Chinese English Sentence:
  • 轻视,藐视以轻蔑的式谈话,轻视
    To speak of in a slighting way; belittle.
  • 他们以不邀请玛丽的式来藐视她。
    They slighted Mary by not inviting her.
  • 有酸味的,尖刻的味道稍酸,或式有些尖刻
    Slightly sour in taste or in manner.
  • 即使福特总统已选定贝克参议员与他一起竞选,共和党在南占上风的可能性还是不太大。若和多尔先生一起竞选的话,可能性会更小。
    Even if President Ford had chosen Senator Baker to run with him, the chances of the Republicans capturing the South would have been slim. With Mr Dole the chances are much slimmer.
  • 我什么地方拿机票?
    Where do I pick up the ticket?
  • 参加锻炼是保持身材苗条的一种法。
    Taking exercise is one way of keeping slim.
  • 另一面,一些职业女性感觉在硅谷的选择机会少了。
    On the other side, some professional women found Valley pickings slim.
  • 入境处在什么地方?
    Where is immigration?
  • 我见着他的时候,他的腿吊在医院病床的上
    When saw him his broken leg was slung up above the hopital bed.
  • 分析人士称,简化的组件加上高水平的工具,正是近期要做工作的地
    Analysts say that simplified components, slung together with high-level tools, are where the action is at in the near term.
  • 至于说基本要求,首先,标签应握在把手处,从肩部或掷臂上投出,不得抛甩。
    As for the basic requirements,first the javelin must be held at the grip and thrown over the shoulder or upper part of the arm. It may not be slung and hurled.
  • 激光凝固法一种通过集中光能,如一束激光,来达到外科组织凝结的法,用来破坏不正常的组织或形成粘合性的伤痕,常用于眼科学中
    Surgical coagulation of tissue by means of intense light energy, such as a laser beam, performed to destroy abnormal tissues or to form adhesive scars, especially in ophthalmology.
  • 绳子或绳索上用打活结的法打的结;当拉绳子或绳索时结会变紧。
    a loop formed in a cord or rope by means of a slipknot; it binds tighter as the cord or rope is pulled.
  • 我们十分赞赏你在推销我拖鞋时所作的努力。
    We appreciate your effort in pushing the sale of our slippers.
  • 我想同您商谈一下你拖鞋的代理问题。
    I would like to discuss with you the problem of agency for your slippers.
  • 关于塑料拖鞋的代理问题我们已与贵达成了协议。
    We have come to an agreement with you regarding the agency for plastic slippers.
  • 我们想与贵签订独家代理贵塑料拖鞋的协议。
    We'd like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on your plastic slippers.
  • 作为你代理我们将不遗余力地在我们的市场上推销你们的拖鞋。
    As your agent we shall spare no effort to promote the sale of your slippers on our market.
  • 失足式多种多样,高位却是有易滑跤之处。
    There are various ways falling, and the topmost point is the most slippery.
  • 在这佳节里,没有比家更好的地了。
    there's no place like home for the holidays.
  • 我们要千百计防止有缺损的部件漏过去。
    We should do all we can to prevent any defective parts slipping through.
  • 总统发言人阿里·弗莱舍解释说,布什总统的言下之意是指责伊拉克单面退出了解除武器的承诺,"萨达姆总想在这件事上开溜,也就是总统先生所说的'龙虾'"。
    Asked about the President's use of the word, Ari Fleischer, his spokesman, referred to broken Iraqi commitments to disarm, adding: "This is what Saddam Hussein has tried his best to slither out of, as the President put it, 'to crawfish out of'."
  • 她的长裙按中国式开口开到膝盖处。
    Her long dress was slit up to the knee in Chinese style.
  • 在用注射毒剂的式执行死刑时,为什么还要消毒针头?
    Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
  • 为什么诺亚没有把那两支蚊子打死?(诺亚舟上带有每种动物的雌雄各一只)
    Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?
  • 一条标语在黑板正上
    A slogan is over the blackboard.
  • 这个针的正确的口号,就是“耕者有其田”。
    "Land to the tiller" is the correct slogan for this policy.
  • 标语贴在门上,我没有看到。
    The slogan was placed above the door and I didn't see it.
  • 我们在人员互访、贸易和经济合作及文化体育等面的交流日益增多。
    There has been a gradual increase of exchange of visits, trade and economic cooperation as well as cultural and sports exchanges between us.
  • 台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度和生活式长期不变
    Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao will retain the current capitalist system and way of life for a long time to come.
  • 这是一个男人可以一醉休而不会被捕的惟一去处。
    It's the only place where a man could get slopped and not arrested.
  • 斜坡向下的运动或下坡
    A downward movement or slope.