  • 一個使別人迷或陶醉的人(通常憑藉個人的魅力。
    a person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness).
  • 衹有由於自然災害和意外事故所造成的破碎,如貨船擱淺與沉沒,或歸因於火、爆炸、或碰撞所引起的破損纔算是屬於單獨海損。
    It is a particular average when the breakage results from natural calamities or maritime accidents, such as stranding and sinking of the carrying vessel, or is attributable to fire, explosion or collision.
  • 中美兩國貿易迅速增長的根本原因,在於兩國資源條件、經濟結構、産業結構以及消費水平存在較大差異,經濟具有互補性。
    This is mainly attributable to the marked differences in the two countries' resources, economic structures, industrial setup and consumption levels, and to the fact that their economies can be complementary to each other.
  • 捉將自身情感投入某一事物
    The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.
  • 在每天的祈禱中,加入感謝你己擁有的生活來調整你的思想,以使它為你帶來你想要的東西和想處的環境。
    Attune your mind to attract the things and situations you desire by expressing in a daily prayer your gratitude for what you already have.
  • 拍賣人拖延時間等更高的出價。
    The auctioneer was hanging out for a better offer.
  • 時之所尚,甚至打風雅情趣的旗號招搖過市,厚顔無恥地在峨特藝術的傷口上敷以時髦一時的庸俗不堪的各種玩藝兒,飾以大理石飾帶,金屬流蘇,形形色色的裝飾,卵形的,渦形的,蠃旋形的,各種各樣的帷幔、花彩、流蘇、石刻火焰、銅製雲霞、胖乎乎的小愛神、圓滾滾的小天使,總之,真正的麻風病!它先是開始吞噬卡特琳·德·梅迪奇斯小祈禱室的藝術容顔,兩百年後,繼而在杜巴裏夫人小客廳裏肆虐,使其建築藝術在經受折磨和痛苦之後,終於咽氣了。
    They have audaciously adjusted, in the name of "good taste," upon the wounds of gothic architecture, their miserable gewgaws of a day, their ribbons of marble, their pompons of metal, a veritable leprosy of egg-shaped ornaments, volutes, whorls, draperies, garlands,fringes, stone flames, bronze clouds, pudgy cupids, chubby-cheeked cherubim, which begin to devour the face of art in the oratory of Catherine de Medicis, and cause it to expire,two centuries later, tortured and grimacing, in the boudoir of the Dubarry.
  • 好在廚房裏夾雜鍋鏟煎炒的聲音,聽的也不大清楚。
    Fortunately the din of the various cooking utensils and the noise created by the frying in the wok made those words not very audible.
  • 他死盯我,盯得我都不願意再回瞪他了,唯恐我會耐不住給他個耳光或是笑出聲來。
    He fixed his eye on me longer than I cared to return the stare, for fear I might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible.
  • 他穿一件長袍,袖子捲起而露出絲襯裏來,這種袖子叫做“馬蹄袖”,當他勃然大怒的時候,他便嚮下揮動右臂或雙臂,讓捲起的“馬蹄袖”放下來,大搖大擺地走出去。
    He wore a gown with the sleeves tucked up at the lower ends showing the silk lining, known as "horse-hoof sleeves, " and when he was greatly displeased, he would brandish his right arm or both arms downwards and with an audible jerk bring the tucked-up "horse-hoof" down, and gracefully wobble out of the room.
  • 不過說到底,從那寂靜的小憩中也還聽得出人們守候什麽東西出現時的喘氣、屏息、緊張,還有加速了的心跳。
    but at any rate, the quiet pause was audibly expressive of people out of breath, and holding the breath, an' having the pulses quickened by expectation.
  • 面對觀衆站着
    Stood and faced the audience.
  • 經過一年的努力,審計署發佈了《中華人民共和國國傢審計基本準則》等38項審計規範,明確了財政、金融、企業等各項審計的內容,標志審計工作開始走上了規範化軌道。
    After concerted efforts of a year, the National Audit Office published 38 standards and standardized practices including “ the Basic Government Audit Standards of the People’s Republic of China”, which has specified the contents of public finance audit, monetary audit and enterprise audit etc. These standards symbolize that the audit work has embarked on a standardized track.
  • 此外,當雇員知道存在這種綫索時,這種審計登錄還能在內部入侵者動手前防止其行動。
    In addition, this auditing logon can prevent internal intrusions before they occur--when employees know such a trail exists.
