Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他把文件推给助手。
    He thrust the file at his assistant.
  • 他们强把中立国入战争。
    They thrust a neutral state into war.
  • 他们强把中立国入战争。
    They thrust a neutral state into war.
  • 那个蛮不讲理的人猛地开这位老太太,抢在她前面上了公共汽车!
    That rude man thrust the old woman aside and got on the bus ahead of her.
  • 我方军队成功地进到曾被敌军占领的新阵地。
    Our army succeeded in thrusting forward to new positions formerly held by the enemy.
  • 他们将他入後房并把他捆了起来
    They thrusted him into the back room and tied him up
  • 设计成可以利用与旋转轴平行的力的轴承。
    a bearing designed to take thrusts parallel to the axis of revolution.
  • 有交叉横木座位和动前进的橡胶桨架的浅底的小船。
    a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled.
  • 【谚】邻居无论多好,围篱不可倒。
    Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge.
  • 【谚】邻居无论多好,围篱不可倒。
    Love thy neighbor, but pull not down thy hedge.
  • “这件事好比一块危险的大石头,我们一开始它的时候,我就和你们大家说,会砸到我们自己身上的。”
    "Tis the right ring, by heaven, I told ye all, /when we first put this dangerous stone a rolling/ "Twould fall upon ourselves."
  • 信息送是在im客户端中显现出来的最新特色,aim和其他服务的用户通过自动显示窗口,可收看到经由其im连接自动送来的股价、天气、体育比赛成绩和新闻。
    Information push is the latest feature to show up in IM clients.Users of AIM and other services can have stock quotes, weather, sports scores, and news automatically piped in to their IM connection via a ticker windows.
  • 理严密的论证;简洁的写作风格
    A tight argument; a tight style of writing.
  • 把会议迟到星期六。
    Put off the meeting till Saturday.
  • 他们决定把会议迟到星期五(之后)举行。
    They decided to put the meeting off till [till after] Friday.
  • 可是到了决定的时刻,他(布什总统)不但与萨达姆对抗并令他屈服,而且也令仅愿行禁运政策(而不愿采取更进一步政策)的民主与共和党政客-以及反对他的美国新闻界-知难而退。
    But at decision time, he (President Bush) faced down not only Saddam Hussein but Democratic and Republican politicians who wanted to follow a sanctions-only policy – and American journalism, which tilted against him.
  • 那辆单轮手车重心不稳,会翻倒。
    That wheelbarrow is top-heavy; it'll tip over.
  • 但他们可以着自行车跑到一个设在途中的换胎处去,由经过训练的换胎队换胎。
    But they are allowed to run with the bike to one of tire change stations placed around the course. Trained teams then change the tire.
  • 但他们可以着自行车跑到一个设在途中的换胎处去,由经过训练的换胎队换胎。
    But they are allowed to run with the bike to one of tire change stations placed around the course. Trained teams then change the tire.
  • 各位悉心栽培我们的青年,协助在学和已踏足社会的同学发挥有用的才能,这是我们动/科技发展必不可少的成功因素。
    Your tireless effort to equip our students and graduates with the right qualities will be an integral part of our success in promoting technology development.
  • 在世界反法西斯的伟大斗争中,在亚非拉人民争取民族独立和解放的神圣事业中,在动建立公正合理的国际新秩序的不懈努力中,我们都始终站在正义一边,同各国人民和世界上一切进步力量一起团结奋斗。
    In the world's great struggle against Fascism, in the sacred cause of the Asian, African and Latin American people fighting for national independence and liberation, and in the tireless efforts to promote the establishment of a fair and rational new international order, we have always stood on the side of justice and worked in unity with the people of all countries and all the progressive forces in the world.
  • 两大玻璃制造商皮尔金顿公司和匹兹堡玻璃板公司已经出了相互形成竞争的"自动清洁"窗玻璃,玻璃表面有纳米大小的二氧化钛颗粒。
    Pilkington and PPG, two major glass manufacturers, have introduced competing “ self-cleaning” window glass products with a surface layer of nanoscale titanium dioxide particles.
  • 因为有人我,我踩到了他的脚。
    Because someone pushed me, I stepped on his toes.
  • 她出外推销化妆品。
    She travels in toiletries.
  • 具有宽和、容忍和讲理的品德,更能保证和进社会精神文明的发展。
    A people who are tolerant, open-minded and reasonable would be a surer guarantee for such a society.
  • 我们测这给他们的家庭和彼此的关系敲响了警钟。
    We gathered that this was taking a toll on the family and their relationship.
  • 托尼有吸引人的风度,因此会成为一名好的销员。
    Tony has a way with him and should make a good salesman.
  • 然而,董事长兼首席执行官约翰·斯梅尔知道,如果公司要继续出像佳洁士牙膏与象牙肥皂那样成功的产品,那将会是一项非常艰巨的任务。
    Nevertheless, Chairman and CEO (chief executive officer) John Smale knows it is a vital task if the company is to continue introducing successful products like Crest toothpaste and Ivory soap.
  • 以所谓人民力量成功翻民选总统,这在菲律宾历史上开下不良先河,使民众认为“人民力量”可以轻而易举地翻一个政权,这才引发5月1日埃斯特拉达支持者在发起第三次“人民力量”后攻击总统府,企图重夺政权的暴动事件。
    Using so-called “people power” to overthrow an elected President has set an undesirable precedent for the country. The people have come to believe that “people power” can easily topple a government - this is why loyalists of Mr Estrada resorted to a third “people power” on May 1 by attacking the presidential palace and attempting to seize power.
  • 为了让旅客享用到更多元化的优质旅游产品,协会继续与辖下旅行团经营商会员合作无间,动他们合办协会设计的新观光线,发展新的旅游产品。
    In an effort to provide visitors with an even wider variety of quality tourism products, the HKTA continued to work closely with its member tour operators to encourage the co-operative operation of HKTA tours as well as the development of new tour products.
  • 48.为实践上述各项新构思,我决定委任一名旅游事务专员,专员责任是动本港旅游业的发展。
    48. To take our new vision for tourism forward with a clear focus, I have decided to appoint a Commissioner for Tourism whose duty will be to promote the development of this industry.
  • 你要是听我的劝告,就到别处去销你的钱,要是你呆在这儿,警察会以做黑市交易的罪名抓住你的。
    If you'll take my advice, you'll try touting that money around somewhere else. If you stay here, the police will pick you up for black market dealing.