  • 跨栏跑一种赛跑,参赛者必须动作贯地跨过一系列这种障碍
    A race in which a series of such barriers must be jumped without the competitors' breaking their stride.
  • 把多个项目接成一个项目。例如,把两个或多个字符接为一个字符串。
    To link multiple items into one; for instance, to join two or more character strings to make a single character string.
  • 如同串珠子一样串起来。
    string together like beads.
  • 你要哪种料子来做新衣裙, 条子的还是方格的?
    Which do you want for your new dress, a stripe or a check?
  • 续对打在得一分前交换了几个回合,如在网球比赛中
    To exchange several strokes before a point is won, as in tennis.
  • 续对打得一分之前打的几个回合,如在网球比赛中
    An exchange of several strokes, before a point is won, as in tennis.
  • 纳管之所以比金属硬,是因为把碳原子在一起的化学键更强。
    Nanotubes are stronger than metal because the chemical bond holding them together is stronger.
  • 索状组织把组织结或束缚在一起的索状组织
    A cordlike tissue that connects or holds structures together.
  • 由相互接的建筑物构成的一个总的建筑物。
    a whole building made up of interconnected or related structures.
  • 一只撞伤的脚趾头也能让人把爱情暂放一边。
    One can forget one's love for a period even over a stubbed toe.
  • 来到这宽阔的大汀他显然感到拘束,帽子也不知道怎么处置。正想塞进外衣口袋,那人却接了过去。
    He did not know what to do with his cap, and was stuffing it into his coat pocket when the other took it from him.
  • 短肢畸形,海豹肢畸形一种先天性的缺陷,即肢体的上半部分没有或是发育不全,因此手或脚都是靠、短小的鳍状残肢与身体相
    A birth defect in which the upper portion of a limb is absent or poorly developed, so that the hand or foot attaches to the body by a short, flipperlike stump.
  • 站在镜子前,续5遍不间断地说:"这就是我们公司的未来"。
    Stand in front of the mirror and say, "Here is our future" five times without stuttering.
  • 留声机、唱机通过与有磁道的、转动的唱盘在一起的唱针来发声的机器
    A machine that reproduces sound by means of a stylus in contact with a grooved rotating disk.
  • 带有触针能够描绘续记录的纸的旋转鼓室。
    a rotating drum holding paper on which a stylus traces a continuous record (as of breathing or blood pressure).
  • 中国推荐的专家续当选为防止歧视和保护少数小组委员会委员,并派代表团以观察员身份列席该小组委员会每年召开的会议。
    The human rights experts recommended by China have continually been elected members of the Subcommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities. China sends observers to the annual session held by the subcommission.
  • 此目录中的asm子目录中是对应某种处理器的符号接,如include/asm-i386。
    The include/asm subdirectory is a soft link to the real include directory needed for this architecture, for example include/asm-i386.
  • 费尔德先生创立了用海底电报接欧美两洲的事业。
    Mr Field set on foot the enterprise of connecting Europe and America by a submarine telegraph.
  • 这项费用的支付应该同回复书一起交给服务提供方。
    This payment shall be made together with the submission of the response to the Provider.
  • 从属[主从]连词
    subordinating conjunction (=subordinate conjunction)
  • 在回波抑制器控制的电话线路中,用户的一方或双方因为过量的局部线路噪音或对方续说话而不能通话的情况。
    In a telephone circuit controlled by an echo-suppressor, the inability of one or both subscribers to get through because of either excessive local circuit noise or continuous speech from one subscriber.
  • 对于需要更快接的用户来说,还须等待两个协议:不对称数字用户线(adsl)和高数据速率数字用户线(hdsl)。
    For faster connections, users will have to wait for two protocols: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) and High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL).
  • 此后,中国续五年都在联大第一委员会提出上述“两案”,均获协商一致通过。
    Subsequently, for five years China had presented these two proposals to the
  • 她记了一些笔记,但后来自己也看不懂。
    She'd taken some notes, which she subsequently could not make head or tail of.
  • 已经决定在一家子公司的锁商店试销罐装布丁6个月。
    It was decided to give the tinned puddings a trial run of six months in the chain stores of a subsidiary company.
  • 年底时,创新及科技基金同已纳入其中的工业支援资助计划及服务业支援资助计划,已拨款约10.99亿元资助248个由工业支援组织、工商协会、高等教育院校、专业团体及本地注册公司推行的项目。
    By the end of 1999, the fund, including the Industrial Support Fund and the Services Support Fund that had been subsumed under it, had provided financial support of some $1,099 million to 248 projects undertaken by industry-support bodies, trade and industry associations, higher-education institutions, professional bodies and locally incorporated companies.
  • 系统地安排的;尤其是具有依照规则接排列的元素的。
    having a systematic arrangement; especially having elements succeeding in order according to rule.
  • 连续获得丰收
    reap bumper harvests in succession
  • 连贯连续或继续
    A sequence or succession.
  • 进行音调或和声的
    A succession of tones or chords.
  • 他一4顿没有吃上饭。
    He missed four meals in succession.
  • 我们一连胜了3局。
    We won three games in succession.