  • 香港来的国航211航班由于天气原因迟到两小时。
    CA Flight 211 from Hongkong will be two hours late by the bad weather.
  • 一位消防员急中生智,司机从燃烧的车里拉出来。
    With great presence of mind a fireman pulled the driver away from the burning cab.
  • 机舱灯会因飞机起飞而变暗。
    Cabin light will be dim for takeoff.
  • 机舱灯会因飞机起飞而变暗。
    Cabin lights will be dim for takeoff.
  • 出发前船长船舱的灯光调暗。
    The captain dimmed the cabin lights before takeoff.
  • 孩子们旅行用品塞进小货仓里。
    The boys stowed supplies for the trip into the little cabin.
  • 内阁的垮台成为(报纸等的)好材料。
    The fall of the Cabinet will make good copy.
  • 数据和话音连接器连接到电缆系统的一种板片,它可安装在墙上或平面上。
    A plate for connecting data and voice connectors to a cabling system. It may be wall mounted or surface mounted.
  • 积聚,囤积为备来使用而藏起来的钱或物;密窖,贮藏处
    A hidden fund or supply stored for future use; a cache.
  • 而外部高速缓存(b-cache)两者混合。
    The external cache(or B-Cache) mixes the two together.
  • 这种存储器速度非常快但非常昂贵,大多数处理器都有少量的片上高速缓存或者其放在主板上。
    This sort of memory is very fast but expensive, therefore most processors have a small amount of on-chip cache memory and more system based(on-board) cache memory.
  • 有些处理器的高速缓存既包含数据也包含指令,但有些其分成两部分。
    Some processors have one cache to contain both instructions and data, but others have two, one for instructions and the other for data.
  • 今年秋季就大批生产的卡迪拉克帝威2000型汽车就是第一批携带夜视装置的车辆。
    Cadillac's 2000 DeVille, rolling out this fall, is the first vehicle to carry the system.
  • 通用汽车公司的onstar系统,通过专门的蜂窝电话网可司机与提供各种咨询服务(从提示方位到寻找急救中心)的咨询人员相连,这个系统是卡迪拉克的新型埃斯科拉德运动小卡车(新型多用途赛车“云梯”)上的标准设备。
    GM's Onstar system, which links drivers to advisers who provide everything from directions to emergency assistance via a dedicated cellphone network, is standard equipment on Cadillac's new Escalade sport utility.
  • 身为凯撒(罗马大)妻,必须无可疑(指:与伟大的人物交往的人不可有秽名)。
    Caesar's wife must be above suspicion.
  • 庞培古罗马军和政治领导人。他和凯撒和克拉苏一起组成了三人寡头统治(60-50年),但后来被凯撒击败并在埃及被谋杀
    Roman general and political leader. With Caesar and Crassus he formed a ruling triumvirate(60-50) but was later defeated by Caesar and murdered in Egypt.
  • 罗马军和政治家和恺撒大帝争吵过并逃往埃及,在那里他被谋杀。
    Roman general and statesman who quarrelled with Caesar and fled to Egypt where he was murdered.
  • 高卢的战争中,朱利叶斯凯撒军领导下的罗马军;为了埃及王后克利奥帕特拉而拒绝了他的妻子;他们被海岩群落屋大维打败。
    Roman general under Julius Caesar in the Gallic wars; repudiated his wife for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra; they were defeated by Octavian at Actium (83-30 BC).
  • 咖啡馆老板借助宜人的气候,桌椅拿出来摆在人行道上。
    Cafe owner capitalizes on the good weather by putting tables and chairs out on the pavement.
  • 他租了间面积虽大却很脏的阁楼,它改造成画室。他留起了小胡子,成天混在一些同路哥儿们常常惠顾的咖啡馆里。这些哥儿们一坐就是几个小时,在那儿谴责当代社会的标准。
    He rented a large dirty attic, which he converted into a studio, grew a beard and haunted the cafes patronized by similar young men, who would Sit for hours condemning contemporary standards.
  • 由于无需考虑学生的日常生活,日制学校可以重点放在教学上而不是放在像宿舍和食堂管理这些方面。
    Since it is unnecessary to consider student's routine life, day school can lay stress on teaching instead of other aspects, such as management of dormitory and cafeteria.
  • 关于笼内放入或之限制于或好象于笼子内
    To put or confine in or as if in a cage.
  • 该隐对天主说:“我受不了这个惩罚。今天你把我从这里赶走,不让我再出现在你面前,我成为一个流浪汉,到处漂泊,遇见我的人都可能杀死我。”
    Cain said to the Lord,"My punishment is heavier than I can bear; thou hast driven me today from the ground, and I must hide myself from thy presence. I shall be a vagrant and a wanderer on earth, and any one who meets me can kill me."
  • 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光岩石晒得发白。
    He looked up at the mountainside, the path twisting upwards towards the cairn cross, the white heat bleaching the rock.
  • 另有两人在开罗加入旅游团。
    Two more people will join the group in cairo.
  • “开罗宣言之条件必实施。”
    "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out."
  • 一九四五年,中美英三国共同签署、后来又有苏联参加的《波茨坦公告》规定:“开罗宣言之条件必实施。
    The Potsdam Proclamation signed by China, the United States and Britain in 1945 (later adhered to by the Soviet Union) stipulated that "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out.
  • 这具棺木在失踪70多年后由德国政府归还给埃及,近日在位于开罗的埃及博物馆展出。
    The sarcophagus is to be displayed at the Egyptian museum in Cairo as it was signed over to Egypt by German authorities, more than 70 years after it went missing from the Egyptian museum.
  • 一九四五年七月二十六日,中、美、英三国签署(后苏联参加)的《波茨坦公告》又重申:“开罗宣言之条件必实施。”
    The Potsdam Proclamation signed by China, the United States and Great Britain on 26 July 1945 (subsequently adhered to by the Soviet Union) reiterated: "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out."
  • 德国的分裂,为二战期间和战后一系列国际条约所规定。而台湾问题,则有《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际条约关于日本必须窃取于中国的台湾归还中国的规定。
    Germany was divided according to a series of international treaties during and after World War II, while the Taiwan question involves provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international treaties, stating that Japan must return Taiwan, which it had stolen from China, to the Chinese.
  • 德国的分裂,为二战期间和战后一系列国际条约所规定。而台湾问题,则有《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》等国际条约关于日本必须窃取于中国的台湾归还中国的规定。
    Germany was divided according to a series of international treaties during and after the Second World War, while the Taiwan question involves provisions of the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and other international treaties, stating that Japan must return Taiwan, which it had stolen from China, to the Chinese.
  • 1994年开罗国际人口和发展大会通过的《国际人口与发展大会行动纲领》又一次强调,生殖权利“承认所有夫妇和个人均享有自由、负责地决定生育次数、生育间隔和时间,并获得这样做的信息和方法基本权利,以及实现性和生殖健康方面最高标准的权利。”并指出“在行使这种权利时,他们应考虑到他们已有的和来的子女的需要以及他们对社会所负的责任。
    The "Programme of Action" adopted at the International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo in 1994 once again points out that "these [reproductive] rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health.... In the exercise of this right, they should take into account the needs of their living and future children and their responsibilities towards the community.