  • 他会讲英语吗?
    Does he speak English?
  • 他学英语吗?
    Does he study English?
  • 她学英语吗?
    Does she learn English?
  • 国)几种粗糙的食用鱼(如角鲨鱼、狼鱼)。
    (British) any of several coarse fishes (such as dogfish or wolffish) when used as food.
  • 一月之后,《再度发誓》在国又现辉煌,连续两周名列排行榜第一,接替了"boyzone"对国流行音乐顶尖位置的占领。
    A month later “ Swear It Again” repeated the feat in the UK,staying at number one for two weeks and following on from Boyzone's dominance of the UK top spot.
  • 也许是语在商业和实用价值的优势,使部分华人在观念上矮化了华文的地位,也分不清文化和语文的认同关系。
    The dominance of the English language in business and daily life has likely caused some Chinese to look down on the status of the Chinese language.They have also failed to see the link between culture and language.
  • 也就是说,大多数的精,要不是语强过母语,就是母语强过语,无法达到每个精都精通双语的理想。
    Realistically, most members would be dominant either in English or the mother tongue.
  • 统治由这样一群或一类人来管理、控制或统治
    Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.
  • 在欧洲方面,德意帝国主义集团和法帝国主义集团之间,为了争夺对殖民地人民统治权的帝国主义大战,是迫在眉睫了。
    In Europe, a large-scale imperialist war is imminent between the German-Italian and the Anglo-French imperialist blocs which are contending for domination over the colonial peoples.
  • 甚至国的电影偶像詹姆斯·邦德也认识到冒犯美军与冒犯任何一个一心想控制世界的妄自尊大狂一样危险。
    Even that most British film icon James Bond realised that offending the US military holds as many perils as upsetting any other megalomaniac hell-bent on world domination.
  • 法方面,是把波兰作为法财政资本掠夺的对象之一,是为了在世界范围内拒绝德国帝国主义重分它们的赃物而去利用波兰的,是把波兰当做自己帝国主义战线的一翼来看待的,所以法的战争是帝国主义战争,法的所谓援助波兰不过是同德国争夺对波兰的统治权,同样是不能同情的,是应当反对的。
    As for Britain and France, they have regarded Poland as an object of plunder for their finance capital, exploited her to thwart the German imperialist attempt at a world re-division of the spoils, and made her a flank of their own imperialist front. Thus their war is an imperialist war, their so-called aid to Poland being merely for the purpose of contending with Germany for the domination of Poland, and this war, too, should be opposed, not approved.
  • 托尔克马达,托马斯·德1420-1498西班牙多米尼加派教士,1487年被教皇诺森八世任命为宗教总裁判官。在其统治期间,在西班牙宗教大审判中,成千上万的犹太人,被怀疑为巫婆和其他人一起遭到杀害
    Spanish Dominican monk who was appointed grand inquisitor by Pope Innocent VIII(1487). Under his authority, thousands of Jews, suspected witches, and others were killed or tortured during the Spanish Inquisition.
  • 主权,统治管辖或统治,尤指国对印度的统治(1757-1947年)
    Dominion or rule, especially the British rule over India(1757-1947).
  • 请让我自我介绍:大卫埃默里,语系主任。
    Please let me introduce myself: Donald Emory, director of the english department.
  • 他说他将向文物修复基金会捐款5镑-他真可谓慷慨大方!
    He said he'd donate five pounds to the restoration fund – that's big of him!
  • 向该基金会捐款10镑吗?那刚刚符合要求!
    A ten pound donation to the fund? That’s just the business!
  • 董存瑞作为一名人民雄而流芳百世。
    As a people's hero, Dong Cunrui has a niche in the temple of fame.
  • 他以每小时100多里的速度驾车。结果撞在一棵树上,一命呜呼。
    He drove into a tree at over a hundred miles an hour and is as dead as a doornail.
  • 国学校中把学生限制在宿舍或校园中作为一种惩罚。
    restrict movement to the dormitory or campus, of British schoolboys, as a means of punishment.
  • 今年晚些时候,特尔的新芯片组将增加新的性能,如133mhz的前端总线,支持更快的存储器和将特尔的加速图形端口的性能翻一番。
    Later in the year, a new Intel chip set will add additional performance capabilities such as 133?MHz front side bus, support for faster memory, and a doubling of the performance of Intel's Accelerated Graphics Port.
  • 那些小包售价25镑一打。
    Those pack sell for 25 a dozen.
  • 律政司负责以中两种法定语文草拟法例。
    The Department of Justice is responsible for drafting legislation in both official languages.
  • 法律草拟科由法律草拟专员掌管,负责以中文草拟法例(包括附属法例),并于法例在行政会议和立法会通过的过程中提供协助。
    The Law Drafting Division, headed by the Law Draftsman, is responsible for drafting all legislation, including subsidiary legislation, in Chinese and English, and assists in steering legislation through the Executive and Legislative Councils.
  • ——参与策划、起草对华不平等条约。如1842年中《南京条约》、1844年中美《望厦条约》、1858年中美和中法《天津条约》、1860年中法《北京条约》等,西方国家一些传教士直接参与了策划、起草。
    -They directly took part in plotting and drafting unequal treaties, such as the Sino-British Treaty of Nanking of 1842, the Sino-American Treaty of Wanghea of 1844, the Sino-American and Sino-French treaties of Tientsin of 1858 and the Sino-French Convention of Peking of 1860.
  • 解决香港问题的中谈判,具有开创意义的香港特别行政区基本法的起草,都是在他的直接关心和指导下完成的。
    It was under his personal attention and direct guidance that the China-UK negotiations on the settlement of the Hong Kong question and the drafting of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which was of a trail-blazing significance, were brought to fruition.
  • 普利茅斯格兰西南一自治市,位于普利茅斯湾沿岸,该湾为吉利海峡的一个小海湾。国的一个主要港口,曾是迎战西班牙无敌舰队的国舰队的出发点(1588年),也是德雷克、罗利和其他两位早期探险家出发地。人口250,300
    A borough of southwest England on Plymouth Sound, an inlet of the English Channel. A major port, it was the embarkation point for the fleet that fought the Spanish Armada(1588) and for Drake, Raleigh, and several other early explorers. Population,250, 300.
  • 伊丽莎白时期是国戏剧的黄金时代.
    The Elizabethan period was the golden age of English drama.
  • 1827年,柏辽兹狂热地、激情地、当然也是戏剧性地爱上了一位国女演员哈里特·史密森。当时她正在巴黎的莎土比亚戏剧季节中演出。
    In 1827 Berlioz fell in love, wildly, passionately, dramatically of course, with an English actress, Harriet Smithson, then performing in a season of Shakespeare plays in Paris.
  • 不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(国剧作家莎士比亚.w.)
    Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)
  • 基德,托马斯1558-1594国戏剧家,他写的西班牙悲剧(1584年),被认为促成了莎士比亚的提图斯·安德罗尼古斯和亨利六世,他可能还写了哈姆莱特的一种版本
    English dramatist who wrote The Spanish Tragedy(c.1584), is thought to have contributed to Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and Henry VI, and may have written a version of Hamlet.
  • 马国政府多年来实行马来文至上的教育政策,马来人使用外语,例如语的能力每况愈下,马来语几乎是新一代马来人唯一能掌握的语言。
    Due to a school system in which Malay is the main medium of instruction, Malaysians' command of foreign language, i.e. English, has declined drastically and Malay appears to be the only language known to the younger generation of Malaysians.
  • 码头最浅处34尺,因此没有问题。
    Water draught wharf side minimum 34 deep therefore believe no trouble.