  • 在新闻发布会上首相发布了他旅行的息。
    The prime minister imparted the news of his trip at a press conference.
  •  第七条当事人因不可抗拒的事由而延误专利法或者本细则规定的期限或者国务院专利行政部门指定的期限,导致其权利丧失的,自障碍除之日起2个月内,最迟自期限届满之日起2年内,可以向国务院专利行政部门说明理由并附具有关证明文件,请求恢复权利。
    Rule 7 Where a time limit prescribed in the Patent Law or these Implementing Regulations or specified by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council is not observed by a party concerned because of force majeure, resulting in loss of his or its rights, he or it may, within two months from the date on which the impediment is removed, at the latest within two years immediately following the expiration of that time limit, state the reasons, together with relevant supporting documents, and request the Patent Administration Department under the State Council to restore his or its rights.
  • 关于暴风雨即将来临的息使他们冷静下来。
    The news of the impending storm sobered them down.
  • 逝轻快而毫无觉察地发生或通过
    To occur or pass imperceptibly.
  • 退化的逐渐亡的;没有完全退化或进化程度微小的。用于指动物或植物的器官或其它部分
    Gradually disappearing; imperfectly or only slightly developed. Used of an organ or other part of an animal or a plant.
  • 1小时以后传来息说,程的肿瘤没有从肝脏扩散。贾布里勒来到第三间手术室,帮忙将克罗斯的肝脏移植到程身上。
    An hour later, after receiving word that Cheng's cancer was limited to her liver, Ghobrial moved to the third operating room to help implant Cross's liver into Cheng.
  • 系统v消息在ipc/msg。
    System V messages are implemented in ipc/msg.
  • 提前6年落实削减臭氧层耗物质的计划。
    Ozone depleting substance control program will be implemented six years ahead of the original schedule.
  • 今之论者不言团结而言统一,其意盖谓惟有取共产党,取八路军新四军,取陕甘宁边区,取各地方抗日力量,始谓之统一。
    Nowadays some people talk not of unity but of unification, and the implication is that unification means nothing short of liquidating the Communist Party, disbanding the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies, abolishing the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and demolishing the anti-Japanese forces everywhere.
  • 委会与政府紧密合作,倡议市场竞争以保障费者利益,更与竞争政策谘询委员会共同注视可能妨碍市场公平竞争的营商手法。
    As an advocate of fair competition, the council works closely with the Government, particularly the Competition Policy Advisory Group, by reviewing business practices that may have implications on market competition.
  • 此项消息有何意义?
    What does this news import?
  • 尤其是对有英文背景的学生,特别关照,用尽心机和心血,扭转他们对华文学习的极态度,从憎恨华文变成喜爱华文。
    More importantly, they used to spend extra time and make extra effort to guide students from the English-speaking families and often succeeded in changing their attitude of indifference to that of genuine love for the Chinese language.
  • 已经造成环境污染的,由省级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令进口者除污染。
    If such importation has caused environmental pollution, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall order the importer to eliminate the pollution.
  • 我们两天前收到了伊拉克方面的一封信,他们通知我们正在从事相关的工作,今天上午已经传出息,伊拉克已经颁布了这一法令,并且得到了国民大会的通过,这无疑是伊拉克做出的积极的努力。
    This morning we had a message that a Presidential decree has now been issued containing prohibitions with regard to importation and production of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. We have not yet had time to study the details of the text of the decree.
  • 2000年起,中国政府在西部和农村贫困地区实施为期二年的专项计划,预计拨款2亿元,用于降低孕产妇死亡率和除新生儿破伤风。
    Beginning in 2000, the Chinese government has practiced a two-year special plan in the western region and impoverished rural areas with 200 million yuan earmarked to combat the maternal mortality rate and eliminate trismus nascentium.
  • 如果费者只能直接从生产者那里获得所需要的物品,那这会浪费很多时间,带来不少麻烦,常常无法得到所需要的物品。
    There would be a great waste of time and trouble, and an inconvenience often amounting to impracticability, if consumers could only obtain the articles they want by treating directly with the producers.
