  • 我们正向家的向走去。
    We are heading home.
  • 他把发言内容归纳成四个主要面。
    He arranged his speech under four main heads.
  • 一下起雨来,观众就纷纷找地躲避。
    The spectators scuttled for shelter when it began to rain.
  • 奴隶制国家;可以蓄奴的南
    a slave state; the slaveholding South.
  • 像猪一般的饮食式;像猪一般的胖脸小男孩和他的猪一般大肚皮的父亲。
    piggish table manners; the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father; swinish slavering over food.
  • 奴隶制生产方式
    slavery mode of production
  • 奴隶制度合法的地
    where slavery was legal.
  • 奴隶制被禁止的地
    where slavery was prohibited.
  • 奴隶制生产式的解体
    disintegration of the slavery mode of production
  • 作为俄国官语言的塞而维克语。
    the Slavic language that is the official language of Russia.
  • 俄语苏联的官语言,属斯拉夫语系
    The Slavic language of the Russians that is the official language of the Soviet Union.
  • vampire(吸血鬼)一词的确切来源是有争议的,大多数来源,包括第2版牛津英语辞典(cod),讲该词来自匈牙利语‘vampir’,该词在多种斯拉夫言中都有同根词,可能原先来自北的土耳其语uber,意为“巫婆”。
    The exact origin of Vampire is disputed. Most sources, including the The Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, derive it from the Hungarian vampir. The word has cognates in several Slavic tongues and may originally derive from the northern Turkish uber, meaning witch.
  • 他的追随者们盲目地相信他提出的新饮食法。
    his followers slavishly believed in his new diet.
  • 他们在辟谣面反应迅速。
    They've been very swift to deny these rumors.
  • 平底雪撬一种由薄板制成的狭长的无滑板雪撬,在前末端向上卷起
    A long, narrow, runnerless sled constructed of thin boards curled upward at the front end.
  • 逆时针比赛这种雪橇逆时针向的比赛
    A competition in which these sleds race against a clock.
  • 如果合作的滩头阵地能逼退猜忌的丛林,那么就让双共同作一次新的努力;不是建立一种新的均势,而是创造一个新的法治世界,在这个世界中,强者公正,弱者安全、和平将得到维护。
    And, if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor not a new balance of power but a new world of law, where the strong are just, and the weak secured, and the peace preserved.
  • 以光滑、有光泽的式。
    in a sleek glossy manner.
  • 一般斗牛犬小而健壮的变种,皮毛圆滑,头。
    small stocky version of the bulldog having a sleek coat and square head.
  • 没有睡着;以失眠的式。
    without sleep; in a sleepless manner.
  • 销售面的初级职位。最终目标:销售部门的经理。
    An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal; manager of marketing department.
  • 以纤细或者苗条的式。
    in a slim or slender manner.
  • 金属线状物如在细或坚韧面象金属线的东西,金属丝状物
    Something resembling a wire, as in slenderness or stiffness.
  • 这是我的最后报价。
    This is our final offer.
  • 如要设计35毫米见的幻灯片,请单击文件菜单中的幻灯片设置选项。
    To design slides that are the correct height and width for 35mm-slide output, click Slide Setup on the file menu.
  • 投手可以采用各种不同的握球法投出,如曲线球,滑球、指节球和快球等。
    He uses various grips, such as the curve ball, the knuckle ball, the slider, and the fast ball.
  • 自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活式。
    Free will makes us able to choose our way of life.
  • 塌方滑落的成堆物质
    The mass that slides.
  • 与此同时,日本将陷入更深的经济衰退困境;今年各面所经历的出产量衰退情况将会重现。
    At the same time, Japan slides deeper into a slump, and we see all the output declines of this past year repeated.
  • 带有足枷的长形铁镣一种带有滑动脚镣的长条形铁条,以前用于束缚犯人的脚
    An iron bar to which sliding fetters are attached, formerly used to shackle the feet of prisoners.
  • 中国是一个有着悠久历史的东国家。
    China is an oriental country with a long history.
  • 我新车的向盘对轻微的触摸都会作出响应。
    The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch.