  • 阿布基尔尼罗河三角洲,位于阿布基尔海湾上埃及北部的一个村庄。霍拉提欧·纳尔逊将军曾于1798年在阿布基尔附近击败法国舰队,使英国的声望在地中海得以重建,并粉碎了法国在中建立要塞的希望
    A village of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta on the Bay of Abukir. Adm. Horatio Nelson's victory over a French fleet off Abukir in1798 restored British prestige in the Mediterranean and ended French hopes of establishing a stronghold in the Middle East.
  • 错觉虚幻的或无从捉摸的西
    Something elusive or delusive.
  • 我喜欢要求很高的工作,能使劲啃啃的西。
    I like a demanding job, something to sink my teeth into.
  • 东北民主联军
    Northeast Democratic United Army
  • 他内心魔鬼似的西——会很残忍的西;烈火点燃了邪恶的景象;受魔鬼影响的恶魔似的男巫师;残忍的暴君;地狱般的严刑拷打;邪恶的战争机器;邪恶、残忍;邪恶的鬼脸。
    something demonic in him--something that could be cruel; fires lit up a diabolic scene; diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils; a fiendish despot; hellish torture; infernal instruments of war; satanic cruelty; unholy grimaces.
  • 他们不肯给予他要求的西。
    They denied him what he asked.
  • 由於公司业务她成了京的常客
    Because of the company business she has become a denizen of Tokyo
  • 由於公司业务她成了京的常客。
    Because of the company business she have become a denizen of Tokyo.
  • 他给丹尼斯一些西。
    He gave something to Dennis.
  • 丹尼斯,以已经九点了,我很饿,去吃点西吧。
    Dennis, it's already 00, I'm very hungry, let's get something to eat.
  • (语言学)属于用来指有生命的西的名词类别。
    (linguistics) belonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings.
  • 这是毛泽在延安民众讨汪大会上所作的讲演。
    Comrade Mao Tse-tung delivered this speech at a mass rally in Yenan to denounce Wang Ching-wei.
  • 做质地浓密的席子的石松;产于北美洲部。
    spikemoss forming dense mats; eastern North America.
  • 英格兰西北部的一座城市,位于利物浦方英里;英格兰人口最密集地区的中心。
    a city in northwestern England (30 miles east of Liverpool); heart of the most densely populated area of England.
  • 近三分之一的美国中学生都会继续上大学,但他们并不真的信任在那儿学的西。
    Nearly one-third of American secondary school stu-dents go on to university, but they don't fully trust what they learn there.
  • 格里利美国科罗拉多州中北部一城市,位于丹佛北偏北。1870年始建时为一个合作农场和斋戒场所,并以其保护人赫拉斯·格里利命名。人口60,536
    A city of north-central Colorado north-northeast of Denver. It was founded in1870 as a cooperative farm and temperance center and named for its patron, Horace Greeley. Population,60, 536.
  • 1967年冬天,我和妻子从城市搬到离丹佛南25英里远的科罗拉多州的帕克,打算趁我在一家目录商店当管理人之机饲养一些良种马,以便维持收支相抵的生活。
    In the winter of 1967, my wife and I moved from the city to Parker, Colo. , 25miles southeast of Denver. We were going to breed and raise Thoroughbred horses, while I worked as a supervisor in a catalogue house to help make ends meet.
  • 远东百货公司?
    Far Eastern Department Store?
  • 布什的白宫政府在中的军事事务上一直言词强硬,然而对由于美国依赖矿物燃料而造成的长期问题却完全保持沉默。
    The Bush White House talks tough on military matters in the Middle East while remaining virtually silent about the long-term problem posed by U.S.dependence on fossil fuels.
  • 禁不住的或者生理上依靠某种会形成习惯的西。
    compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming.
  • 美国进一步强化在本地区的军事存在和双边军事同盟,推动研发并计划在亚地区部署战区导弹防御系统,以及日本确定"周边事态法"等,违背时代潮流。
    The United States is further strengthening its military presence and bilateral military alliances in this region, advo-cating the development of the TMD system and planning to deploy it in East Asia. Japan has passed a bill relating to measures in the event of a situation in the areas surrounding Japan. All this goes against the tide of the times.
  • 西可以被留下或挑选的中心存放处。
    a central depository where things can be left or picked up.
  • 收集和展览有科学、历史或艺术价值的西的存放处。
    a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value.
  • 哥伦布美国印地安那州中南部城市,位于印地安纳波利斯的南偏南,内战时是北方联军的供应点。人口31,802
    A city of south-central Indiana south-southeast of Indianapolis. It was a supply depot for Union troops during the Civil War. Population,31, 802.
  • 你要尽可能去仓库,捷足先登嘛。要是你10点钟之后才赶到,好西可就都卖完了。
    Go down to the depot as early as you can; because it is the early bird that catches the worm, and if you get there after ten o'clock the best of the stuff has been sold.
  • 此外,当局已在小蚝湾略为偏的地方,预留土地兴建污水处理厂,而铁路车厂、垃圾转运站及滤水厂也设于该处,并预留土地供未来扩展之用。
    At Siu Ho Wan, slightly to the east, land has been set aside for a sewage treatment works, a railway depot, a refuse transfer station and a water treatment works, with land set aside for future expansion.
  • 依赖于物质性西的人;突然吸取了物质症状的人。
    someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms.
  • 可是我怕夺了您的好西。”
    but I couldn't deprive you of him.'
  • 诈骗通过欺骗的方式夺取(别人的)西;欺骗或欺诈
    To deprive(another) of something by fraud; cheat or swindle.
  • 我再也无法窥测这渊深莫测的水域的奥秘了。我曾趁短暂的光投射到水上时瞥见过埋藏在水下的珍宝和其它西。
    No more can I look into the depths of this unfathomable water, wherein as momentary lights glanced into it, I have had glimpses of buried treasure and other things submerged.
  • 这些西深深地烙进了我们的性格,拨动着我们的心弦,并伴随着我们的生命年复一年地从我们心灵的最深入发出一个益发深沉的和声。
    These things strike down into the very depths of our nature, and tou ch chords that with every year of our life sound a deeper note in our innermost being.
  • 皮特从橱窗中目送她离去,心中一片悲凉。珍·格雷斯身上的某些西和她的那串珠子搅动了他心中无法掩藏的深深的悲伤。
    Through the window he watched her go, while desolation flooded his thoughts something about Jean Grace and her string of beads had stirred him to the depths of a grief that would not stay buried.