  • 在作决定或采取行动时的再三考虑
    Thoughtfulness in decision or action.
  • 拨款一千美元作研经费之用。
    A thousand dollars is earmarked for research.
  • 现在得把最高层领导人召集起来,研解决这整件事情。
    The top leaders should now be brought in to thrash out the whole business.
  • 这个问题从理论到实践,有好多具体问题要研解决。
    As we move from theory to practice in this regard, we will have to thrash out a great many specific problems.
  • 他一直在紧张不安地工作想找到解决这一难题的答案,可终是徒劳。
    He's been thrashing about for an answer to the difficulty, but without success.
  • 竟是谁在搞核威胁?
    Who is Resorting to Nuclear Threat?
  • 我们还研讨论了有关革命和生产的问题。
    We also studied and threshed out problems relating to revolution and production.
  • 我们研所现在的学生比1966年时多二倍。
    There are thrice as many students in our institute now as there are in 1966.
  • 我们研所现在的学生比1966年时多二倍。
    There are thrice as many students in our institute now as there was in 1966.
  • 知识上的满足感、发现时的激动、从事有价值工作的感受,这就是巨大的报偿,也是对继续研的强烈的激励。
    The intellectual satisfactions,the thrill of discovery,and the sense of worthwhile effort are a rich reward and a strong stimulus to continued work.
  • 即使在战乱的环境中,仍然大力发展基础科学和人才的培养,创造优良的科研环境,从而推动了应用科学的发展。
    Even in the throes of a wartime environment, the country still puts a lot of effort into developing the basic sciences, cultivating talent and creating a conducive research environment to push ahead the development of the applied sciences.
  • 她在研中有些发现令人很感兴趣。
    Her research has thrown up some interesting facts.
  • 七十年代起,西藏陆续组建了以西藏社会科学院为代表的一批藏学研专门机构。
    A number of special organizations on Tibetan studies have been established in Tibet since the 1970s, represented by the Tibet Academy of Social Sciences.
  • 为改善向旅游人士提供的服务,旅游业赔偿基金管理委员会经研后,简化了每宗不多于一万元特惠赔偿的索偿程序。
    With a view to enhancing its service to the travelling public, the TIC management board has examined and simplified the application procedure for claims of ex gratia payments not exceeding $10,000 each.
  • 我看他这个人不大讲整洁。
    I'm afraid tidiness is not his strong point, ie he is untidy.
  • 时事参考;当前对公民自由的热门研
    a topical reference; a topical and timely study of civil liberty.
  • 按照那种方法探下去,我想你是会找到答案的。
    Follow that tine of inquiry and I think you'll puzzle out an answer.
  • 当打王金钰时,处于蔡廷锴、郭华宗两敌之间,距郭十余里,距蔡四十余里,有人谓我们“钻牛角”,但终钻通了。
    When fighting Wang Chin-yu, we were between the two enemy forces under Tsai Ting-kai and Kuo Hua-tsung, some ten li from the latter and forty li from the former, and some people said we were "getting into a blind alley", but we got through all the same.
  • 卡德鲁斯说,他的口齿比刚才更加含糊不清了,“这是爱情,否则我就不知道爱情竟是什么了。”
    said Caderousse with a voice more tipsy than ever. "That's love, or I don't know what love is."
  • 市长打算将此事寻根底。
    The mayor intended to get to the bottom of the matter.
  • 日本东京大学海洋研
    Ocean Research Institute,University of Tokyo,JAPAN
  • 繁荣发展哲学社会科学,注重研全局性、前瞻性、战略性的重大课题。
    We will develop philosophy and social sciences and focus on research on topics of long-term, strategic importance, and topics that affect the overall interests of the country.
  • 文章的研究集中在…
    This article focuses on the topics of (that, having, etc)...
  • 地志学对某地区的地形、地貌等进行的研,特别指根据地志对该地历史的研
    Topographic study of a given place, especially the history of a region as indicated by its topography.
  • 对地球表面的研:包括人类对地形,气候,土壤,和植被的反应。
    study of the earth's surface; includes people's responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation.
  • 5.研制定外商收购、兼并国有企业,利用bot、tot等方式进行投资,以及外商投资企业在境内外上市发行股票等各项政策措施。
    5. To study and formulate various policy measures governing merger and acquisition of state-owned enterprises by foreign investors, investment in the form of BOT and TOT and overseas public offering of foreign funded enterprises in China.
  • 可是,我终觉得这种人生观根本是真实的;我们的心性既然是相同的,那么在一个国家里感动人心的东西,自然也会感动一切的人类。
    But I cannot help feeling that this view of life is essentially true, and since we are alike under the skin, what touches the human heart in one country touches all.
  • 他已阅读了论及他研领域的当前的各种刊物。
    He's read all the current publications touching on his field of research.
  • 他就这个问题研了好几个小时,最后承认解决不了。
    He worked on the problem for hours, then finally flung in the towel.
  • 对纹章的研和分类和对家谱的追查。
    the study and classification of armorial bearings and the tracing of genealogies.
  • 纹章术设计、授予、用纹章装饰、描绘家谱图、决定或裁定地位或礼仪的职业、研或艺术,由纹章官员来执行
    The profession, study, or art of devising, granting, and blazoning arms, tracing genealogies, and determining and ruling on questions of rank or protocol, as exercised by an officer of arms.
  • 中兽医研究所。
    Traditional Chinese veterinary research institute