  • 需要特别注明的一条是:许多读者会不理解为什么著名的通用电气公司的ceo杰克.威尔奇的名字没有被入我们的ceo名单当中。
    One note: Many readers will wonder why Jack Welch, the famed CEO of General Electric, does not appear in the following pages.
  • 今日已将下物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。
    We inform you that we have today send the goods to the american wharf addressed to you for shipment per m.s."London maru".
  • 今日已将下物品装于“伦敦号”货轮,运到美国码头,以贵公司为收货人,特此通知。
    we inform you that we have today sent the goods to the American wharf addressed to you for shipment per M. S. " London Maru ":
  • 四条,全边区军民人等一律遵照,不得违背。
    These four regulations must be observed by all members of the armed forces and all civilians throughout the Border Region, and no violation whatsoever will be permitted.
  • 列车员:请等一会儿。
    Please wait for a while.
  • 随着一声长鸣,我们的车缓缓开动了,开始了它的旅程。
    Blowing its whistle, our train moved out, slowly at first.
  • 那演说包含了一系的陈述和很多给自己壮胆子的话。
    The speech contained a series of optimistic statements and much whistling in the dark.
  • 轮生的,有毛轮的轮状排或者轮生的
    Arranged in or forming whorls or a whorl.
  • 的部分成轮状排
    Having parts arranged in a whorl.
  • 二轮的由两个不同的轮生体组成或排的,如花瓣
    Composed of or arranged in two distinct whorls, as the petals of a flower.
  • 花序花的圆形或者螺纹状的排,比如花瓣或者萼片
    A circular or whorled arrangement of flower parts such as those of petals or sepals.
  • 槌球游戏一种用长柄木槌击打木球并使其穿过一系球门的户外游戏
    An outdoor game in which the players drive wooden balls through a series of wickets using long-handled mallets.
  • 因为你不参与,不加入发展的行,差距越来越大。
    Because if we don't, the gap between China and other countries will grow wider.
  • 吗哪在旧约中奇迹般出现的食物,提供给从埃及逃出在荒凉的沙漠中游荡的以色
    In the Old Testament, the food miraculously provided for the Israelites in the wilderness during their flight from Egypt.
  • yourapp在窗口菜单的底部显示当前打开文档窗口
    YourApp displays a list of currently opened document windows at the bottom of the window menu
  • windows有下两个明显的特点:
    Windows has two evident characteristics:
  • 车员:春天经常刮风,很干燥。
    It's often windy and dry in spring.
  • 你用这块脏布擦椅子,结果上下留下了多的脏迹。
    By wiping the dirty cloth over the chair, you've left more marks than before.
  • 老板丢了一份与另一公司的重要合同,所以他正准备进行调查,并出了上周到过他办公室的人的名单。
    The boss has lost an important contract to another company, so now he's organizing a witch hunt and is making lists of those who were in his office during last week.
  • 亚洲金融危机以来,香港特区政府沉着应对,采取了一系有效措施,经受住了严峻考验,显示出管理香港社会、驾驭复杂局势的能力。
    Since the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis, the HKSAR government has calmly coped with the situation and withstood this severe test by adopting a series of effective measures, thereby demonstrating its ability to run Hong Kong society and deal with complicated situations.
  • 世界各地的旅行家和探险家将下七处为现代奇观:
    World travelers and explorers list the following as modern wonders:
  • 财政法中的一览表,在此表中出对林地收入的征税。
    Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charged on income from woodland.
  • 财政法中的一览表,在此表中出对林地收入的征税
    Schedule to the finance act under which tax is charged on income from woodland
  • 木管乐器上一系孔中的某一个;当手指按住其中某一个时就会发生定调变化。
    one of a series of holes in a woodwind instrument; pitch changes when a finger covers it.
  • 你把华滋华斯为哪一类?
    Where do you rank Wordsworth?
  • 比例结果是奇数。结果每个人都乘同一火车离开
    The ratio works out to an odd number. It worked out that everyone left on the same train.
  • 卫生部为环保教育推出了一系活动节目。
    he proposed an elaborate program of public works; working mothers rely on the day care program.
  • 我想请您参观本公司所陈的货品,我相信您会发现,一定不虚此行。
    I'd like you to see the articles we have on display at our office. You will find it a worthwhile visit, I be liver.
  • 某件事情的一系结果。
    a series of consequences wrought by an event.
  • 服务员:您到北京观光之后,可以乘直达车从北京到西安。
    And after you've visited Beijing. You may take through trains from Beijing to Xi'an.
  • 当一火车绕了一个弯的时候,或当一艘游艇张帆疾驶的时候,那种韵律看来是很美的。
    There is that swing so beautiful to look at in a train going around a curve, or a yacht going at full speed with straight sails.
  • 车长:您可以回原来的地方去。
    You can go where you were.