  • 举止文雅会使你渡过许难关。
    Politeness will bridge over many difficulties.
  • 角度小或者倾斜得不
    set at a low angle or slant.
  • 我们的谈话涉及很话题。
    Our conversation ranged over many topics.
  • 数的手写字体都向右边倾斜。
    Most handwriting slants to the right.
  • 以对角线斜跨边形的。
    slanted across a polygon on a diagonal line.
  • 这个两岁的小女孩往馒头上涂了许果酱。
    The two-year-old girl slapped jam on the steamed bun.
  • 数植物靠种子繁殖。
    Most plants propagate by seed.
  • 向她索取的比帐单上显示的数额出4英镑.
    She was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill.
  • 她驾车小心地从这条很石头的小路上驶过去。
    She drives carefully up the rocky lane.
  • 可是成了大名鼎鼎的人物倒为斯莱特带来了许麻烦,他的一举一动都成了要闻。
    Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems for Slater with his every move being headline news.
  • 你多大了?
    How old are you?
  • 我的许同学在1941—1981的战争中死去。那时,我们那一代人成群结队地走向这场战争时,丝毫不了解战争的残酷。
    Many of my fellow-students perished in the 1914-1981 war, to which my generation flocked like sheep to the slaughter.
  • 多聪明的回答啊!
    What a sage reply you gave!
  • 过去几十年,尤其近十年,乱捕滥杀海龟之,以至于现在已减少到5%了。
    Th escale of the slaughter in recent decades, especially the past 10 years, has bee n so great that the figure is now down to 5%.
  • 维奇,丹麦1767?-1822美国叛乱者,南卡罗来纳州的自由黑奴,他被牵连在一次大规模奴隶起义的谋划中并被处以绞刑,这一事件引起了许南部州更加苛刻的奴隶法
    American insurrectionist. A freed slave in South Carolina, he was implicated in the planning of a large uprising of slaves and was hanged. The event led to more stringent slave codes in many Southern states.
  • 要每日或每周向劳动者预付全部报酬,就必须事先准备好比足够维持现有生产规模更的资本,将其拨归生产使用。不论劳动者得到少报酬,总要比精明的奴隶主为了自身利益而给予奴隶的报酬要些。
    In order that the whole remuneration of the labourers should be advanced to them in daily or weekly payments, there must exist in advance, and be appropriated to productive use, a greater stock, or capital, than would suffice to carry on the existing extent of production: greater, by whatever amount of remuneration the labourers receive, beyond what the self-interest of a prudent slave-master would assign to his slaves.
  • 把耶稣的复活作非神秘化解释使许基督徒不快.
    The demystification of the Resurrection upsets many Christians.
  • 这个世界上还有很偏僻处连公路都没有。
    in many corners of the world they still practice slavery.
  • 公园的栏杆上有很尖头。
    There are many sharp spikes on the railings in the park.
  • vampire(吸血鬼)一词的确切来源是有争议的,大数来源,包括第2版牛津英语辞典(cod),讲该词来自匈牙利语‘vampir’,该词在种斯拉夫方言中都有同根词,可能原先来自北方的土耳其语uber,意为“巫婆”。
    The exact origin of Vampire is disputed. Most sources, including the The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, derive it from the Hungarian vampir. The word has cognates in several Slavic tongues and may originally derive from the northern Turkish uber, meaning witch.
  • 尽管日本人素来以喜爱样子可爱的抱抱玩具而著称,但是此次展销会上如云的顾客和参展者中还有众来自世界其他地区的泰迪迷,有美国人、欧洲人、新加坡人,还有新西兰人。
    Although Japan is known for its slavish devotion to all things cute and cuddly, teddy bear fans and sellers have gathered from far and near, including some from the United States, Europe, Singapore and New Zealand.
  • 和塞而维克语有关的印欧语系的一个分支;波罗的语被认为还保留着原印-欧语的很古老的特征。
    a branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo_European.
  • 大卫犹大和以色列的第二任国王,据旧约记载,他杀死了腓力斯巨人歌利亚,并且接替索尔任国王,他是许赞美诗的据说的作者
    The second king of Judah and Israel. According to the Old Testament, he slew the Philistine giant Goliath and succeeded Saul as king. He is the reputed author of many of the Psalms.
  • 狗拉雪橇由一只或只狗拉的雪橇
    A sled pulled by one or more dogs.
  • 有操作机构的供两个人或更人参加竞赛的长的雪橇。
    a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism.
  • 这些提议中有很会碰到不利情况。
    Many of these proposals could encounter rough sledding.
  • 但是在一个雅致的意大利餐馆就餐,可能就要付10%的小费。
    But a sleek Italian restaurant may require a 10% contribution.
  • 当时她看到图片上整洁而又营养充足穿蓝色校服的学童并不感到有大安慰。
    The sight of sleek well-fed blue-coat boys in pictures, was at that time, little consolatory to her.
  • 但愿有胖子常随我左右,头颅光滑,夜里好睡的胖子;在那儿的卡修斯面黄肌瘦,他想得太了:这样的家伙就是危险。
    Let me have men about me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep a-nights; Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look, He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.
  • 这人长着一双漂亮的腿,也少以此自豪,因为他那质地上乘的褐色长袜穿在腿上裹得紧紧的,闪着光,鞋和鞋扣虽不花哨,却也精巧。
    He had a good leg, and was a little vain of it, for his brown stockings fitted sleek and close, and were of a fine texture; his shoes and buckles, too, though plain, were trim.
  • 鸟类都以虫子为食。
    Many birds eat worms.
  • 卧铺要多少钱?
    How much is a sleeper?