  • 神的名字是忌讳说的
    The ineffable name of the Deity.
  •     (e)一代表仅能代表一个国家,并以一个国家义投票。
    A delegate may represent, and vote in the name of, one country only.
  •  (3)(a)除适用(b)项规定的情况外,一代表仅能代表一个国家。
    (a) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (b), a delegate may represent one country only.
  •  (5)(a)除(b)项规定外,一代表只能以一国义投票。
    (a) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (b), a delegate may vote in the name of one country only.
  •     (b)每一国政府应有一代表,该代表可以由若干副代表、顾问和专家辅助。
    The Government of each country shall be represented by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors, and experts.
  •     (b)执行委员会务成员国政府应各有一代表,该代表可以由若干副代表、顾问和专家辅助。
    The Government of each country member of the Executive Committee shall be represented by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors, and experts.
  •  作为一运动员、教练员和体育管理者,尤其是作为奥运会的技术官员,我最大的体会是:在奥运会中,没有什么比运动员的利益更重要了。
    Having been an athlete, coach and a sport administrator-and in particular having served as a technical delegate at the Olympics-I have learned that nothing in the Olympic Games is more important than the interest of the athlete.
  • 义上,布尔加宁是苏联代表团的团长,赫鲁晓夫只是代表团的一个成员。
    Nominally Bulganin was the head of the Soviet delegation and Khruschev was only one of the members of the delegation.
  • 册上除掉某人的
    delete one's name from the list
  • 请把我的字从你的单上删除。
    Please delete my name from your list.
  • 他的字被从候选人的单上除去。
    His name was deleted from the list of candidates.
  • 当一个统治者代替另一位时,就会有一串字从历史书上除
    When one dictator replaces another, a fresh set of names has often to be deleted from the history books.
  • 成员说,这次的演说其实有很多的观念性文字都没有放进去,包括“中国人”和“中国文化”都没有放进去,连“一个中国,各自表述”也被最后删掉了。
    References to many key concepts had been omitted from the speech, the writer admitted. For example, "the Chinese people" and "Chinese culture" were missing, and even the "one-China principle open to interpretation by both sides" was deleted from the final version.
  • 这位被卷入漩涡中的姑娘叫德维亚尼·拉娜(devyanirana),她并不是一般人想象的那种出身贫寒的灰姑娘,拉娜有着很深厚的家庭背景。
    The Hindustan Times reported that Rana left grief-stricken Kathmandu for safety reasons on Saturday afternoon onboard a flight to New Delhi.
  • 斋浦尔印度西北部城市,位于德里西南以南。建于1728年,曾是12世纪建立的古国的中心,并且以其城墙、防御工事和许多房屋呈粉红色而闻。人口977,165
    A city of northwest India south-southwest of Delhi. The center of a former state established in the12th century, Jaipur was founded in1728 and is noted for its walls and fortifications and the pink color of many of its houses. Population,977, 165.
  • 独行持枪匪徒,将12熟食店的工作人员赶进两间冷冻室,抢走了9000美元。这些人一辈子也没如此受冻(受惊)过。
    A long gunman gave a dozen deli employees the chill of their life when he herded them into two walk-in freezers and make off with $9,000.
  •  三、各个界别的划分,以及每个界别中何种组织可以产生选举委员的额,由香港特别行政区根据民主、开放的原则制定选举法加以规定。
    3. The delimitation of the various sectors, the organizations in each sector eligible to return Election Committee members and the number of such members returned by each of these organizations shall be prescribed by an electoral law enacted by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with the principles of democracy and openness.
  • 上述分区直接选举的选区划分、投票办法,各个功能界别和法定团体的划分、议员额的分配、选举办法及选举委员会选举议员的办法,由香港特别行政区政府提出并经立法会通过的选举法加以规定。
    The division of geographical constituencies and the voting method for direct elections therein; the delimitation of functional sectors and corporate bodies, their seat allocation and election methods; and the method for electing members of the Legislative Council by the Election Committee shall be specified by an electoral law introduced by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and passed by the Legislative Council.
