  • 他是个没有辜负父母期望的(好)孩子。
    He was a boy after the hopes and expectations of his parents.
  • 番评论恰恰强调了推论的错误
    Comments that simply point up flawed reasoning.
  • 你在这点上的推论是错误的。
    Your reasoning on this point is faulty.
  • 晚饭后我们去看了场电影。
    After supper we went to see a film.
  • 演绎推理的过程,在此过程中必然可从所述前提得出个结论;从般推向特殊的推论
    The process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises; inference by reasoning from the general to the specific.
  • 他的书对这问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。
    His book is the best on the subject after mine.
  • 逻辑门研究推理规律的科学,尤其是研究命题中区别于内容的结构和演绎推理中的方法和有效性
    The study of the principles of reasoning, especially of the structure of propositions as distinguished from their content and of method and validity in deductive reasoning.
  • 场无意识的,动机不明的凶杀;没有目标的偶然的战争;个显著的武断的并且不理智的改变。
    a senseless, causeless murder; a causeless war that never had an aim; an apparently arbitrary and reasonless change.
  • 三人划艇法划动这种船的方法,前后两人各执个桨,中间人执双桨
    The method of rowing such a boat, in which the persons fore and aft use one oar each and the person amidships uses two.
  • 律师提出了些新理由。
    The lawyer brought forward some new reasons.
  • 切表明我本不该讲话,真是的,记者招待会“安排得再好也会出问题。”
    All of which shows that I should have held my tongue. The "bestlaid" press conferences of "mice and men gang aft agley".
  • 短纵梁纵向短肋梁之,联接支撑船甲板的横梁
    One of the short timbers running fore and aft that connect the transverse beams supporting the deck of a ship.
  • 幅曾经裱好的画再打乱,让别人根据它的内部联系来重新排好。
    a puzzle that requires you to reassemble a picture that has been mounted on a stiff base and cut into interlocking pieces.
  • 惟独第三次战役,因为不料敌人经过第二次战役那么惨败之后,新的进攻来得那么快(九三年五月三十日我们结束第二次反“围剿”的作战,七月日蒋介石就开始了他们的第三次“围剿”),红军仓卒地绕道集中,就弄得十分疲劳。
    It was only during the third campaign that the Red Army was very fatigued by the detour it had hastily had to make in order to reassemble, because we had not expected the enemy to launch a new offensive so quickly after suffering such a crushing defeat in the second campaign (we ended our second counter-campaign on May 31, 1931, and Chiang Kai-shek began his third "encirclement and suppression" campaign on July 1).
  • 桅上斜杆,圆桁种用于拉长纵帆上缘的系于桅杆上的圆木
    A spar attached to the mast and used to extend the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail.
  • 这些包在其目的地重新拼在起之前,可以利用任何个因特网服务供应商(isp)通过任何路由传送。
    These packets can then be routed anywhere, using any Internet Service Provider (ISP), before the packets are reassembled at their destination.
  • 在程序中发现错误时,为改正错误可插入并写成说明文件的补块。当补块达到定数量时,应将之送入源程序,并重新汇编。
    As bugs are uncovered in a program, patches can be inserted and documented in order to fix the mistakes. When a number of patches have been made, they should be incorporated into the source program and the program should be reassembled.
  • 我军乃于蒋、蔡、韩军和陈、罗军之间个二十华里间隙的大山中偷越过去,由东面回到西面之兴国境内集中。
    We slipped through in the high mountains that lay in the twenty-li gap between the forces of Chiang Kuang-nai, Tsai Ting-kai and Han Teh-chin on the one side and Chen Cheng and Lo Cho-ying on the other, and thus, returning from the east to the west, reassembled within the borders of Hsingkuo County.
  • 现在中国反对改革的人不多,但在制定和实行具体政策的时候,总容易出现有点留恋过去的情况,习惯的东西就起作用,就冒出来了。
    There are not many in China who oppose reform. But in formulating and implementing specific policies, some people unintentionally reveal a yearning for the past. That's because old habits of thinking tend to reassert themselves. At the same time we have also encountered interference from the Right.
  • 美国政府也重申坚持个中国政策和对台湾“三不支持”的承诺。
    The U.S. government has also reasserted its adherence to the One-China Policy and its commitment to the "Three Non-supports" for Taiwan.
  • 辅助帆片被绷在船头或船尾以增进航行区域的油布
    A strip of canvas laced to a fore-and-aft sail to increase sail area.
  • 有人建议,对改了行的,如果有水平,有培养前途,可以设法收批回来。
    Some comrades have suggested that efforts be made to reassign persons who have changed their line of work but who had shown skill and promise in their former professions.
  • 将大使重新分配到个新的职位上;将这项工作重新指派给更有经验的工人们
    Reassigned the ambassador to a new post; reassigned the job to more experienced workers.
  • 临时工在某项工作中被指派做不固定的工作或临时当班的雇员
    An employee who is reassigned from job to job or shift to shift within an operation.
  • 我们不清楚专家调查组是否已去过发现证据的地方,我们从媒体报道得知,虽然李文皓早已参与了w88的设计工作,1994年他还是再次被指派去参与“arehiving”计划,显然,那就是warp(weaponsarchiringandretrievalproject)或与之相关的工作。?
    We don't know if the Panel of Experts had access to what was found there. We know from media reports that, although Wen Ho Lee had been associated with the W-88 design, by 1994 he had been reassigned to work on an 'archiving' project, apparently the Weapons Archiving and Retrieval Project [WARP] or something related to it.
  • 现在大军区、军兵种的领导干部,已经进行了必要的调整和交流,除个别人外,也要稳定个时期。
    Now that we have carried out the necessary reassignment and interchange of leading personnel among the greater military regions and the various services and arms, there should be no further changes in leadership for a certain period, except in individual cases.
  • 独桅纵帆船种单桅杆的,有纵帆装置的帆船,具有两个或多个船首斜帆,其单桅杆的位置比单桅帆船的要稍微靠后
    A single-masted, fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel with two or more headsails and a mast set somewhat farther aft than that of a sloop.
  • 这些年来,许多表扬的信件、感激的词语和已毕业的学生回校探访,对教师们来说都是激励的泉源,同时也再的证明他们所付出的努力是值得的。
    Over the years, letters of appreciation, words of thanks, and visits from former students provide the encouragement and reassurance that all the effort has been worth it.
  • 九四八年,举世渴望正确的价值观获得确认,也希望人类基本的尊严继续得到保障,世界各国遂着手制定项国际公约,宣言全人类均朝着共同目标,致力进步保障人权。
    In 1948, the world desperately needed an affirmation of right values and a reassurance that simple human decency still prevailed: a covenant among the nations proclaiming their common goal to do better by the peoples of the earth.
  • 条船尾部的艉柱的扇状的突起部分。
    fan-shaped part of the deck extending aft of the sternpost of a ship.
  • 请提醒老板们,经理们,不要对那些能使天的气氛轻松起来的小事过分紧张。
    Please reassure the owners and managers not to get so uptight about something that makes the day a little pleasant.
  • 主任把我们的提案从头到尾批评了通之后,又向我们保证说他的评论不带任何个人偏见。
    After criticizing our proposal in every detail, the director went on to reassure us that there was nothing personal in his comments.