  • 她们飞跃于树端,追逐着彼此飘扬的衣袂,金黄的叶子随即如雪般飘落。
    They leap over the treetops and chase each other's flowing clothes. Golden leaves drift down like snowflakes.
  • 如果我理解你说的意思,这一项目的费似乎比我们预计得要多。
    It seems the project is going to cost more then we thought, if I get the drift of what you're telling us.
  • 勘探者们在沙漠中了几个月的时间钻井,终于钻出了石油。
    After several months of drilling in the desert, the prospectors struck it rich.
  • ‘不用担心天板上的洞。’他干巴巴地说。
    `Never mind the hole in the ceiling,' he saiid drily.
  • 他赚来的钱半数在饮酒上。
    He drinks half his earnings.
  • 把钱花在喝酒上
    Blow one's money in on drinks
  • 这些因缺水而凋萎。
    The flowers were drooping for want of water.
  • 这些在我们摘下不久就蔫了。
    The flowers drooped soon after we picked them.
  • 上下摆动弯曲上下来回移动或垂下,如在风中的
    To sway, move up and down, or droop, as flowers in the wind.
  • 在正午的炎热中萎垂的
    Flowers drooping in the midday heat.
  • 一种园艺植物,具有深粉红色的下垂的心形组成的总状序。
    garden plant having deep-pink drooping heart-shaped flowers.
  • 中国产的多年生罂粟,淡紫红色到亮丽的天蓝色,下垂的聚伞序。
    Chinese perennial having mauve-pink to bright sky blue flowers in drooping cymes.
  • 北美的一种多年生草本植物,叶光滑,管状、下垂、略带绿色。
    North American perennial herb with smooth foliage and drooping tubular greenish flowers.
  • 属的任何一种植物,具有微黄的、下垂的、呈铃形的
    any of various plants of the genus Uvularia having yellowish drooping bell-shaped flowers.
  • 宽叶的常绿的亚洲灌木,有平滑的叶子和下垂的白丛。
    broad-leaved evergreen Asiatic shrub with glossy leaves and drooping clusters of white flowers.
  • 纸莎草一种高的地中海水生芦苇(纸莎草莎草属),有很多下垂的成伞状序排列的舌状
    A tall, aquatic, Mediterranean sedge(Cyperus papyrus) having numerous drooping rays grouped in umbels.
  • 墨西哥的一种鳞茎草本植物,因有美丽的红、白相间的,常被栽培,下垂、顶生伞状序。
    half-hardy Mexican herb cultivated for its drooping terminal umbels of showy red-and-white flowers.
  • 海伦整夜坐在桌旁,桌上的鲜渐渐在暑气中枯萎了。
    Helene sat all night long by the table, where the flowers were drooping in the heat.
  • 北美东北部草本植物,有淡黄白色的串;有时归为福王草属。
    herb of northeastern North America having drooping clusters of yellowish-white flowers; sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes.
  • 下垂的水仙;垂柳下垂的枝条;长着下垂序的芬芳的丁香
    nodding daffodils; the pendulous branches of a weeping willow; lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers.
  • 冷水属植物,有下垂的绿色串和光滑的半透明的茎干及叶子。
    a plants of the genus Pilea having drooping green flower clusters and smooth translucent stems and leaves.
  • 剑叶兰属植物,叶子长、草状,高葶上有红色或黄色下垂的
    a plant of the genus Kniphofia having long grasslike leaves and tall scapes of red or yellow drooping flowers.
  • 任何属于m种的植物,有灿烂的铃铛状的下垂的,象不完全张开的芙蓉属植物的
    any of various plants of the genus Malvaviscus having brilliant bell-shaped drooping flowers like incompletely opened hibiscus flowers.
  • 具有剑形的叶子、直立的茎,其明亮颜色的由三个瓣和三个低垂的萼片组成。
    plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals.
  • 桑树一种桑属落叶树木,长有低垂的柔穗状序中的单性朵和可食的聚果实
    Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Morus, having unisexual flowers in drooping catkins and edible multiple fruit.
  • 竖直的象树似的灌木,形成了密集的灌木丛,有带白色或粉色的下垂的圆锥序和红的象浆果的核果;分布在加利福尼亚。
    erect treelike shrub forming dense thickets and having drooping panicles of white or pink flowers and red berrylike drupes; California.
  • 弗吉尼亚滨瓣庆一种滨紫草属的植物,比如弗吉尼亚黄九轮草,有下垂的一簇簇的管,通常开蓝色
    Any of various plants of the genus Mertensia, such as the Virginia cowslip, having drooping clusters of tubular, usually blue flowers.
  • 为了农村生活的模糊好处,人们为何甘愿忍受着每天在路上四个小时,这便超越我的见识了。
    Why people are prepared to tolerate a four hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond my ken.
  • 有毛缘的,边缘呈须毛状的有毛缘的;加饰边的,如在瓣或导管开口边缘
    Having fimbriae; fringed, as the edge of a petal or the opening of a duct.
  • 我们如何告诉凯西,我们认为查克是头号十三点,而且配不上她呢?还是应该闭不作声,而希望她醒悟过来,甩掉这个没有礼貌的公子?
    So how do we go about telling Kathy that we think Chuck is a first-class jerk and she deserves better. Or should we keep quiet and hope she sees the light and dumps this rude dude?
  • 重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比剑坚硬。
    The epee is the dueling sword. The blade is stiffer.
  • 重剑是决斗用剑,剑体比剑坚硬。
    The epee is the dueling sword, and its blade is stiffer than that of the foil.