  • 构成固体材料的游的精细颗粒。
    free microscopic particles of solid material.
  • 第二种技术是微波,一般工作在长距通信装置和卫星通信中。
    Microwave, the second technology, is typically used in long range setups and satellite communications.
  • 中心的比在中心处或中间的一个更远的
    Farther than another from the center or middle.
  • 远远超过预算;远底部;非常是局部使用的词语(美国军舰和英格兰中部)如句中山的那一边比我们这边更加陡峭。
    way over budget; way off base; right smart is regional (US S and Midland) as in the other side of the hill is right smart steeper than the side we are on.
  • 处于船只或者飞机远中线的地方。
    located away from the midline of a vessel or aircraft.
  • 直到半夜他才离去。
    He did not leave until midnight.
  • 直到半夜他才离去。
    He do not leave until midnight.
  • 直到半夜他才离去。
    He does not leave until midnight.
  • 在中脉附近裂开,彼此之间距较远,没有完全分开成单个个体。
    cleft nearly to the midrib in broad divisions not separated into distinct leaflets.
  • 在叶的中脉附近裂开,彼此之间距很近,没有完全分开成单个个体。
    cleft nearly to the midrib in narrow divisions not separated into distinct leaflets.
  • 我问她我可不可以开。
    I asked her if I might leave.
  • 我问他可不可以开。
    I asked him if I might leave.
  • 科学家研究过鱼类远距回游的现象。
    Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances.
  • 科学家研究过江中的鱼类远距回游的现象。
    Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances in the river.
  • 从这里到那个村庄有多远?直线距大约1英里,但是划船沿河而上有3英里,而走陆路则为7英里。
    How far is it from here to the village? About a mile as the crow flies, but three miles up river by boat and seven miles round by road.
  • 离这里恰好一英里
    It is a good mile from here.
  • 他离家差不多有20哩。
    He was nigh upon20 miles.
  • 而是我父亲一次又一次这样地描述在走过家乡最近的那个城镇之后,在每一个路标处我们应当看到的东西。
    But my father had described over and over again what we should see at every milestone.
  • 因为不满现状、工作不如意、与雇主与同事不合、在职已久但没有获得擢升、家庭不和、婚姻破裂、或者是想开岛国,到外面去看看世界……
    The reasons include disappointment with their milieux or jobs, sour relations with their bosses or colleagues, failure to get promotion after working for years, a broken family or marriage, or just a desire to leave this island and see the world.
  • 在二十世纪六十年代,一些富于战斗精神的团体声称这违背了政教分的原则。
    In the 1960s militant groups proclaimed this a violation of the doctrine of separation of church and state.
  • 民兵是不脱生产的群众武装组织,是人民解放军的后备力量,是进行现代条件下人民战争的基础。
    The militia is an armed mass organization not released from production. It is a reserve force of the PLA and the basis for the prosecution of a people's war under modern conditions.
  • 浪博恩这个村子和麦里屯相隔只有一英里路,这么一段距对于那几位年轻的小姐们是再便利不过的了,她们每星期总得上那儿在三四次,看看她们的姨母,还可以顺便看看那边一家卖女人帽子的商店。
    The village of Longbourn was only one mile from Meryton; a most convenient distance for the young ladies, who were usually tempted thither three or four times a week, to pay their duty to their aunt, and to a milliner's shop just over the way.
  • 地面要近,以防婴儿跌落。
    Keep it low to the ground to minimize any falls.
  • 以曲线拟合数据点,使曲线与点的距之平方和成最小值的方法。
    a method of fitting a curve to data points so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the distances of the points from the curve.
  • “他在这里很远的畜牧场上班,”敏妮解释说,“所以他5点半就要起床。”
    "He works way down at the stock-yards," explained Minnie, "so he's got to get up at half-past five."
  • 我在这个市镇受了一年罪, 总算开这里了.
    After a year of misery here, I'm finally shaking the dust of this town off my feet.
  • 他从来没有开过家,所以他妈妈担忧地望著他去。
    He had never been away from home before: so his mother watched him going with some misgivings.
  • 他从来没有开过家,所以他妈妈担忧地望著他去。
    He have never is away from home before: so his mother watch him go with some misgivings.
  • 我们的办法是一面宣传“不杀反水农民”,“反水农民回来一样得田地”,使他们脱豪绅的影响,安心回家;
    Our solution is, on the one hand, to announce that "peasant who have defected will not be killed" and "peasants who have defected will also be given land when they return", in order to help them shake off the influence of the landlords and return home without misgivings;
  • 可接受的或者恰当的方式;令人误解。
    departing from the accepted or proper way; misleading.
  • 扭歪,扭曲,使变形扭动而脱了正确的或天生的部位联系;使变形
    To twist out of a proper or natural relation of parts; misshape.
  • 导弹已偏离轨道.
    The missile deflected from its trajectory.