  • 他们独木舟漂浮到河中央。
    They float the canoe out into the middle of the river.
  • 次经,伪经七十人翻译的拉丁语圣经中的十四卷,由于不是希伯来圣经的一部分而没被新教接受为经典。罗马天主教经典接受了其中的十一卷并其收入杜埃版圣经
    The 14 books of the Septuagint included in the Vulgate but considered uncanonical by Protestants because they are not part of the Hebrew Scriptures. The Roman Catholic canon accepts11 of these books and includes them in the Douay Bible.
  • 来自汉堡的一位包装设计师发明了tango法。这种方法用极少量的纸板和一根塑料带就能罐牢牢捆住。
    A packaging engineer from Hamburg designed this so-called tango pack, using much less cardboard than usual. The cans are held firmly together by a narrow plastic trip.
  • 我听说食堂由于经营不善要关门。
    I've heard that the canteen will be closed because it is poorly run.
  • 至欲完全占领粤汉铁路和西兰公路,经历非常危险的战争,未必尽能达其企图。
    As for attempting to occupy the entire length of the Canton-Hankow Railway and the Sian-Lanchow Highway, he will have to fight perilous battles and even so may not fully accomplish his design.
  • 红磡湾填海区内已开拓的36公顷土地,用作兴建私人及公共房屋、进行商业发展计划、扩建现有的九广铁路货运场、兴建政府、团体及社区设施、学校、游憩用地,以及进行道路工程。
    The 36 hectares of land formed at Hung Hom Bay Reclamation will be used for private and public housing, commercial development, extension of the existing Kowloon-Canton Railway freight yard, government, institutional and community facilities, schools, open space and road works.
  • 当局现正筹划兴建多项铁路计划,包括西铁(第一期)、地下铁路军澳支线、马鞍山至大围铁路线、九广铁路红磡至尖沙咀支线,以及上水至落马洲延线。
    Other new railway projects under planning include West Rail (Phase I), the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) Tseung Kwan O Extension, the Ma On Shan to Tai Wai rail link, the extension of the Kowloon-Canton Railway (KCR) from Hung Hom to Tsim Sha Tsui, and the Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau spur line.
  • 两家商营电视台,即电视广播有限公司(简称"无线电视")及亚洲电视有限公司(简称"亚洲电视")获发牌照,各自营办一个中文台和一个英文台,牌照于二零零二年届满。
    The two commercial stations, Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) and Asia Television Limited (ATV), are each licensed to broadcast one Cantonese and one English-language channel until 2002.
  • 特拉法尔加角位于西班牙西南海岸的海角,在直布罗陀海峡西北。1805年由霍雷肖·纳尔逊海军上率领的英国海军在特拉法尔加角击败了法国和西班牙联合舰队
    A cape on the southwest coast of Spain northwest of the Strait of Gibraltar. The British navy under Adm. Horatio Nelson defeated the French and Spanish fleets off Cape Trafalgar in1805.
  • 马尔皮基,马尔切罗1628-1694意大利解剖学家,是第一个显微镜用于解剖学研究的人,发现了毛细血管循环系统
    Italian anatomist who was the first to use a microscope in the study of anatomy and discovered the capillary system.
  • 资金做最有利的投资
    to invest one's capital to the best advantage
  • 自1996年米歇尔掌管水利总公司之后,他遍地撒网的公司业务集中归为两大类:一类是公用事业,包括水、电和公共交通;另一类是资讯业务,包括付费电视、电信和因特网。这一期间,该公司的上市资本额累计增长了8倍。
    Since taking over the helm at Generale des Eaux/Vivendi in 1996, Messier has increased the firm's market capitalisation eightfold. He has focused the sprawling conglomerate around two core activities, utilities -- water, power and transport -- and communications – pay-TV, telecoms and Internet.
  • 当宣布英国节在正对着舞厅的泰晤士河南岸举行时,埃里克开始盘算着该如何在自己家门口举办的这次盛会上捞一笔。
    When it was announced that the Festival of Britain was being held on the South Bank,just across the Thames,Eric began to wonder how he could capitalise on this huge event which was taking place virtually on his doorstep.
  • 他预言社会主义终代替资本主义。
    He predicted that socialism will eventually succeed capitalism.
  • 社会主义必在全世界战胜资本主义。
    Socialism will certainly prevail against capitalism the world over.
  • 不幸的是,美国的资本主义错过一次改革的机会。
    Unfortunately for American capitalism, a great opportunity will be missed.
