  • 位于西班牙东部地中海沿岸的一港口城市。
    a port in southeastern Spain on the Mediterranean.
  • 产于地中海沿岸法国东部的葡萄酒。
    a wine from southeastern France on the Mediterranean coast.
  • 地中海西地区的一种灌木,有雏菊状的头状花。
    shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers.
  • 美拉尼西亚之岛语岛语的一个分支,包括美拉尼西亚语
    A subfamily of the Austronesian languages that includes the languages of Melanesia.
  • 中国文化、印度文化、东亚文化以及欧洲文化等不同文化的融合创造了一个独特的国度。
    The melding of distinct cultures from China, India, Southeast Asia, and Europe has created a unique nation.
  • 澳大利亚和亚洲东部能发出啭鸣高音的鸟类。
    Australian and southeastern Asian birds with a melodious whistling call.
  • 草坪上的白雪正在融化。
    The snow was melting on the South Lawn.
  • 巴特利特田纳西西部的一个城镇,孟斐斯的郊区。人口17,170
    A town of southwest Tennessee, a suburb of Memphis. Population,17, 170.
  • 兰开斯特美国宾夕法尼亚州东部一座城市,位于费城西部。作为一个富饶农业区的贸易中心,它是由德国门诺派教徒在约1709年建成的,它还是1777年大陆会议的会场所在地。人口55,551
    A city of southeast Pennsylvania west of Philadelphia. A trade center in a rich farming region, it was settled by German Mennonites c.1709 and was the meeting place of the Continental Congress in1777. Population,55, 551.
  • 亚洲西的一条河流;流入波斯湾;在远古美索布达米亚地区的几大文明的发展中有重要作用。
    a river in southwestern Asia; flows into the Persian Gulf; was important in the development of several great civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia.
  • 乌尔,迦迪斯的吾珥古代美索不达米亚部苏美尔的城市,遗址在现今伊拉克的东西部。是美索不达米亚最古老的城市之一。在公元前3000年左右是苏美人文化的重要中心,是阿伯拉罕的出生地。在公元前6世纪后衰败
    A city of ancient Sumer in southern Mesopotamia on a site in present-day southeast Iraq. One of the oldest cities in Mesopotamia, it was an important center of Sumerian culture after c.3000 b.c. and the birthplace of Abraham. The city declined after the sixth century b.c.
  • 幼发拉底河西亚的一条河流,流程约为2,735公里(1,700英里),它发源于土耳其中部,流经叙利亚,在伊拉克境内与底格里斯河汇合形成了阿拉伯河。它的流域是古代美索不达米亚文明繁荣的重要发祥地
    A river of southwest Asia flowing about2, 735 km(1, 700 mi) from central Turkey through Syria and into Iraq, where it joins the Tigris River to form the Shatt al Arab. Its waters were a major source of irrigation for the flourishing civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia.
  • 美国西部豆科灌木丛和草地中夜间活动的穴居蟾蜍。
    nocturnal burrowing toad of mesquite woodland and prairies of the United States southwest.
  • 中南矿冶学院
    Central-South Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
  • 设拉子伊朗中西部一城市,在德黑兰西。该城长期以来一直是商业中心,以其出产的地毯和金属制品闻名。古代波斯波利斯城的遗址就在附近。人口800,000
    A city of southwest-central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. It has long been an important commercial center noted for its carpets and metalwork. The ruins of ancient Persepolis are nearby. Population,800, 000.
  • 此诗写明《寄列座诸君子》,这列座诸君,即指当年新加坡洋大学中国语言文学系的诸教授学生,故此诗的水平,就不比寻常了,诗中之暗喻、典故,都有很高的文学造诣。
    The poem was clearly ''Addressed to the Assembly of Scholars." This assembly of scholars refers to the professors and students of Chinese language and literature at Nantah. This poem would be expected to be of an unusually high literary standard. The sophisticated use of metaphors, idioms and allusions in the poem is superb.