  • 第十二条 县级以上人民政府可以对风景胜区水体、重要渔业水体和其他具有特殊经济文化价值的水体,划定保护区,并采取措施,保证保护区的水质符合规定用途的水质标准。
    Article 12 The people's governments at or above the county level may delineate protection zones for water bodies in scenic or historic sites, major fishery water bodies and other water bodies of special economic or cultural value, and take measures to ensure that the water quality in those protection zones complies with the standards for the designated uses.
  • 委员会由一高等法院法官出任主席,负责向行政长官提交地方选区和区议会选区的分界建议,就立法会选举、区议会选举和行政长官选举的实务安排订立规定,以及处理与这些选举有关的投诉。
    It is responsible for making recommendations to the Chief Executive on the delineation of geographical constituencies and District Council constituencies, making regulations on practical arrangements for the Legislative Council election, the District Council election and the Chief Executive election, and handling complaints relating to these elections.
  • 我恐怕他最终会成为一青少年罪犯。
    I'm afraid he'll ultimately become a juvenile delinquency.
  • 我恐怕他最终会成为一青少年罪犯。
    I'm afraid he'll ultimately become a juvenile delinquent.
  • 狄克尼,詹姆斯·拉斐特生于1923美国作家,更是一个诗人,虽然其的小说解救(1970年)最有
    American writer, especially of poetry, although he is perhaps best known for his novel Deliverance(1970).
  • 新教徒向人群发表了演说。
    A Protestant delivered a speech to the crowd.
  • 在这497巨富中,有25位年龄在40岁以下,排最前的是列第18位的戴尔公司创始人,现年37岁的迈克·戴尔。
    Only 25 on the list are under 40, led by 37-year-old computer founder Michael Dell at No.18.
  • 年内,该机构派遣代表团参加了10个海外大型旅游业展览,并且为约138旅游业从业员及32国际传媒代表,共举办了9个旅行团前往珠江三角洲了解情况。
    During the year, the organisation was represented at 10 major travel trade shows overseas and organised nine familiarisation trips to the Pearl River Delta for some 138 travel trade personnel and 32members of the international media.
  • 事实上,就以上两星期来说,香港不少从事跨界制造业的企业家告诉我,他们在成本上仍然具有相当强的竞争力。请不要忘记,跨界设厂的香港制造商在珠江三角洲聘用了超过4,000,000内地雇员。
    In fact, only in the last two weeks, many of the entrepreneurs in Hong Kong involved in manufacturing across the border - and please remember Hong Kong manufacturers employ more than 4,000,000 people across the border in the Pearl Rioer Delta - told me they remain very competitive in their costs.
  • 首先,要划清社会主义同封建主义的界限,决不允许借反封建主义之来反社会主义,也决不允许用“四人帮”所宣扬的那套假社会主义来搞封建主义。
    First and foremost, we must draw a clear line of demarcation between socialism and feudalism and never allow anyone to oppose socialism under the pretext of opposing feudalism or to use the kind of phoney socialism advocated by the Gang of Four to promote feudalism.
  • 为了做某件不誉的事而贬低了身份
    to demean oneself by doing sth. dishonorable
  • 质量好的片盒不仅能保管好片,还能为你的职业形象增光添彩。
    Not only does a quality case keep the cards neat,but it adds to your professional demeanour.
  • 由代人写作的人、雇佣文人或出版者组成的声不好的文人阶层
    The literary demimonde of ghost writers, hacks, and publicists.
  • 节目终止后,两人又前往田纳西州的纳什维尔,师从同一声乐教师,并在各自发展独唱事业的同时学习舞蹈。
    Following the program's demise,the two headed for Nashville,Tenn.,where they shared a vocal coach and took dance lessons while working on respective solo projects.