  • 我,本来下决心摒弃所有世俗的来往。感谢我的福星高照,终于来到了一个简直都无法通行的地方——我,软弱的的可怜虫,与沉和孤独苦斗直到黄昏,最后还是不得不扯起降旗。
    I, who had determined to hold myself independent of all social intercourse, and thanked my stars that, at length, I had lighted on a spot where it was next to impracticable--I, weak wretch, after maintaining till dusk a struggle with low spirits and solitude, was finally compelled to strike my colours;
  • 经过客观冷静的分析,我们对这个计划的热情失了,因为我们认识到它实在不实际了。
    Our enthusiasm for the plan faded in the cold light of day and we realized how impractical it really was.
  • 我们将发起一次广告宣传运动以加深费者对该产品的印象。
    We will try to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign.
  • 那些印象随着时间渐渐减褪或竟失了,但是人们察觉到,从此以后,主教总避免经过那刑场。
    In course of time these impressions weakened and probably vanished. Nevertheless, it was observed that the Bishop thenceforth avoided passing the place of execution.
  • 他撤了不适当的建议。
    He waved off suggestions of impropriety.
  • 可以允许他这种人欺骗了她而遥法外吗?
    Was he the sort of man to be allowed to play her false with impunity?
  •  c.(1)如果在任何国家,注册商标的使用是强制的,只有经过适当的期间,而且只有有关人员不能证明其不使用有正当理由,才可以取注册。
    C. (1) If, in any country, use of the registered mark is compulsory, the registration may be cancelled only after a reasonable period, and then only if the person concerned does not justify his inaction.
  • 我们指出由于征调方式的不当,而可能产生的不好结果与影响,其意义不在于极的批评,而在于如何去纠正,采取好的动员方式,使前线能够得到源源不绝的补充,益能组织足够数量的新军队。
    Pointing out the inappropriateness of the recruitment methods and the bad results and effects they may lead to is not meant to be passive criticism, but is designed to encourage people to work out ways to correct them and adopt appropriate methods, so as to provide the front with a steady flow of replenishments and organize enough new troops.
  • “我不断地看见他,他求我,劝导我、命令我工作……我知道时辰已到。
    I see him continually. He begs me, exhorts Inc, commands me to work… I know that the hour is striking.
  • 中国国防科技工业从原来的单一军品产业结构,逐步过渡到军民品多种生产的模式,不仅保证了和平时期国防建设的需要,而且还提供了高质量的民用工业品和费品,在国民经济建设中发挥了重要作用。
    Transforming China's defence industry gradually from its former incarnation as a monolithic producer of military products to today's diversified producer of products for military and civilian consumers has ensured that the needs of peacetime national defence construction are met, while at the same time producing high-quality industrial and consumer goods for society at large, thus playing an important role in national economic construction.
  • 二零零零年举办的第十一届亚太区肠胃学会议和第八届亚太区化系统内窥镜检查会议、奖励旅游行政人员学会国际会议,以及学校效能与改进国际会议;
    in 2000, the 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology and 8th Asian Pacific Congress of Digestive Endoscopy,the Society of Travel Incentive Executives International Conference, and the International Conference on School Effectiveness and Improvement.
  •  (五)处置,是指将固体废物焚烧和用其他改变固体废物的物理、化学、生物特性的方法,达到减少已产生的固体废物数量、缩小固体废物体积、减少或者除其危险成份的活动,或者将固体废物最终置于符合环境保护规定要求的场所或者设施并不再回取的活动。
    Treatment means activities conducted to reduce the quantity or volume of the discharged solid waste, reduce or eliminate their dangerous composition through incineration or other methods that can change the physical, chemical or biological characterstics of the solid waste, or activities conducted ultimately to put solid waste in sites or installations that meet the requirements of environmental protection, from which the solid waste shall never be taken back again.
  • 毒盖布手术、医约检查或治疗时盖在病人身体上的一块布,用来在检查或治疗区周围或手术切口周围提供一个无菌区
    A cloth arranged over a patient's body during a medical examination or treatment or during surgery, designed to provide a sterile field around the area being examined or treated or around the operative incision.
  • 重新计算再一次地计算,尤指为除错误或加入附加的因素或数据而进行的再计算
    To calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data.
  • 基于错误的或者令人误解的概念、息。
    based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information.
  • 如果我可以这么说的话,您得到的息是不正确的。
    If I may say so, the information you have is incorrect.