  • 如果可能的话,我更喜欢带淋浴的房
    I'd prefer a shower to a bathtub, if possible.
  • 您想要一个带浴盆的房吗?
    Would you like a room with a bathtub?
  • 的枕套是脏的,浴盆也是脏的。
    The pillowcases in my room are stained and the bathtub is not clean.
  • 指挥用手或指挥棒挥动或敲打以记数时和表明节奏
    To mark or count(time or rhythm) with the hands or with a baton.
  • 这种蝙蝠与大多数蝙蝠不同,是在日活动的.
    Unlike most other bats, this species is diurnal.
  • 蝙蝠在夜飞行,以昆虫和水果为食物。
    Bats fly at night and feed on insects and fruit.
  • 傍晚飞的在晚开始活动,比如蝙蝠和猫头鹰;晚活动的
    Becoming active in the evening, as bats and owls; crepuscular.
  • 今年二三月的俘虏兵,现在有当了营长的。
    some of those captured in February or March are already battalion commanders.
  • 大部队夜向后撤退2英里,占据于有利地形。
    The battalion pulled back two miles during the night and took up prepared positions.
  • 地球失去了抵御太阳紫外线的保护层,在历时数百年的时里一直处于强烈的辐射下。
    Earth lost its protection against ultraviolet solar rays and for several hundred years the planet would have been battered by intense radiation.
  • 传统的internet技术机构之这场争斗的中心是域名,即一个实体在internet网上的识别符,如mcdonalds.com或isoc.org等。
    At the center of the storm battering the traditional Internet technical organizations are domain names-identifiers, such as mcdonalds.com or isoc.org, of an entity on the Internet.
  • 他花了许多时漫游。
    He spent a lot of time batting around.
  • 他化了许多时在山漫游。
    He spent a lot of time batting around( the mountains).
  • 他们的目的是在战场上获得喘息时
    Their aim was to gain a breathing space on the battlefield
  • (七六)如果我们坚决地采取了战场作战的“外线的速决的进攻战”,就不但在战场上改变着敌我之的强弱优劣形势,而且将逐渐地变化着总的形势。
    76. If we resolutely apply "quick-decision offensive warfare on exterior lines" on a battlefield, we shall not only change the balance of forces on that battlefield, but also gradually change the general situation.
  • 阿尔贡法国东北部的一丛林丘陵地区,位于默兹河和埃纳河之。该地区在第一次世界大战期是主要战场之一
    A wooded and hilly region of northeast France between the Meuse and Aisne rivers. The area was a major battleground during World War I.
  • 在图书馆里,历史方面的书都放在同一隔里。
    In the library, the books on history are all kept in one bay.
  • 把这设备放在第叁号储藏里.
    Put the equipment in No 3 bay.
  • 从我们的房可以俯瞰海湾;
    Our rooms opened on a view of the bay.
  • 从我们房可以看到海湾。
    Our room opened upon a view of the bay.
  • 她在自己的房里待了几个小时。
    She has been in her room for hours.
  • 要严格遵守时间。
    Be punctual!
  • 有隔的盒子;贝肯·希尔的保护性的、分成隔的社会——约翰·梅森·布朗。
    a compartmented box; the protected and compartmented society of Beacon Hill- John Mason Brown.
  • 闪光信号灯在规则的时隔内闪烁的明亮的灯,象灯塔或信号灯等
    A bright light, as of a beacon or signal lamp, that flashes at regular intervals.
  • 她的乌黑发亮的一头秀发在脑后紧紧地终成一个客。那人想象着那头秀发披散开来瀑布般落在腰的情形,只见那女人穿着皮外套的肩上挎着一个沉甸甸的黑色坤包,脚上穿着一双黑色软皮靴。
    She has glossy black hair pulled tightly into a knot at the back of her bead-the man imagines it loosed and cascading to the small of her back-and carries over she shoulder of her leather coat a heavy black purse. She wears black boots of soft leather.
  • 用串珠窗帘装饰房,使它变得有生气
    Jazzed up the living area with beaded curtains.
  • 活动的捕食鸟,有类鹰的喙和爪,大头并有前视的眼睛。
    nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes.
  • m2a在人体系统内运行时,每秒可拍两幅照片,可在病人体内连续工作8小时。所拍图像被戴在腰的一个小记录器接收、保存。
    The M2A sanps two pictures a second for eight hours as it passes through a patient's system, beaming images to a small recorder worn at the waist.
  • 他的房整整齐齐,但是只疏疏落落摆了几件家俱,一张旧沙发,一张豆袋椅和一个书架
    His room is neat but sparsely furnished, with an old couch, a beanbag chair, and a bookcase
  • 那个房里怎麽了? 乱哄哄的.
    What's happening in that room? It's (like) bedlam in there.
  • 由于长时的挤压而导致的慢性溃疡。
    a chronic ulcer of the skin caused by prolonged pressure on it (as in bedridden patients).
  • 最后,我开始认识到我能够保护我的孩子的生命,能够继续享受自己的生活。我开始寻找我能做的事情,以便在卧床期让自己充实起来。
    I finally began to realize that I could protect my child's life and still enjoy my life, and started to look for things I could do to keep occupied while bedridden.