  • 該片導演羅布··埃剋擺好姿勢跟準演員們合影,有些演員還裹頭巾,身披長袍。·埃剋承認把試鏡時間定在9月11日的確是宣傳手段。
    Posing for cameramen with the would-be actors, some in turbans and robes, film director Rob Van Eyck admitted the timing of the audition was a publicity stunt.
  • 近20年來,隨國傢財力的增強,中國政府安排的專項扶貧投入不斷增加。
    Over the past 20 years, with the augmentation of the state financial resources, the special aid-the-poor funds arranged by the Chinese Government have constantly increased.
  • 這些趨勢預示社會變革
    Trends that augur change in society.
  • 還有裝飾二樓長廊、神龕裏上方二十八位法蘭西從前歷代國王的一係列塑像,從希勒德貝爾起,直至手執“皇柄”的菲利浦——奧古斯都。
    and lastly the upper series, of the twenty-eight most ancient kings of France,which garnished the gallery of the first story, beginning with Childebert, and ending with Phillip Augustus, holding in his hand "the imperial apple."
  • 菲利浦-奧古斯都所建的這座老盧浮宮,龐大無比,其巨大主塔的周圍簇擁二十三座宛若嬪妃的塔樓,其他許多小塔就更不用說了,這座宮殿遠遠望去,好似鑲嵌在阿郎鬆府邸和小波旁宮那些峨特式的尖頂之間。
    The old Louvre of Philip Augustus, that immense edifice whose great tower rallied about it three and twenty chief towers, not to reckon the lesser towers, seemed from a distance to be enshrined in the Gothic roofs of the Hotel d'Alen鏾n, and the Petit-Bourbon.
  • 吳大嬸張羅着沏茶。
    Aunt Wu set about making tea.
  • 周大嬸這時張羅沏茶。
    Aunt Zhou then set about making tea.
  • 氣味摸不的排放物;氣流
    An impalpable emanation; an aura.
  • 失敗的氛圍籠罩候選者總部
    An aura of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters.
  • 封建農奴製的消滅,由極少數農奴主壟斷西藏文化這種與舊制度相伴隨的文化特性勢必遭到“滅絶”,政教合一、由宗教支配整個社會政治生活這種舊的文化專製主義也勢必遭到“滅絶”,這是西藏歷史發展的必然,也是西藏文化發展的必然。
    With the elimination of feudal serfdom, the cultural characteristics under the old system, in which Tibetan culture was monopolized by a few serf-owners was bound to become "extinct," and so was the old cultural autocracy marked by theocracy and the domination of the entire spectrum of socio-political life by religion, which was an inevitable outcome of both the historical and cultural development in Tibet.
  • 如果說,秦以前的一個時代是諸侯割據稱雄的封建國傢,那末,自秦始皇統一中國以後,就建立了專製主義的中央集權的封建國傢;同時,在某種程度上仍舊保留封建割據的狀態。
    While the feudal state was torn apart into rival principalities in the period before the Chin Dynasty, it became autocratic and centralized after the first Chin emperor unified China, though some feudal separatism remained.
  • 又如預錄的電話服務項目,號碼按,結果不知道按到哪兒了,又不能倒回頭,仿佛走在迷宮中,最後衹好完全放棄,有耐心的就從頭再來,沒耐心的也沒折。
    There is yet another problem with automated answering machines. Just a moment of distraction and you are likely to lose track of the number you need to press. And you cannot return to the previous step! So you either give up or, if you have the patience, start all over again.
  • 目標自動引導的。
    guided automatically toward the target.
  • 采用自動化,機器或者自行運轉或者由其他機器控製。
    With automation the machines either operate themselves or are controlled by other machines.
  • 或許這是男孩們覺得16歲如此甜蜜的緣故,因為他們急盼慶祝他們這個新獲得的自主權。
    Maybe that's what makes sixteen so sweet to the boys as they eagerly celebrate this newfound autonomy.
  • 但這衹有在屍體解剖後才能得出正式的定論。不過,他的朋友們認為恐怕他是死於吸毒,在他活時,他就不幸染上這種惡習並靠它維持生命。
    Not until an autopsy is performed will there be an official verdict, but his friends fear that he died the same way he lived disastrously, on drugs.
  • 山𠔌到處點綴秋色。
    The villages were blazoned with autumnal color.
  • 可用性應該通過附在廣域網接口上的服務等級證實裝置,如智能dsu/csu,進行係統監測。
    Availability should be systematically monitored through service-level validation devices attached to WAN interfaces, such as intelligent DSU/CSUs.