  • 在科学研单位,应该有研员(一级研员、二级研员、三级研员)、副研员、助理研员、研实习员这样的职称。
    In scientific research institutions, there should be research fellows (of the first, second or third grade), associate researchers, assistant researchers and research trainees.
  • 英国哈威尔的原子能研所;
    Altomic Energ y Research Establishment at Harwell, England;
  • 如果需要,我可寄去我在本科和研生学习期间的成绩单。
    Transcripts of my undergraduate and graduate records can be arranged.
  • 力能学研能量的流动及转变的学科
    The study of the flow and transformation of energy.
  • 教授把自己的研热忱移注给学生。
    The professor transfused his enthusiasm for research into his students.
  • 在20世纪40年代末期,研者发明了晶体管。
    During the late 1940s, researchers invented the transistor.
  • 我们研机器翻译已经八年了。
    We have studied Machine Translation for eight years.
  • 性病学对性传染疾病的研
    The study of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • 到1934年初,我们在研这些正电子排斥现象时才注意到,在蜕变和当时产生所有其他反应之间存在着一种根本性区别:所有被诱导的核化学反应都是瞬时现象,即爆炸现象。
    It was at the beginning of 1934, while working on the emission of these positive electrons that we noticed a fundamental difference between that transmutation and all the others so far produced; all the reactions of nuclear chemistry induced were instantaneous phenomena, explosions.
  • 一项研表明,由于高强度训练导致中风或者心脏病突发事件在过去的20年中增长了3倍。
    According to one study, cases where strokes and heart problems have been triggered by intensive workouts have trebled in the last 20 years.
  • 科学技术的整体实力大为增强,建立起了专业比较配套、布局比较合理、具有新疆区域特征的研与开发体系、技术推广体系、科技管理和服务体系;
    The overall strength of science and technology has increased tremendously. The region has established a research and development system, a technology popularization system, and a sci-tech administration and service system with relatively complete and supplementary disciplines, relatively rational distribution and distinctive local characteristics;
  • 为了满足额外的需求,研资局获教资会增拨2,000万元,于该三年度内再推行一轮合作研中心计划。
    To meet additional demand, the council obtained a further grant of $20 million from the UGC to enable a further exercise to be conduced in the triennium for the CRC Scheme.
  • 为了鼓励工业界参与和支持高等教育院校进行的应用研,研资局于一九九八至二零零一的三年度拨款2,000万元成立多个新的合作研中心。每个中心均有一个或以上的工商界伙伴。
    To stimulate and encourage industrial participation in and support for applied research in the tertiary institutions, the RGC allocated $20 million in the 1998-2001 triennium for the establishment of new Co-operative Research Centres (CRC), each of which had one or more industrial/business partners.
  • 三角学数学的分支研三角形边、角关系以及在此基础上的计算,尤其是三角函数
    The branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and the calculations based on them, particularly the trigonometric functions.
  • 有益的影片、研、旅行
    A rewardingfilm, study, trip
  • 例如:有关低体重出生研方面,研者们已然考虑到这样的事实,即那些想通过医学手段而受精生育的夫妻们年龄比一般生育年龄大些,而且一次多胎--双胞胎、三胞胎等等。
    In the low-birth-weight study,for example,the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births--twins,triplets and so on.
  • 我们的许多研都浪费在一些无足轻重的琐事上。
    Much of our research is wasted on trivia.
  • 工作被描绘成学术领域的特洛伊木马计,其工作人员几乎已经占领了智力城。
    Research is being described as the academic Trojan horse whose personnel have all but captured the city of the intellect.
  • 我对离心分离机铝管的用途没有什么专门研,但是作为一名陆军老兵,我可以告诉你两件事:第一,令我非常奇怪的是这些铝管的耐力将远远超过美国相同级别的火箭弹弹体材料,也许伊拉克比美国制造常规武器的标准更高,但我不这样认为。
    I am no expert on centrifuge tubes, but just as an old Army trooper, I can tell you a couple of things: First, it strikes me as quite odd that these tubes are manufactured to a tolerance that far exceeds U.S. requirements for comparable rockets. Maybe Iraqis just manufacture their conventional weapons to a higher standard than we do, but I don't think so.
  • 全球大气研计划大西洋热带实验
    GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment
  • 这个问题很小,不值得研
    It's such a small point that it's hardly worth troubling about.
  • 虽然新儿的母亲死了不上三个月,他父亲就替他继续了一个母亲,竟不是裂开肚皮的,怎知道他是那一天生日呢?
    In less than three months after Xin-er's mother died, his father married a step-mother for him. Since he had not popped out from his step mother's tummy, how could she know when his birthday was?
  • 他打算明年进研所;这些造反者打算造成骚动、混乱。
    He plans to be in graduate school next year; The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion.
  • 澳大利亚研海龟的专家认为,1900年巴厘岛曾生存着世界上1/3的海龟。
    Turtle experts in Australia believe that in 1900 the region was home to up to one third?of the world's turtles.
  • 澳大利亚研海龟的专家认为,1900年巴厘岛曾生存着世界上1/3的海龟。
    Turtle experts in Australia believe that in 1900 the region was home to up to one third?of the world's turtles.
  • 这位研生得一个字一个字地读他导师写的东西。
    The graduate student has to spell out what his tutor had written.
  • 学院里每位研员都是各自学科的导师,对学习该学科的本科生进行指导。
    Each Fellow in a college is tutor in his own subject to the undergraduates who are studying it.
  • 各学院通常由二三十位研员管理,同时,这些研员采用导师制对各自的学生授课。
    Each college is governed by its Fellows, of whom there are usually about twenty or thirty, and they are also responsible for teaching their own students through the tutorial system.
  • 人员采用了进行这种先天——后天研的金牌标准:孪生孩子。
    The researchers used the gold standard for such nature- nurture studies:twins.
  • 一些国家的科学家们正在设法说服他们的政府帮助他们研不明飞行物。
    Scientists in some countries are trying to persuade their governments to help them study UFOs.
  • 例如,英国开创了许多鼓励创新,鼓励研和发展投资的行动。
    For example,the UK has initiated actions to stimulate innovation and investment in research and development.
  • 这些字之间终没有多大差别。
    Ultimately, there is not much difference between these words.