  • (炮或弹药箱)从牵引车上卸下来
    To detach(a gun or caisson) from its limber.
  • 预告,为…的征兆预示着重大事情或灾难性事情即发生的预兆;预告
    An indication of something important or calamitous about to occur; an omen.
  • 对于这地势很低的海滨地区,飓风是一场灾难
    A hurricane would be a calamity for this low-lying coastal region.
  • 这篇文章十分特别。这篇文章认为中国即遭遇大的灾难或破产,并且大祸临头。
    This article is very special. According to that article, it seems as though China is about to encounter a big calamity or insolvency and a major disaster is looming close by.
  • 明天我要去拜访他。
    Tomorrow I'll pay a call on him.
  • 我们给这婴儿取名詹姆斯。
    We'll call the baby James.
  • 将卫兵集合起来
    Call out the guard.
  • 否则由验证服务返回的错误信息被原封不动地传给调用者,同时保存操作失败。
    Otherwise the error information returned by the validation service will be returned to the caller unchanged and the save operation will fail.
  • 原先分置的保管、陈列和研究三个部门进行改组,成立了古器物部、古书画部、宫廷部和展览宣教部。新组建了资料信息中心,专司推进故宫博物院的信息化工作。
    Where previously there were three departments covering conservation, exhibition and research, these have now been split up into the department of antiquities; the department of paintings and calligraphy; the palace department;
  • 中国大军和宰相曾国藩在他的一封家书里说:书法只有两个基本的原则,就是形式和表现。
    Tseng Kuofan said in one of his family letters that the only two living principles of art in calligraphy are form and expression, and that one of the greatest calligraphists of the time.
  • 他很傲慢,有时也冷漠;空旷的地方有时也为丛生的树木所阻断;他们有时来纽约;她不时心爱的书从书架上拿下来给我们读一番;我们一起开着车,美丽的风景不时吸引着他的注意。
    he was arrogant and occasionally callous; open areas are only occasionally interrupted by clumps of trees; they visit New York on occasion; now and again she would take her favorite book from the shelf and read to us; as we drove along, the beautiful scenery now and then attracted his attention.
  • 如果他们做事能更沉着一点,从容一点,而不是一天的活一下子拼命干完,那就好了!
    If only they'd do things a little more calmly and quietly instead of steaming through their day's work at full throttle!
  • 小时候,国庆检阅礼即到来的那一段日子,都会让我感到很兴奋,还有一种和其他国人和我们的家园认同的感觉。
    When I was still a little kid and the time for NDP rolled around, the feeling surrounding those days was always one of excitement and camaraderie with fellow Singaporeans and this place we call home.
  • 我们希望不久能告知贵公司麻纱已全部售完。
    We hope soon to announce to you that we shall close the sale of the cambric.
  • 参加剑桥初级证书考试。
    She's going in for the Cambridge First Certificate.
  • 我的儿子今后几年就读于剑桥。
    My son will be up at Cambridge in the next few years.
  • 后来剑桥大学的戴维·凯林,这种现象定义为“无水的生命”。
    Later David Keilin of the University of Cambridge termed this phenomenon as life without water.
  • 他在重物往骆驼的背上捆绑。
    He is binding a burden on the camel 's back.
  • 那个外国男子已打捆堆放的物品解开,摆放在床上,然后进行拍摄。
    The cameraman untied the articles, spread them on the bed and began to shoot.
  • 该公司的卡梅伦.雷诺兹说:"我们正在这项技术扩展到具有商业价值的大型动物中去,例如牛、羊,这是我们打算经营的领域。
    "This technique we are expanding into the large commercial animals, such as cows and sheep, where much of our business is intended to be." says ProBio's Cameron Reynolds.
  • 他们用树枝和树叶坦克伪装起来。
    They covered their tank with leaves and branch as camouflage.
  • 我们在这里搭帐篷。
    We shall set up camp here.
  • 他们先篝火封好,然后便去睡觉。
    They damped down the campfire and then went to bed.
  • 我们去挪威野营旅游。
    We are going camping in norway.
  • 校长领我们看看校园。
    The headmaster will see us around the campus.
  • 她在银行抓住一位顾客,并用她从一部有关芝加哥匪徒的电视剧上看到的一种方式香水枪顶住她的腋下,她逼进经理室。
    She grabbed a customer at the bank and bundled her into the manager's office, pressing the perfume canister into her side in a style she had noticed on a TV film about Chicago gangsters.
  • 有些人想私有大麻合法化.
    Some people want to legalize the possession of cannabis.
  • 食品加工成罐头的工厂。
    where food is canned.
  • 罐头工厂一个鱼、蔬菜或其他食物制成罐头的工厂
    A factory where fish, vegetables, or other foods are canned.
  • 插管一根套管插入(一个体腔、导管或血管)以排出液体或服用药物
    To insert a cannula into(a bodily cavity, duct, or vessel), as for the drainage of fluid or the administration of medication.
  • 独木舟树干挖空做成的小舟;独木舟
    A canoe made from a hollowed tree trunk; a piragua.
  • 独木舟树干中心挖空制成的独木舟;独木舟
    A canoe made by hollowing out a tree trunk; a dugout.