  • 他们翻地建一个新园。
    They dug up land for a new garden.
  • 父亲在园里掘出一枚古钱币。
    Father dug up an old coin in the garden.
  • 他们有些人会不惜钱和费事,给房间安装上一个从不使用的假壁炉。
    Some of them liked to spend a great deal of money and trouble in putting in dummy fireplace,which would never be used;
  • 在我们的园里有一棵矮苹果树。
    There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden.
  • 欧洲一种矮生的草本接骨木,粉色,有一种令人作呕的气味。
    dwarf herbaceous elder of Europe having pink flowers and a nauseous odor.
  • 北温带地区精巧常绿低矮草本植物,白色单生顶生;有时列入鹿蹄草属。
    delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola.
  • 北美矮灌木,类似山月桂,但有更窄的叶子和小红;对年幼的树干有毒。
    North American dwarf shrub resembling mountain laurel but having narrower leaves and small red flowers; poisonous to young stock.
  • 了几分钟详细讲述了那个观点。
    He dwell upon that point for several minute.
  • 我的钱渐渐花光了。
    My money had dwindled away.
  • 在游欧期间,他光了所有的钱。
    His money dwindle away to nothing while traveling in europe.
  • 黄色植物染料从含染料的黄属植物中得到的黄色染料
    The yellow dye obtained from dyer's rocket.
  • 嬉皮士把他们的t恤衫染上边。
    The flower children tie-dye their T-shirts.
  • 用指甲染料染(例如,头发)
    To dye(hair, for example) with henna.
  • 北美东部的一种草本植物,其黄可用作染料。
    eastern North American herb whose yellow flowers are (or were) used in dyeing.
  • 美国东部和加拿大的一种染料杂草,开黄,有时用作染料。
    a dyer's weed of Canada and the eastern United States having yellow flowers sometimes used in dyeing.
  • 欧洲的一种多年生植物,具有匍匐根状茎,红色的或粉白色的,其红色的根经常被用作茜草染料的替代品。
    creeping European perennial having red or pinkish-white flowers and red roots sometimes used as a substitute for madder in dyeing.
  • 1998年,我国长江、松江流域遇到罕见的大洪水,大水过后,国家大幅度增加了对防洪工程建设的投入,以堤防建设为重点的防洪工程建设效果明显,以长江流域为重点的防洪工程在今年防汛工作中发挥了巨大作用。
    In 1998, extraordinary floods occurred in the Yangtze and Songhuajiang River Basins. After the floods, the Chinese government increased financial input in flood control project construction on a large scale. The flood control project construction with emphasis on dyke enforcement produced obvious results. The flood control project with the focus on the Yangtze River played a significant role in this year's flood control efforts.
  • 带有复电绕组的发电机产生的高电压能够使在汽油机中的火塞的两极间的电火跳动。
    a small dynamo with a secondary winding that produces a high voltage enabling a spark to jump between the poles of a spark plug in a gasoline engine.
  • 如张着翅膀的鹰一样的溜冰样。
    execute a spread eagle, with arms and legs stretched out.
  • 她把辛苦赚来的大部分钱在衣服上。
    She blew most of her hard-earned money on dress.
  • 我的伯父挣得少得多,很快债台高筑。
    My uncle spent more than he was earning, and soon got into debt.
  • 我把赚的钱都光了。
    I've spent all my earnings.
  • 他把所赚的钱都光了。
    He has spent all his earnings.
  • 他不久就把所赚得的钱全光了。
    He soon spent all his earnings.
  • 她挣来的钱都在衣服上了。
    Allher earnings go on clothes.
  • 饰上釉陶器模仿这种陶器制作的陶器
    Pottery made in imitation of this earthenware.
  • 岗岩纹陶器陶器上有类似岗岩斑点的釉料
    Earthenware with a speckled glaze resembling granite.
  • 莫奈把他的水上园变成了画中的人间天堂。
    Monet depicted his water garden as the earthly paradise he had himself created.
  • 导游:这里是坤宁宫,皇帝和皇后必须在这儿过洞房烛夜。
    And here is the palace of Earthly Tranquillity where the emperor and the empress had to spend their wedding night.
  • 欧茨,乔伊斯·卡罗尔生于1938美国作家,作品常涉及美国社会的爱情和暴力。她的小说作品中有《尘世之光的园》(1967年)和《美丽》(1980年)
    American writer whose works often concern love and violence in American society. Among her novels are A Garden of Earthly Delights(1967) and Bellefleur(1980).
  • 有块根植物任一种其它类似落生的植物,如
    Any of various other plants, such as the peanut, similar to the earthnut.
  • 雌雄同体兼有雄性和雌性生殖器官的生物体,如蚯蚓或雌雄同的植物
    An organism, such as an earthworm or a monoclinous plant, having both male and female reproductive organs.