  • 当局亦在年内草拟法例,把盗版及伪冒商标罪行纳入《有组织及严重罪行例》附表1之中。
    New legislation to include copyright piracy and trade mark counterfeiting offences under Schedule 1 to the Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance was also proposed during the year.
  • 中国政府愿继续提供便利和件,推动中国企业与国外、海外企业进一步开展合作。
    The Chinese Government stands ready to continue to offer facilities and necessary conditions for closer cooperation between Chinese enterprises and their overseas counterparts.
  • 中国刑法中规定的“反革命罪”,是指危害国家安全的犯罪,即那些不但具有推翻国家政权和社会主义制度的目的,而且实施了刑法第九十一至一百零二所列举的犯罪行为。例如,实施了阴谋颠覆政府或者分裂国家的行为,或者实施了持械聚众叛乱的行为,或者实施了间谍行为等。
    In Chinese Criminal Law "counterrevolutionary crime" refers to crime which endangers state security, i.e., criminal acts which are not only committed with the purpose of overthrowing state power and the socialist system, but which are also listed in Articles 91-102 of the Criminal Law as criminal acts, such as those carried out in conspiring to overthrow the government or splitting the country, those carried out in gathering a crowd in armed rebellion, and espionage activities.
  • 高速公路破坏了农村的田园美景。
    The expressway mars the beauty of the countryside.
  • 服务员在告示牌上贴了一通知。
    The courier pin a notice on the hotel notice board.
  • 我们的炮火控制了通往市区的各道路。
    Our guns covered every approach to the town.
  • 牛给他们所有的人供应牛奶。
    One cow furnished milk for all of them.
  • 这只杯子有一裂缝。
    There's a crack in this cup.
  • 这门只打开一条缝。
    The door opened just a crack.
  • 这帮白痴每年炮制出数百项新法律文让我们大家遵守。
    The same group of idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.
  • 1929年的经济大萧摧毁了国际贸易.
    The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade.
  • 这两船相撞后同时下沉。
    The two boats sank together after crashing.
  • ·每天大约有6000名儿童死于不卫生的水和不合格的卫生和清洁件所引起的疾病------相当于每天有20架大型客机坠毁。
    · Some 6,000 children die every day from diseases associated with unsafe water and poor sanitation and hygiene – equivalent to 20 jumbo jets crashing every day.
  • 有人在板箱上贴了标签。
    Someone has sticked a label on the crate.
  • 用来包装饼干的柳箱。
    a crate used for packing crackers.
  • 把……置入板箱;为了保护起见。
    put into a crate; as for protection.
  • 临时用板箱当椅子坐
    A crate serving as a stopgap for a chair.
  • 用空板条箱权充桌子
    Using an empty crate as a makeshift for a table
  • 用空板箱权充桌子。
    Use an empty crate as a makeshift for a table.
  • 贵方报价应包括板箱包装费及到我方仓库的运费。
    Your price include packing in crate, and delivery to our warehouse.
  • 他们用力拖这个笨重的板箱,但它丝毫没动。
    They heaved away at the heavy crate but it didn't move an inch.
  • 贵方报价应包括板箱包装费及到我方仓库的运费。
    Your price is to include packing in crate, and delivery to our warehouse.
  • 我们建议贵方把外包装改一下,用板箱代替硬纸箱。
    We suggest you have the outer packing chance, using wooden crate instead of cardboard boxes.
  • 所有的美国人都渴望身材苗(和富有)。
    All Americans crave to be svelte (and rich).
  • 言谈中我提到了爬行空地的那死蛇,询问如何将它弄出来。
    I remark ed about the dead snake in the crawl space and wondered aloud how to get it out.
  • 一天,我在窥视那块爬行空地时,发现一大蛇的轮廓,我轻而易举地一枪结果了它。
    Looking into the crawl space one day, I saw the outline of a large snake. I killed it easily with one shot.
  • 鳄鱼正沿着河床爬行。
    The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed.
  • 木炭画用这种炭笔或蜡画的画
    A drawing executed with such a pencil or crayon.
  • 炭画笔由这种材料制成的木炭或蜡笔
    A drawing pencil or crayon made from this material.
  • 他裤子上有一明显的折痕。
    he had a sharp crease in his trousers.
  • 你把衣服坐出了一皱痕。
    You've got a crease in your dress where you've been sitting.
  • 手掌上的一纹线;看手相的人说它象征着你的感情的类型。
    a crease on the palm; palmists say it indicates your emotional nature.