  • 饰,点缀衣着的镶边或饰物
    Decoration or ornament, as for clothing.
  • 为……做修,如窗户。
    provide with decoration, as of windows.
  • 讲究,精美图样、饰或陈设的丰富多彩
    Tasteful opulence in form, decoration, or presentation.
  • 写在岩石或者墙上的粗俗的饰。
    a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls.
  • 饰性的常绿的圣诞饰品。
    an ornamented evergreen used as a Christmas decoration.
  • 摩尔式风格的饰或摆设
    An ornament or a decoration in Moorish style.
  • 饰或宣传用的长条布。
    long strip of cloth for decoration or advertising.
  • 朴素的,简朴的具有无饰品或饰的特征的
    Marked by little or no ornamentation or decoration.
  • 贴边材料用于陪衬或饰的材料
    Material used for such a lining or decoration.
  • 窗帘与室内璜不相配。
    The curtains do not match with the decoration.
  • 设计和磺也有了明显的改进。
    The design and decoration also showed marked improvement.
  • 釉上彩绘画在或印在釉上的饰物
    A painted or printed decoration applied over a glaze.
  • 基调建筑或饰中反复出现的图形或图案
    A repeated figure or design in architecture or decoration.
  • 胸饰,胸铠,胸章,胸针佩于胸前的饰品或勋章
    An ornament or a decoration worn on the chest.
  • 它的不规则但招人喜爱的线条可以用作美丽的饰。
    Its irregular and pleasing lines made an attractive decoration.
  • 为一道菜增加饰或者味道。
    something added to a dish for flavor or decoration.
  • 这些窗帘与饰品不配套。
    The curtains do not watch with the decorations.
  • 他不喜欢俗丽的饰。
    He dislikes gaudy decorations.
  • 装潢得有异国风味。
    The decorations are exotic.
  • 街道饰得五彩缤纷。
    The streets are ablaze with decorations.
  • 这些色彩和饰物很和谐。
    The colours harmonize well with the decorations.
  • 就我的观点,这些饰品都很好
    To my eye, the decorations are excellent.
  • 展出圣诞节饰品、发布通告、张贴海报
    Put up Christmas decorations, a notice, a poster
  • 房间装饰显得刺眼。
    The room decorations appeared to have been jazzed up.
  • 所有的教室都用圣诞饰物点得更加美丽迷人。
    The classrooms were all dolled up with Christmas decorations.
  • 这房间中的饰品必须拿掉。
    The decorations in the room must be taken down.
  • 心、钥匙、锁孔等刻在羹匙上的饰性图案倍受青睐。
    Hearts, keys and keyholes were favorite decorations on the spoons.
  • 你确实为五一节的饰做了太多太多事情。
    You have really gone to town on May Day decorations.
  • 有皱纹的纸张,通常为彩色的,用于饰。
    paper with a crinkled texture; usually colored and used for decorations.
  • 房子的饰与其大小协调。
    The decorations were in keeping with the size of the house.
  • 餐厅服务员来得很早,以便悬挂庆祝圣诞节的饰物品。
    The restaurant staff come in early to put up christmas decorations.
  • 在典礼上他们自己来选择所喜欢的颜色、饰物和音乐。
    They choose their own style of colors,decorations and music during the ceremony.