  • 我无意中听到他们断断续续的谈话内
    I overheard snatches of their conversation.
  • 而游戏是他们上网的最大目的,他们会在网上寻找一切与他们感兴趣的游戏相关的内
    And there will be an overlap of communities for consoles and PC players.Games will be their entree to the Net,so they'll be looking for games content.
  • 我可以宽她的缺点。
    I can overlook her bad points.
  • 在此情况下我们宽这次延误或耽搁。
    In this instance we will overlook the delay.
  • 12.对不熟悉的人写一封内过分亲密的信。
    12.Writing letters that are overly familiar to people they hardly know.
  • 倒空翻转或倾斜而倒空(器或车辆)
    To empty out(a container or vehicle), as by overturning or tilting.
  • 一位白发苍苍的拓荒者,由于过度劳累和担忧而面憔悴
    A white-haired pioneer, her face gaunt from overwork and worry.
  • 这是由于无论n1还是n2都包含了相同的句柄,它指向相同的对象(最初的句柄位于n1内部,指向纳了值9的一个对象。在赋值过程中,那个句柄实际已经丢失;它的对象会由“垃圾收集器”自动清除)。
    This is because both n1 and n2 contain the same reference, which is pointing to the same object. (The original reference that was in n1 that pointed to the object holding a value of 9 was overwritten during the assignment and effectively lost; its object will be cleaned up by the garbage collector.)
  • 铁很容易氧化。
    Iron is easily oxidized.
  • 弗雷泽博士预测说,臭氧空洞将于2005年开始收缩变小,直到本世纪中期被完全填满,但填满后仍有十年属于比较易被破坏的过渡期。
    He predicted that the hole in the ozone layer would contract steadily from about 2005 and disappear by mid-century, although the ozone would be vulnerable for a decade.
  • 在未来快节奏的工作环境中,人们惜时如金,不得半点误解。
    In tomorrow's fast?paced business environment there will be precious little time to correct any misunderstandings.
  • 易平息的,易和解的,宽易平息下来或抚慰的;宽
    Easily calmed or pacified; tolerant.
  • 这些东西很易包装。
    These things pack easily.
  • 一旦供应商完成了从打包的应用程序向组件的转变,各公司的开发人员就能编制接口,以便更易地修改供应商的产品。
    Once vendors complete the transformation of packaged application to components, corporate developers can write to these interfaces to more easily modify vendors' wares.
  • 取出将…从一个器,包裹;或包装中取出
    To remove from a container, from packaging, or from packing.
  • 这部小说有大量空洞无物的内
    There's a lot of padding in this novel.
  • 索引按字母顺序排列的人名、地名和印刷品内名称,并在每个后面注上页码
    An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned.
  • 装啤酒的器,如桶或酒罐
    A container, such as a pail or pitcher, that is used for carrying beer.
  • 已经设想出四本书籍的构思,包括有关下列内的故事:巴基斯坦的冰川和气候变化;
    Four book ideas have already been developed, including stories about glaciers and climate change in Pakistan;
  • 易裂的易沿临近并行平面分裂的
    Easily split along close parallel planes.
  • risc的简单性也使设计超级标量处理器较为易,这种芯片一次能执行几个指令,这被称为指令级的并行处理。
    The simplicity of RISC also makes it easier to design superscalar processors -- chips that can execute more than one instruction at a time.This is called instruction-level parallelism.
  • 其实语译也不是易的。没有办法,只得分行意译如下:
    Actually it is not that easy to do, but under the circumstances, I have no alternative but to paraphrase its meaning line by line as follow:
  • 不可以被许宽恕的。
    not admitting of pardon.
  • (指故事、电影等)有阴谋和间谍活动内的。
    She pared the apple with a sharp knife.
  • 使用运算符的一个缺点是括号的运用经常易搞错。即使对一个表达式如何计算有丝毫不确定的因素,都易混淆括号的用法。
    One of the pitfalls when using operators is trying to get away without parentheses when you are even the least bit uncertain about how an expression will evaluate.
  • 然而,当时的评论家只是表达了一种广泛的观点:巴黎上流社会无法忍这部歌剧的题材。
    But the critics were only expressing a widely held view that the subject matter of Carmen was beyond the pale for polite Parisian society.
  • 平均派成员英国17世纪40年代议会军队中兴起的政治激进派成员,鼓吹男性公民普选权,法律面前人人平等,议会民主以及宗教宽
    A member of an English radical political movement arising in the Parliamentarian forces of the1640's and advocating universal male suffrage, equality before the law, parliamentary democracy, and religious tolerance.
  • 这儿附近有美院吗?
    Is there a beauty parlor near here?
  • 一个在美院工作的人。
    someone who works in a beauty parlor.
  • 她的头发是在美院做的。
    She had her hair styled at the beauty parlor.
  • 她常去美容院。
    She frequents beauty parlors.
  • 当你在都市里散步的时候,你看见大街上有美室、鲜花店和运输公司,后边一条街上有药店、食品杂货店、铁器店、理发店、洗衣店、小餐馆和报摊。
    And as you take a stroll through the city, you see that back of the main avenue with beauty parlors and flower shops and shipping firms is another street with drug stores, grocery stores, hardware shops, barber shops, laundries, cheap eating places, news-stands.