  • 我在达拉斯的方卫理公会大学学习戏剧专业,对未来感到忧虑和不安。
    I was studying theater at Southern Methodist University in Dallas and feeling anxious and uncertain about my future.
  • 近年来,周密组织实施了兰州、济京、广州等战区诸军兵种联合军事演习,全面提高了官兵综合素质和高技术条件下部队的整体作战能力。
    In recent years, joint and combined arms exercises have been meticulously organized in the Lanzhou, Jinan, Nanjing and Guangzhou military area commands, greatly raising the comprehensive quality of officers and men and the overall fighting capability of the troops under high-tech conditions.
  • 本港五个次区域分别为都会区、新界东北部、新界西北部、新界东部和新界西部。
    The five sub-regions are the Metro Area, North-East New Territories (NENT), North-West New Territories (NWNT), South-East New Territories (SENT) and South-West New Territories (SWNT).
  • 这些策略把长远的全港概括性整体概念和目标,演绎为本港五个次区域的地区规划目标,五个次区域分别为都会区、新界东北部、新界东部、新界西北部和新界西部。
    They translate long-term, broad-brush territorial concepts and goals into district planning objectives for the five sub-regions of Hong Kong: the Metro area, North-East New Territories (NENT), South-East New Territories (SENT), North-West New Territories (NWNT) and South-West New Territories (SWNT).
  • 岛的中部屹立着新西兰的最高峰,海拔3754米的库克山,其周围是巨大的冰河。
    About midway down the South Island stands Mount Cook, the highest peak in the country at 3,754m, surrounded by giant glaciers.
  • 太平洋的一组火山群岛,位于夏威夷和澳大利亚之间。
    a group of volcanic islands in the S Pacific midway between Hawaii and Australia; its climate and scenery and Polynesian culture make it a popular tourist stop.
  • 墨菲石油在整个美国中西部和方的404家沃尔玛连锁店的停车场上拥有加油站。
    Murphy Oil has gas stations in the parking lots of404WalMart stores across the Midwest and the South.
  • 燕子是候鸟。它们会根据气候在北两地移栖。
    Swallows are migrants. They migrate between the north and south, according to the weather.
  • 这些鸟夏季迁到欧洲;冬季回到部温暖的地方过冬。
    These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
  • 例如,有一种鸻鸟,定巢在加拿大,夏末时,这些鸟从加拿大迁移到美,它们一刻不停地飞行2,500英里,越过海洋。
    A certain kind of plover, for instance, nests in Canada. At the end of the summer these birds migrate from Canada to South America; they fly 2,500 miles, non-stop, over the ocean.
  • 克雷默那意大利北部的一个城市,位于波河沿岸,米兰市的东偏东方。它原先是罗马的一个殖民地,在中世纪时期是一个独立的行政区,直至1334年它被米兰兼并。人口80,758
    A city of northern Italy on the Po River east-southeast of Milan. Originally a Roman colony, it was an independent commune in the Middle Ages until its surrender to Milan in1334. Population,80, 758.
  • 今后5年中国铁路建设的总体部署和目标是:决战西,强攻煤运,建设高速,扩展路网,增加营业里程数。
    Railway construction in the next five years will give priority to southwest China, coal transport, high-speed railways, network expansion and greater mileage of railways opened to traffic.
  • 新加坡华人认识到,在促进华族文化和语言的同时,必须照顾到我国多元种族的背景,以及整个东亚政治和社会的环境。
    The Singaporean Chinese recognise and accept that Chinese culture and Mandarin must be advanced within the multiracial context of Singapore and the political and social milieu of Southeast Asia.
  • 〔16〕“挨户团”是当时湖农村武装的一种,它分常备队和非常备队两部分。
    [16] The "standing household militia" was one of the various kinds of armed forces in the countryside.
  • 有大的星星般的花的生长于北美部的马利筋。
    milkweed of southern North America having large starry purple-pink flowers.
  • 美国西部和墨西哥的马利筋;对家畜有毒害作用。
    milkweed of southwestern United States and Mexico; poisonous to livestock.