  • 支架一种用作装饰或支撑飞檐、搁板等突部分的通常呈涡卷形的支架
    An often scroll-shaped bracket used for decoration or for supporting a projecting member, such as a cornice or shelf.
  • 它像一个排列有序的大货架,windows提供了用户友好的图形接口界面,包括弹式菜单、滚动条、对话框和图标等。
    Like a huge shelf arranged orderly, Windows provides a user-friendly graphical interface including pop-up menus, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, icons and etc.
  • mswindows是一个基于图形的软件系统,它可以运行在ms-dos环境下,它像一个排列有序的大货架,windows提供了用户友好的图形接口界面,包括弹式菜单、滚动条、对话框和图标等。
    Microsoft Windows is a software system based on graphics, which can run under MS-DOS. Like a huge shelf arranged orderly, Windows provides a user-friendly graphical interface including pop-up menus, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, icons and etc.
  • 他奉派任里斯本大使。
    He was accredited ambassador to Lisbon.
  • 在492个洞窟里总面积45000平方米的巨大画卷中,无数历史的碎片连缀了全息的历史图景。这里透露着早期希腊文化、印度文化、伊斯兰文化和中国文化融合的端倪和脉络,这里留下了那些没有印刷术和摄影机的年代里,社会生活各个层面的清晰投影和真实细节。
    In the colossal picture scroll of an area of 45,000 square meters contained in its 492 extant grottoes, numerous fragments of history were jigsawed into a hologram of history, which shows the inklings and traces of the early mergence of the Greek, Indian, Islamic, and the Chinese cultures. What were left here are distinct projections and true details of the everyday life of all social strata in an era that knew neither printing nor photography.
  • "切斯特"在学校篮球队的士气动员会上突然现,还带来了一纸声明,宣布约翰逊为奇多脆奶酪口味的"荣誉代言人"。
    Chester appeared at a pep rally for the basketball team, and presented Johnson with a scrolled declaration proclaiming him an "honorary deputy of cheese."
  • 她抓著我的颈背把我扔了去。
    She grab me by the scruff of my neck and throw me out.
  • 尽管他衣衫褴褛,但他赢得了梅布尔的欢心。她同意和他一起去。
    In spite of the scruffy way he dresses, he scored a bull's eye with Mabel and she's agreed to go out with him.
  • 教育局约占全市预算的四分之一。葛德华先生提将在1989年度花费1亿2300万元在新添及扩大的项目,使该局全部预算达到63亿元。
    The Board of Education accounts for about a fourth of the city's budget. For1989, Mr.Koch proposed to spend$123 million on new and expanded programs, bringing the board's total budget to$6.3 billion.
  • 她仔细地审查了他的作品,然后才允许他寄去。
    She scrutinized his work carefully before allowing him to send it out.
  • 迈克尔.依斯勒是近十年来最色的和最受人欢迎的ceo之一,他是一名颇负责任心的经理,对公司的一切事情都要过问包括动画片中的故事情节以及迪斯尼世界每一个新设计形象的推
    One of the best and most closely followed CEOs of the decade, Eisner is a thoroughly involved manager, scrutinizing everything from story lines in animated films to the design of new rides at Disney World.
  • 壁脚板上用鞋蹭的痕迹
    Scuffs on the skirting-board
  • 除了在看台上有些小混乱外,基本上没多大的拥挤问题。
    There were one or two minor scuffles on the terraces but in the main the match was played without any major crowd problems.
  • 老罗斯福是真诚的喜欢那些底下人,他对白宫里所有的旧役佣人,甚至做杂务的女仆,都叫名字问好。「亚切.白德」曾经有这样一段记述:
    His honest liking for humble people was shown by the fact that he greeted all the old White House servants by name, even the scullery maids.
  • 一位艺术杰的雕塑家
    A sculptor of great artistry.
  • 雕刻家创造来的物品。
    an object created by a sculptor.
  • 这座雕像具体表现雕刻家的情感。
    The statue embodies the sentiment of the sculptor.
  • 他既是著名的雕刻家又是杰的肖像画家。
    He is eminent both as a sculptor and as a portrait painter.
  • 艺术模特作为艺术家的描述对象,尤指被一个画家、雕刻家或摄影家雇佣摆某种姿势的人
    One that serves as the subject for an artist, especially a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer.
  • 的女木雕艺术家伊娃·莱南恩住在列克萨附近。
    Near Lieksa,lives the sculptress Eva Ryynanen,an extraordinary artist who works with wood.
  • 从背景平面上凸的部分高于雕刻部分一半的一种浮雕。
    a sculptural relief in which more than half of each figure projects out from the surrounding plane surface.
  • 她雕塑般美丽的容貌;表现雕塑般逼真的效果;运动员的身体展现一种雕塑般的美。
    her finely modeled features; rendered with...vivid sculptural effect; the sculpturesque beauty of the athletes' bodies.
  • 从这样一堆复杂的条件中创造一件令人信服的雕刻本身就已经是不小的成就。
    To have arrived at something sculpturally convincing out of such a complicated theological recipe would have been achievement enough.
  • 用大理石雕刻来的雕塑。
    a sculpture carved from marble.
  • 新裁的雕塑品;新颖的舞蹈设计
    A witty sculpture; witty choreography.
  • 人人都认为她对现代雕刻艺术做了一项重大贡献。
    Everyone agrees that she made a big contribution to modern sculpture.
  • 形体高周围平刨的一种雕塑。
    sculpture in which the figures are raised above a surrounding flat plane.
  • 这位青年会计账目管理得很色。
    The young accountant keeps excellent accounts.
  • 他们既不是会计员也不是纳员。
    They are neither accountant nor cashier.
  • 而她们又被一群噩梦般的奇形怪状的妇女所代替,白教堂大路边慢吞吞臭烘烘的女人,窑子里酗酒的浮肿的妓女,还有一大群从地狱来的女鬼,她们满嘴粗话,一身肮脏,乔装成妇女模样,掳掠着水手,搜索着海港的垃圾和贫民窟的残渣。
    All these were blotted out by a grotesque and terrible nightmare brood - frowsy, shuffling creatures from the pavements of Whitechapel, gin-bloated hags of the stews, and all the vast hell's following of harpies, vile-mouthed and filthy, that under the guise of monstrous female form prey upon sailors, the scrapings of the ports, the scum and slime of the human pit.
  • 会计正在列开支细目。
    The accountant is breaking down expenditure.
  • 不能再加了,谢谢!-我已经吃得满来了。
    No more, thank you-I'm full to the scuppers.