  • 吉尔伯特,沃尔特生于1932美国生物学者,他因发展测定dna的结构和功能的法而分享了1980年的诺贝尔奖
    American architect whose design of the60-story Woolworth Building in New York City(1913) greatly influenced the development of the skyscraper.
  • 研究西洋生活和学术的人,无论是在中国或留学外国,对于西的伟大成就——由医药、地质学、天文学,到摩天大楼、美丽的汽车公路和天然色彩的照相机——自然是惊叹不置。
    It is natural that the Chinese student of Western life and learning, whether in China or studying abroad, is dazzled by the brilliant achievements of the West, from medicine, geology, astronomy to tall skyscrapers, beautiful motor highways and natural-color cameras.
  • 经多次谈判达成一项折衷的解决办法。
    After much discussion the negotiators hammered out a compromise settlement.
  • 在公共建筑工程面,惩教署工业组负责为公路、新巿镇发展和与机场有关的工程供应所需的交通标志、铺板和石壆。
    Under the public construction projects, Correctional Services Industries supply traffic signs, paving slabs and kerbs for highways, new town development and the new airport-related works.
  • 在遵守纪律面疏忽的
    Slack in maintaining discipline.
  • 他马上觉察到敌纪律松弛。
    He noticed at once that discipline was slack.
  • 货物已交由铁路发运(给贵).
    The goods have been consigned (to you) by rail.
  • 医生劝他放松几个月,因为他的生活式严重影响着心脏。
    The doctor advised him to slacken up for a few months, as his lifestyle was having a bad effect on his heart.
  • 在思想政治面肃清封建主义残余影响的同时,决不能丝毫放松和忽视对资产阶级思想和小资产阶级思想的批判,对极端个人主义和无政府主义的批判。
    While working to eliminate feudal influence in the political and ideological fields, we must not in the least neglect or slacken criticism of bourgeois and petty-bourgeois ideologies, of ultra-individualism and anarchism. Which of the two influences -- feudal or bourgeois -- is more serious?
  • 以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的式。
    It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms.
  • 太原钢铁公司退休工人李双良,从1983年起带领20多名老工人用了10年时间将一座巨大的渣山削为平地,解决了太原钢铁公司长期以来危害一的重污染源,使废钢渣得到了综合利用,仅回收废钢铁就达90万吨,创造价值1.6亿元。
    Starting in 1983, Li Shuangliang, a retired worker of the Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company, and 20 other retired workers spent 10 years removing a huge slag heap, thus eliminating a serious, long-standing pollution source of the Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company. The slag was utilized in a comprehensive way, with 900,000 tons of waste iron and steel worth 160 million yuan recovered.
  • 遍及十三州的搜捕法拉塞一事,已遭遇障碍,因凶手可能已获充分时间逃走。法拉塞涉嫌周二在斯塔腾岛以行刑式杀死联邦探员哈彻。
    The 13-state manhunt for Constible Farace, sought in connection with the execution-style slaying of federal agent Hatcher Tuesday on Staten Island, has been hampered by the head start the killer may have gotten.
  • 激流回转赛在什么地举行?
    Where does the whitewater slam race takes place?
  • 扣(球)入篮从球篮上击球使之穿过球篮
    To slam(a ball) through the basket from above.
  • 私语暗中秘密地及私下里说,如通过说闲话、诽谤或搞阴谋的
    To speak quietly and privately, as by way of gossip, slander, or intrigue.
  • 探险队到过很多地方.
    The expedition covered a lot of ground.
  • 用俚语;以俚语的式。
    with slang; in a slangy manner.
  • 处于倾斜;向倾斜的位置或向运动,或者朝向倾斜的位置或向。
    at a slant; moving or directed in a slantwise position or direction.
  • 从房屋那头有几棵矮小的枞树过度倾斜,还有那一排瘦削的荆棘都向着一个向伸展枝条,仿佛在向太阳乞讨温暖,就可以猜想到北风吹过的威力了。
    one may guess the power of the north wind blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house; and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun.
  • 斜的带有偏斜的或倾斜向的
    Having a slanted or oblique direction.
  • 字母向右上倾斜的一种字体。
    a typeface with letters slanting upward to the right.
  • 斜的,倾斜的有斜或坡形向,路径或位置的;倾斜的
    Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined.
  • 有斜或坡形向,路径或位置的--既不平行也不垂直也无直角的。
    slanting or inclined in direction or course or position--neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angular.
  • 没有注意地;以仓促的式。
    without care; in a slapdash manner.
  • 我们已经来到了那狭窄的石道,穿过第二堤岸并以这堤岸作为另一段拱路的扶壁的地。这里我们听到了幽魂们在另一山沟中啼哭着,从嘴巴和鼻孔里喷着气,用手掌拍打着自己。
    We were already where the narrow ridge begins to cross the second bank, to make it an sounds of blows, slapping with open palms.
  • 在少数地,还保持着“刀耕火种”、“烧荒肥田”的原始耕作式。
    Slash and burn cultivation and the burning of grass to fertilize land were still customs retained in a few localities.
  • 农业生产基本上为木犁耕地、牦牛踩场脱粒,有的地还保持着“刀耕火种”的生产式。
    Wooden plows were used for agricultural production and yaks were used for threshing. In some places the slash-and-burn method of farming was common.
  • 农业生产基本上为木犁耕地、牦牛踩场脱粒,有的地还保持着“刀耕火种”的生产式。
    Therefore, for a long time its economy was in a primitive and backward state. Wooden plows were used for agricultural production and yaks were used for threshing. In some places the slash-and-burn method of farming was common.
  • 在中华人民共和国成立之前,少数民族地区的经济文化和社会发展极为落后,有的还处于原始氏族公社状态,生产式是刀耕火种;
    Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the economic, cultural and social development in minority areas was extremely backward. At that time, some areas were still at the stage of primitive clan communes, with people practicing slash-and-burn cultivation.
  • 在中华人民共和国成立之前,少数民族地区的经济文化和社会发展极为落后,有的还处于原始氏族公社状态,生产式是刀耕火种;
    Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the economic, cultural and social development in minority areas was extremely backward. At that time, some areas were still at the stage of primitive clan communes, with people practicing slash-and-burn cultivation. The minority nationalities lived in dire poverty.
  • 石砌的山墙、尖角的屋顶、墙拐角悬空的小塔、石垒的金字塔、十五世纪石板碑、城堡光秃秃的圆形主塔、教堂精细装饰的形塔,大的,小的,粗大厚重的,小巧玲珑的,纷至沓来,叫人目不暇接。
    the carved gable, the pointed roof, the turrets suspended at the angles of the walls;the stone pyramids of the eleventh century, the slate obelisks of the fifteenth; the round, bare tower of the donjon keep; the square and fretted tower of the church; the great and the little, the massive and the aerial.
  • 在北海域中常见的石板灰色钝鼻海豚。
    slaty-gray blunt-nosed dolphin common in northern seas.