  • 这个事件似乎是不可的。
    The accident seemed impossible.
  • 但在半殖民地半封建的旧中国,中国教会真正实现独立自主自办是根本不可的。
    However, in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal old China it was absolutely impossible for Chinese churches to maintain real independence and realize self-management.
  • 不过这也可是真的:首先,拉瓦伊阿克并没有同谋者;其次,即使万一有,他的同谋者也可与一六一八年那场火灾毫无关系。
    To be sure, it is quite possible that Ravaillac had no accomplices, also that, even if he had, they were in no way accessory to the fire of 1618.
  • 瓜尔豆一种一年生植物(瓜尔豆瓜尔豆属),可为印度特产,适于在半干旱地区生长,作为饲料栽培,其种子可提炼出瓜尔豆胶
    An annual plant(Cyamopsis tetragonolobus) probably native to India, adapted to semiarid regions and grown as a forage crop and for its seeds, from which guar gum is obtained.
  • 够扩大的半导体装置。
    a semiconductor device capable of amplification.
  • 进行大量的处理和控制系统的集成电路半导体芯片。
    an integrated circuit semiconductor chip that performs the bulk of the processing and controls the parts of a system.
  • 集成电路中执行一系列电子功的一小片晶体硅半导体。
    a small crystal of a silicon semiconductor fabricated to carry out a number of electronic functions in an integrated circuit.
  • 即便最乐观的半导体研究者都说,以硅为原料的计算机芯片或许最多还存在15年左右。
    Even the most optimistic semiconductor researchers say that silicon-based computer chips may only have 15 years or so left in them.
  • 子系统或设备的基本组成部分或功部件之中的一个。它可以是一种独立的元件,也可以是若干部件、装配件或附件的组合。
    One of the essential, functioning parts of a subsystem or equipment, possibly a self-contained element, or a combination of parts, assemblies, attachments, or accessories.
  • 通常用半导体技术制作的、具有标准化尺寸的一种微型电子器件,实现一种或多种电路功
    A tiny electronic device with standardized dimensions(usually fabricated using semiconductor techniques) capable of performing one or more functions in a circuit.
  • 半导体有多小它们就多小;因此,工程师够把数以兆计的碳纳米管安在一块芯片上。
    They're as small as a semiconductor can get, so engineers will be able to pack trillions of them onto a single chip.
  • 幼年时期的纪律观念够影响另一个成长期。
    seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another.
  • 正如1897年电子的发现是20世纪里的惊人的事件一样,1953年詹姆斯·沃森突发奇想,对弗朗西斯·克里克说出了四种核酸如何配对形成dna(脱氧核糖核酸)分子自复制的密码--这一事件为21世纪播撒下了种子。
    Just as the discovery of the electron in 1897 was a seminal event for the 20th century,the seeds for the 21st century were spawned in 1953,when James Watson blurted out to Francis Crick how four nucleic acids could pair to form the self? copying code of a DNA molecule.
  • 不知道我参加这个研讨课?
    I wonder if I can get into this seminar.
  • 用来作为暂时系泊处的锚;带有够渗进土中的碗状的头。
    an anchor used for semipermanent moorings; has a bowl-shaped head that will dig in however it falls.
  • 一种胶状溶剂的浓缩它的胶体将不穿过半透明的隔膜。
    the concentration of a colloidal solution whose colloid will not pass through a semipermeable membrane; solution is placed in a bag of the membrane and the solvent is evaporated off.
  • 细胞生物内最小的够独立发挥作用的结构单位,包括一个或多个细胞核、细胞质和各种细胞器官,均由具半透性的细胞膜包着
    The smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, consisting of one or more nuclei, cytoplasm, and various organelles, all surrounded by a semipermeable cell membrane.
  • 先锋霉素i,头孢霉菌素头孢菌素的一种半人工合成替代物,有广谱抗生性,注射使用,尤其用于治疗由过敏微有机物体引起的系统感染
    A semisynthetic analogue of cephalosporin having a broad spectrum of antibiotic activity that is administered parenterally and used especially to treat systemic infections caused by susceptible microorganisms.
  • 某些合成或半合成物质的类属名,该类物质铸成或压成物体、薄膜、纤维,或用于制造包装和粘合剂等。
    generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives.
  • 说真的,欧洲一词与阿拉伯语的西方一词(maghrib)很可来源于闪米特语系的意思是“太阳落下”的同一个词根。
    indeed, Europe and the Arabic Maghrib may well be derived from the same Semitic root, referring to the setting of the sun.
  • 鹦鹉多种热带和亚热带鹦形目鸟类中的任一种,其特征是长有短钩喙,亮色羽毛,有些种类的鸟模仿人的话语或其它声音
    Any of numerous tropical and semitropical birds of the order Psittaciformes, characterized by a short hooked bill, brightly colored plumage, and, in some species, the ability to mimic human speech or other sounds.
  • 这些人自觉地选择了自己的职业,并且凭着对职业的热爱和联想力从事自己的工作。
    It's made up of all those who've consciously cho sen their calling and do their job with love and imagination.
  • 帕蒂说,"修正法案是要将不多的联邦资源用在刀刃上,用在最发挥作用的地方。
    ''The amendment targets scarce federal resources to where they will work best,'' said its author, Sen.Patty Murray, D-Wash.
  • 派是必要的,但一定要少而精,要派真正帮助他们的干部,至于用什么名义,这要跟他们商量。
    Sending them there is a must, but we should send only a few selected ones who can truly help them. We should consult with the local people to determine in what capacity these cadres should be dispatched.
  • 为了减少来回发送的消息数量,功强大的用户还可以使用“命令链”发送几个按顺序呼叫的命令。
    In order to reduce the number of messages sent back and forth, power users may user “command chaining” to send several commands that get called sequentially.
  • oracle9ias使web网站和企业或消费者应用程序可以从任意浏览器或移动设备上都访问到。
    Oracle9iAS makes your Web site and all your enterprise or consumer applications accessible from any browser or mobile device.
  • 终止对磁带的处理,并且它的内容不再被访问。
    To terminate the processing of a magnetic tape in a way that its contents are no longer accessible.
  • 他说,信可已退还寄信人了。
    He said the letter might have been returned to the sender.
  • 不过即使面对这样的引诱,数以百万计深谙计算机的电脑使用者也很可将其看作是从某位不知名的发送者发来的垃圾邮件而不予理睬。
    Even with that come?on, millions of computer?savvy people would likely have ignored it as junk mail from an unknown sender.
  • 邮寄人指明的邮件不投递时的返还地址。
    the address of the sender of a letter or parcel indicating where it should be returned if it cannot be delivered.
  • 如果报文接收方也肯定公开密钥属于正确的发送者,文档也被认为是可信的。
    If the message recipient is also certain that the public key belongs to the right sender, the document can be considered authentic.
  • 保密性——确保只有发送者和预期的接收者够读取消息的内容(比如信用卡号、帐号等)
    Privacy – ensure that only the sender and the intended recipient can read the contents of a message (such as credit card numbers, account numbers, etc)