  • 她能寫些很有趣的故事, 但是比不上那些寫出內容能發人深省的小.
    She writes quite amusing stories but she can't hold a candle to the more serious novelists.
  • 他閱讀偵探小消遣。
    He amused himself by reading mysteries.
  • 演講人在演講結束時了幾句笑話來使聽衆發笑。
    The speaker amused the audience with some jokes tacked on to his speech.
  • 我們談話時,他老是插進來“不出我所料”,這使我們感到好笑。
    We were amused at the way he so frequently chopped into our conversation by saying: "I thought as much."
  • 他的短篇小妙趣橫生。
    His short stories sparkle with amusing moments.
  • 以有趣的方式話或寫作。
    acts speaks or writes in an amusing way.
  • 者在他的長篇演中穿有趣的故事。
    The speaker interlarded his long speech with amusing stories.
  • 有趣的話人;有趣的故事;做有趣的事。
    an amusing speaker; a diverting story; a fun thing to do.
  • 他對太太述有關他雇主的趣事。
    He related to his wife some amusing stories about his employer.
  • 可以,類扁桃體就象發動機;而大腦皮層則象剎車。
    Think of the amygdala as the engine and the cortex as the brake.
  • 凱撒看了看手錶,那是弄錯時代了。
    It is an anachronism to say Julius Caesar looked at his watch.
  • 洛佩茲被《人物》雜志命名為1997年最有魅力的50人之一;她繼《塞萊娜》後的新作《阿納康達》,最終將吉姆·凱瑞的《謊者》擠出其霸占已久的春季票房排行榜首位。
    Lopez was named one of People magazine's Fifty Most Beautiful People for 1997,and her first post Selena project,Anaconda,was the film that finally knocked Jim Carrey's Liar Liar out of its holding pattern at the top spot in the spring box office rankings.
  • 其他高級職員認為日本的影響不會那麽大,認為不能與汽車相提並論。他們製造汽車與好萊塢的創造性企業截然不同。
    Other executives think the Japanese influence will be less dramatic and dismiss the automobile analogy, saying that manufacturing cars is a far cry from the creative nature of Hollywood's endeavors.
  • 他用類推法明了這個問題。
    He explained the subject by analogy.
  • 用類比推理,用類比
    To look for or reason by analogy.
  • 在大體上來,人類的生命可是由許多不同種族的生命之流所造成的,可是一個人直接感覺到的,直接看見的,卻是傢族的生命之流,依照中國人和西洋人的比喻,我們用“傢係”或“傢族的樹”一詞,每個人的生命不過是那棵樹的一部分或一個分枝,生在樹身上,以其生命來幫助全樹的生長和賡續。
    Human life as a whole may be regarded as consisting of different racial streams of life, but it is the stream of life in the family that a man feels and sees directly. In accordance with both a Chinese and Western analogy, we speak of the "family tree", and every man's life is but a section or a branch of that tree, growing upon the trunk and contributing by its very existence to its further growth and continuation.
  • 無論是開會發言、寫文章,都要進行充分的理和實事求是的科學分析。
    When speaking at meetings or writing articles, people should reason things out and analyse them rationally and scientifically.
  • 對“文化大革命”,我們也不是路綫錯誤,按它的實質分析就是了,是什麽就是什麽。
    Neither should we describe the "Cultural Revolution" as an error of line; We should analyse its essence and see it for what it really was.
  • 地圖册,圖表集將地圖裝訂而成的書册,有時附有增補明或圖表分析
    A book or bound collection of maps, sometimes with supplementary illustrations and graphic analyses.
  • 即使根據最寬的標準來,到目前為止還算不上成功。
    Even on the most charitable analysis, it has not been a great success so far.
  • 國際商業機器有限公司昨天又在華爾街宣佈了一項駭人聽聞的消息,警告分析傢他們可以預期第二季度盈利至少下降百分之八十。
    IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
  • 一位潮流分析傢:“這是整代人的激進變化。
    A trend analyst says:" It's a radical generational change.
  • 一個當地股票分析傢評論:“衹有這樣20多歲的人才有如此的勇氣。”
    A local stock analyst remarked: " Only twentysomethings like Huang have such courage."
  • 當地一股票分析員對我笑指黃川:“衹有這樣20多歲的人才有如此的勇氣。”
    A local stock analyst remarked: " Only twenty some things like Huang have such courage."
  • cnn的分析傢傑夫·格林菲爾德,辯論是對候選人的實力和能力的"嚴峻考驗"。
    The debates are a “ key test” of the strength and abilities of the candidates,says CNN analyst Jeff Greenfield.
  • 弱點:“許多人他沒有羅卜拖的銳氣”,一位飲料分析傢如是
    Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he doesn't have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst.
  • giga信息集團的對象技術分析師johnrymer:“omg需要把精力更多地集中在建立協議上,而不是集中在可移植性上。
    "OMG needs to focus more on establishing protocols and stop focusing on portability", said John Rymer, object technology analyst Giga Information Group.
  • 任職於瑞銀華寶香港分部的中國分析員張喬對路透社有"不少鼓吹成分"在驅動股市上揚。
    Joe Zhang, China analyst at UBS Warburg in Hong Kong, told Reuters that "a lot of hot air" was causing stocks to rise.
  •  但對技術分析員來,他並不需要知道那好消息是什麽,走勢圖將告訴他股價會起還是落。
    For the technical analyst, he does not need to know what the good news or any other information that is affecting the stock price is;
  • 據馬薩諸塞州弗明翰市的國際數據公司(idc)的分析傢布賴德·巴威恩:“相競爭的標準使用戶大為煩惱。
    "The competing standards were incredibly annoying to users," says Brad Baldwin, an analyst at Framingham, Mass.-based International Data Corp (IDC)."
  • forrester研究公司分析傢特德·施考德勒:“互用性將處在最底層,我們不談論對象橋接,而是談論服務橋接。”
    "Interoperability will be at the lowest level," said Ted Schadler, an analyst at Forrester Research."We're not talking about object bridges, we're talking about service bridges."
  • 全國民意研究中心的一位分析傢:“希拉裏站在總統一邊這件事本身對於解釋人們的疑問大有幫助。”
    The point that Hillary is standing by the president... goes a long way toward answering people's questions," says Tom Smith, an analyst at the NORC.