Chinese English Sentence:
  • 而,阴郁、粗鲁的罗切斯特尽管疼痛难忍,却执意不让别人搀扶,要自行回到家里去。
    But the gruff, burly Rochester insists on getting home unaided although he is in great pain.
  • 去年十二月中,他忽来了一封信,是从坤甸寄来的,大意说他从父亲死后,油木皇生意失败,家中不能存活,不得已带着妻子来这里当一个教员,已有两年多了。
    Last December, a letter from him suddenly appeared, posted from Burma . The gist of the letter said that his father had passed away, and the oil milling business had collapsed. His family could no longer maintain a livelihood and he had no choice but to take his family to Burma where he had been a teacher for more than two years.
  • 如果你们的城市使用天气,每当你打开开关,你打开的那条管道的另一端可能埋在一千英里开外的地下。
    If your city uses natural gas, whenever you turn on a gas burner, you open a pipe whose other end may go down into the ground a thousand miles or more away.
  • 炉火突然旺了起来。
    The fire burnt up suddenly.
  • 枯枝忽然燃烧起来。
    The dry sticks burnt into flames.
  • 他的愤怒/热情已经荡无存。
    His anger/enthusiasm has burnt out.
  • 拇趾囊肿胀大拇趾第一关节处疼痛的,发炎的囊肿,特征是关节肿大,后拇趾移位
    A painful, inflamed swelling of the bursa at the first joint of the big toe, characterized by enlargement of the joint and lateral displacement of the toe.
  • 隔壁房间里突爆发出一阵笑声。
    There was a burst of laughter in the next room.
  • 她突然闯进门。
    She burst through the door.
  • 他们突然大笑起来。
    They burst out laughing.
  • 大笑起来;突哭起来
    Burst out laughing; burst into tears.
  • 突然的感情爆发
    A burst of passion.
  • 她突然唱起歌来。
    She burst into song.
  • 他突然号啕大哭。
    She burst into tears.
  • 太阳突然出来了。
    The sun burst through.
  • 窗突然开了。
    The window burst open.
  • 突然笑哭起来
    Burst out laughing( crying)
  • 突然笑哭起来
    Burst out into laughter( tears)
  • 突然出现在门边
    Burst out of the door.
  • 他突然出了一身汗。
    He burst out in perspiration.
  • 他突然把门推开。
    He burst the door open.
  • 她突出了一身冷汗。
    She burst out in perspiration.
  • 她突开始唱起歌来了。
    She suddenly burst into song.
  • 他们猛然推开了门。
    They burst the gate open.
  • 大家突然笑了起来。
    The crowd burst out laughing.
  • 他恍然大悟。
    The truth burst upon him.
  • 山谷突出现在眼前。
    The valley burst into view.
  • 从她囗中发出一声尖叫。
    A scream burst from her lips.
  • ,这些原因是确实的,激发我们的学习积极性,埋头于厚厚的语言教科书,并跟着盒音带重复单调乏味的语声。
    Of course,these reasons are valid and motivate us to bury our heads in thick language textbooks and repeat after a monotonous voice on an audiocassette.
  •  他是深通世故的,他不会不懂得这个道理,不论哪一个,如果有一粒宝石要出卖,把它埋在一袋小麦里带到市场总不是最好办法,虽小麦是极有用的;聪明的办法莫过于把这粒宝石摆在最显眼的地方。
    He had too much worldly wisdom not to perceive that whoever wishes to sell a precious jewel does not bring the treasure to market most profitably by burying it in a sack of wheat, however useful the grains of wheat may be, but better by exposing it at the forefront.
  • 生意象往常一样井有序地进行着
    Business proceeded as usual.
  • (装的好像在做事)当可以。还有谢谢您打电话给taylor与stern。
    ( businesslike, to cover up) certainly. And thank you so much for call taylor and stern.