  • 华尔街对此作出的反应是雅虎的市场资本从一年前的约40亿美元提高到近420亿美元。
    Wall Street responded by driving up Yahoo's market capitalization from about $4 billion one year ago to a high of nearly $42 billion.
  • 公司预备金移作资本
    capitalize the company's reserve funds
  • 他说,保护知识产权使发明者能从他所发明的东西上获益,使他有机会其发明用于牟利而不是让别人随意使用。
    Told why,he said that this protection of intellectual property allowed the inventor to take advantage of the thing he had invented.It gave him the opportunity to capitalize on his invention rather than have someone else take it.
  • 会议在华盛顿的国会大厦举行。
    The conference will be held in the Capitol in Washington.
  • 估计到某种时机,敌之劝降手段又出现,某些亡国论者又蠕蠕而动,而且难免勾结某些国际成分(英、美、法内部都有这种人,特别是英国的上层分子),狼狈为奸。
    It is to be expected that on some future occasion the enemy will once again resort to the scheme of inducing China to capitulate and that certain subjugationists will again crawl out and most probably collude with certain foreign elements (to be found in Britain, the United States and France, and especially among the upper strata in Britain) as partners in crime.
  • 第三,如果中国不能破坏敌人占领地,让其达到确保占领地、经营占领地的目的;又如果中国不能打退敌人的政治进攻,不能坚持抗战,坚持团结,坚持进步,以准备反攻力量,或者国民党政府竟自动投降;那末,在来,敌人就仍有大举进攻的可能。
    Third, if China should fail to disrupt the enemy's occupation of the areas he has seized and allow him to succeed in his attempts to tighten his hold on them and exploit them, if China should fail to repulse the enemy's political offensives and to persist in resistance, unity and progress and thus fail to accumulate strength for the counter-offensive, or if the Kuomintang government should capitulate of its own accord, then the enemy may still launch bigger offensives.
  • 侵略军在守军投降后仍多人屠杀。
    The invading army had massacred many of the garrison after capitulation.
  • 他们采取两面政策,一面尚在主张团结抗日,一面又执行摧残进步势力的极端反动政策,作为准备来投降的步骤。
    It pursues a dual policy.It still stands for unity against Japan, but at the same time it follows the extremely reactionary policy of suppressing the progressive forces in preparation for its eventual capitulation.
  • 但同时,日本帝国主义正在准备向南洋侵略,加紧向中国进攻,势勾引中国一部分动摇分子对其投降,投降危险是空前地加重了。
    But at the same time the danger of capitulation is more serious than ever before because Japanese imperialism is intensifying its attacks on China in preparation for its aggression against Southeast Asia, and this will certainly induce some of the vacillating elements to surrender.
  • 此外,投诉警察课亦已在六月增设一条投诉热线,以图文传真方式投诉表格传送给市民。
    A complaint hotline for CAPO was introduced in June to supply complaint forms by facsimile to members of the public.
  • 刮起了这么大的风,他们不得不篷车朝下捆牢,以免被吹翻。
    There was such a gale blowing that they had to tie the caravan down to prevent it overturning.
  • 化学合成用简单无机化合物的化学氧化所产生的能量二氧化碳和水合成碳水化合物。这种化学合成形式只限于某些细菌和真菌
    Synthesis of carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water using energy obtained from the chemical oxidation of simple inorganic compounds. This form of synthesis is limited to certain bacteria and fungi.
  • 然而,这普遍流行且正感染着下一代人的阿特金斯饮食理念让另外一些食品公司大伤脑筋。这些食品公司以销售富含碳水化合物的食物为主,如意大利面、比萨饼、饼干和谷类食品等,顾客对这些食品的喜好决定他们能否营利。
    But the popularity of Atkins' eating advice, now appealing to another generation, is fraying the nerves of some food companies who rely on the consumer appetite for carbohydrate-laden foods such as pastas and pizzas, cakes, cookies and cereals, to add heft to their own bottom lines.
  • 珊瑚从根本上讲是一种水母,一种不再在海洋中漂流的水母。它们能够周围水中的碳酸钙分解出来,形成一个石灰石杯状物,这样就形成了这里巨大的珊瑚礁系。
    Coral is basically a jellyfish, which has stopped wandering the oceans, has the ability to pull calcium carbonate out of the surrounding water, lays down a limestone1 cup, hence forming the large reef systems here.
  • 磷酸果汁汽水碳化水和调味果汁混合而成的一种苏打冷饮饮料
    A soda fountain drink made by blending carbonated water with flavored syrup.
  • 他们鹿的躯体一分为二,猎手分得後面部分。
    They divided the deer's carcass, the hunter take the hinder parts.