  • 饰品和房间的大小不相称。
    The decorations are not in keeping with the size of the house.
  • 金链花属的一种饰性的灌木或树木;通常被用作复活节的饰品。
    an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum; often cultivated for Easter decorations.
  • 你可以知道圣诞节临近了,因为商店的里里外外都是对诞饰品。
    You can tell when Christmas draws near because he shops are full of decorations.
  • 别再给娃诞蛋糕加饰品了,那会画蛇添足的。
    Don’t put any more decorations on the Christmas cake, that would be gilding the lily.
  • 石松科的单一模式属;植株直立或匍匐,叶常绿,常用作圣诞节的饰品。
    type and sole genus of the Lycopodiaceae; erect or creeping evergreen plants often used for Christmas decorations.
  • 我能赞叹一只古希腊花瓶简单的线条,但我对它的图案饰却是迷惘的。
    I can admire the simple lines of a Greek vase, but its figured decorations are lost to me.
  • 蒂凡尼,路易斯·康福特1848-1933美国艺术家,他发展了一种用于彩色玻璃窗、灯罩和其它饰品的乳白色玻璃
    American artist who developed an opalescent colored glass that he used in stained-glass windows, lamps, and other decorations.
  • 两层以上、上撒霜状白糖、有饰的蛋糕;在婚宴上供应。
    a rich cake with two or more tiers and covered with frosting and decorations; served at a wedding reception.
  • 这棵圣诞树有些象锭子,但用所有的饰品饰后,它们会显得很漂亮。
    The Christmas tree is a big spindly but it will look fine when it's dressed up with all its decorations.
  • 57岁的加西亚太太说:“每当万圣节到来时,我心里很难过,因为我想要挂饰物,可是没有人来欣赏它们。
    "When Halloween came I was miserable because I wanted to hang decorations but there was no one to enjoy them," said Mrs.
  • 12月份那家商店一楼的所有柜台都腾出来陈列专供圣诞季节消费的礼物、饰品及贺卡。
    During December all the counters on the ground floor of the store were given over to the display of gifts, decorations and cards for the festive season.
  • 饰带悬挂在衣服或墙上的饰性的带子或布
    A decorative strip of cloth hung on a garment or wall.
  • 灯罩灯以及它的保护性或饰性外套
    A light and its protective or decorative case.
  • 枝形大烛台带有几个臂或枝状物的大型饰性烛台
    A large decorative candlestick having several arms or branches.
  • 制造饰性的木质面板的人。
    makes decorative wooden panels.
  • 饰的缎带的交织。
    a decorative interlacing of ribbons.
  • 小玩意儿饰用的小摆设;美观的便宜货
    A decorative trinket; a bauble.
  • 在皮革上制作的饰性物品
    Decorative work crafted in leather.
  • 不平常的;有饰或奇异花哨的字体。
    not plain; decorative or ornamented.
  • 由妇女佩戴的饰性别针。
    a decorative pin worn by women.
  • 家庭中的植物的饰性的壶。
    a decorative pot for house plants.
  • 饰性木本蔓常绿灌木植物的一个属。
    decorative evergreen shrubs of woody vines.
  • 蝴蝶结一种带有大的,饰性环的结
    A knot with large, decorative loops.
  • 小装饰品;小件饰物
    A small decorative object; a trinket.
  • 打扮深化…作饰性的修饰;把…打扮得漂亮
    To make decorative additions to; spruce up.
  • 纸饰物一种由折叠纸制成的饰物
    A decorative object made by folding paper.
  • 床单常用于覆盖床的饰品
    A usually decorative covering for a bed.
  • 有刺绣进去或者织进去的饰性图案。
    having a decorative pattern worked or woven in.
  • 一条饰的带用于饰或者修整。
    a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing.
  • 一种饰的结构或外观。
    a decorative texture or appearance of a surface.
  • 有高的摇轴椅背和饰了的顶盘。
    has high spindle back and decorative top panel.
  • 通过剪修灌木或树木做成饰的外形。
    making decorative shapes by trimming shrubs or trees.