  • 这位发的农民默想着他过去所受的苦难。
    The hoary peasant mused over his past sufferings.
  • 热带和亚热带草本或灌木的属;灰的豌豆。
    genus of tropical and subtropical herbs or shrubs: hoary peas.
  • 带灰绒毛的,斑的覆盖短而纤细的浅到浅灰色毛或绒毛的;灰色的
    Covered with short, fine whitish or grayish hairs or down; hoary.
  • 北温带地区的一个草本属,叶灰;珠光香青。
    genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves: pearly everlasting.
  • 那个捣蛋的人让警方搜索了一番.
    The hoaxer had sent the police on a wild goose chase.
  • 一起干一杯,医生,酒还是红酒?
    Hob and nob, Doctor, which do you choose, white or red?
  • 我们到达酒吧时,已经没有选择的余地了-除了葡萄酒以外其它什么也没有。
    By the time we got to the bar it was Hobson's choice – white wine or nothing.
  • 目前,美国食品和药物管理局已批准使用至少两种单克隆抗体:herceptn,用于治疗患转移性乳腺癌的妇女。她们的肿瘤中含有太多的her2蛋质;rituxan,用于治疗一种非霍奇金淋巴癌。
    So far, the FDA has approved at least two monoclonals: Herception, for women with metastatic breast cancer whose tumor cells have too much I-IER2 protein, and Rituxan, for treating a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
  • 马丁国际象棋下得很好。我们仅走了大约20步时,我就不得不打起旗投降。
    Martin is very good at chess. We had played only about twenty moves when I had to hoist the white flag and resign.
  • 生命中的空白
    A hollow in one's life.
  • 美国西北和加拿大西部的多年生的植物,类似蜀葵,有色或粉色的花。
    perennial of northwestern United States and western Canada resembling a hollyhock and having white or pink flowers.
  • 末端的总状花序为艳丽的色到粉色到紫色的花的植物;英国别墅花园里的蜀葵。
    plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers; the English cottage garden hollyhock.
  • 我明你的意思。你知道我就是从他家乡来的。
    You know, I'm from his hometown.
  • 粉虱一种粉虱的色同翅昆虫,有长翅及色似蜡般的躯体,常常对植物造成损害
    Any of various small whitish homopterous insects of the family Aleyrodidae, having long wings and a white waxy body, often injurious to plants.
  • 她坦率说了那件事。
    She was honest about it.
  • 蜂蜜可代替白糖用。
    Honey can do duty for sugar.
  • 这家医院是幢庞大的建筑物。它铺着色的瓷砖,涂有深绿色油漆,是个单调乏味的大蜂巢。
    The hospital was an enormous building, a howling honeycomb wilderness of white tiles and dark green paint.
  • 在蜜月时,她才明自己嫁了一个痴。
    On her honeymoon she realize she have marry a knucklehead.
  • 当新经理开始作大刀阔斧式的变动以提高效率时,我们明和谐时期已过去了。
    We knew the honeymoon was over when the new manager started to make sweeping changes to increase efficiency.
  • 欧洲产的一种缠绕忍冬属植物,花芳香、红色和黄色。
    European twining honeysuckle with fragrant red and yellow-white flowers.
  • 亚洲的一种常绿的爬地忍冬,有半常绿的叶,芳香的花可变成黄色;在一些地区已变成一种杂草。
    an Asiatic trailing evergreen honeysuckle with half-evergreen leaves and fragrant white flowers turning yellow with age; has become a weed in some areas.
  • 现在你们既然已知道了鸦片战争,香港的历史也就该明了。
    Now you've learned about the Opium Wars, Hongkong's history should fall into place.
  • 色翅膀、大部分羽毛为略带粉红的褐色的戴胜鸟。
    pinkish-brown hoopoe with black-and-white wings.
  • 天做工的保姆每隔一天用真空吸尘器把地毯弄干净。
    The daily housemaid hoovers the carpet every other day.
  • 角蛋一种不溶解的较硬的蛋物质,是头发、指甲、角和蹄的主要结构成分
    A tough, insoluble protein substance that is the chief structural constituent of hair, nails, horns, and hoofs.
  • 覆盖于有蹄动物角上及形成蹄、爪、指甲的材料(多为角蛋)。
    the material (mostly keratin) that covers the horns of ungulates and forms hooves and claws and nails.
  • 哥伦比亚大学校长德勒博士,他曾经这样说过:这种人是无药可救的,没有受过教育的!
    And “those people who think only of themselves,”Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, longtime president of Columbia University, said, "are hopelessly uneducated.
  • 葡萄蛋从胰腺胰岛中提取的结晶蛋,能提高血糖浓度,以弥补胰岛素对糖的分解活动
    A hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates an increase in blood sugar levels, thus opposing the action of insulin.
  • 甲状腺球蛋一种内部贮有含碘激素的甲状腺蛋质,主要存在于甲状腺小囊的胶质里
    A thyroid protein that stores iodine-containing hormones and is typically present in the colloid of thyroid gland follicles.
  • 南非和亚洲无牙的哺乳动物,体表覆盖有角质鳞片,长鼻子便于吃蚂蚁和蚁。
    toothless mammal of southern Africa and Asia having a body covered with horny scales and a long snout for feeding on ants and termites.
  • 第二天早晨九点钟,我到了他的家里,他脸色苍得吓人,但神态还算安详。
    When I entered his apartment at nine the following morning, he was horribly pale, but appeared calm.
  • 色的颜料,用于水管漆中,含氧化锌。
    a white pigment used in hose paints; consists of zinc oxide.