Are you a Chinese?", will get you the same answer, "Of course!"
  • 如果你问居住在纽约唐人街、温哥华或檀香山的华人:“你是华人吗?”他们都会你一致的答案:“当然!”
    The question, "Are you Chinese? " however, asked of a NewYork Chinatown Chinese, a Vancouver Chinese or a Honolulu Chinese will get you the same answer, "Of course!"
  • 这位老太太问瓷器部在哪儿。你能她指点吗?
    This old lady is inquiring for the chinaware department. Could you direct her to it?
  • 若每个人都凑些钱, 就能真正她买件好的送别礼物.
    If everyone chips in we'll be able to buy her a really nice leaving present.
  • 我油煎鱼加炸土豆片试试。
    Let me try fish and chip, please.
  • 我们每人凑十块钱他买了一套新衣服。
    We each chipped in ten bucks and get him a new suit.
  • 他们取笑我把十字架了那个年轻的姑娘,但我不在乎。
    They chipped me about giving that young girl the cross, but I don't care.
  • 你要了鸡蛋和炸土豆条。
    I've ordered you egg and chips/egg and chips for you.
  • 好,我熏黑线鳕和炸土豆片。
    Yes. Haddock and chips for me, please.
  • 更糟糕的是,工业正在从256k的芯片向1m芯片转型,留戴尔的是过多的旧芯片。
    Worse still, the industry was in transition from 256-kilobit chips to 1-megabyte chips, leaving Dell with too many of the older chips.
  • 相反,vliw芯片将此负担的大部分转交了编译器。
    Instead, VLIW chips shift more of that burden onto compilers.
  • “如果生活你柠檬,就做柠檬汁”。当他们检查自己那被撞坏的汽车或者地震破坏的房屋时,会叽叽喳喳不停地说:“我一直就讨厌那个厨房。”
    "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade", they'll chirp as they examine the smashed wreck of their car or the earthquake~ravaged ruin of their house; "I always hated that kitchen.'
  • 这种石头是由湖底掘出来的;有时如果它们的线条有改正的必要,那么,人们就会把它们琢磨一下,使它们十全十美,然后再放进水里浸一年多,让那些斧凿的痕迹水流的波动洗掉。
    Such rocks were dug out of the bottom of the lake, and sometimes when something was needed to correct their lines, they would be chiseled until they were perfect and let down into the water again for a year or so, so that the chisel marks might be obliterated by the movement of water.
  • 鹦鹉热一种由立克次氏体病毒引起的鹦鹉和其它有关鸟类所患的一种传染病,可传染人类,引发高烧,严重的头痛和与肺炎相近的一些症状
    An infectious disease of parrots and related birds caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci, that is communicable to human beings, in whom it produces high fever, severe headache, and symptoms similar to pneumonia.
  • 我一客巧克力冰淇淋苏打。
    A chocolate soda, please.
  • 我们蛋糕洒上巧克力末。
    We covered the cakes with chocolate sprinkles.
  • 请给我巧克力派吧。
    Please give me chocolate pies.
  • 蛋糕加上巧克力味。
    I flavoured the cake with chocolate.
  • 他送她一盒巧克力。
    he gave her a box of chocolates.
  • 剩下的都是硬巧克力,软的都我们吃光了。
    There are only hard chocolates left; we've eaten all the soft ones.
  • 巧克力一个人而不另一个是不公平的。
    It's not fair to give chocolates to one guy and none to another.
  • 巧克力一个人而不另一个是不公平的。
    It 's not fair to give chocolates to one guy and none to another.
  • 那位母亲在圣诞树旁放了一盒巧克力粮作为送儿子的礼物。
    The mother laid a box of chocolates by the Christmas tree for her son.
  • 教师受到社会的高度民主尊重并可享受自己的节日:在这一天,所有的人都向曾经教过自己的老师表示谢意,他们送花或巧克力。
    Teachers are highly respected by society and have their own day when everyone thanks their old teachers or gives them flowers or chocolates.