  • 外国佬,老外在拉丁美洲尤指对、美外国人的贬义的称呼
    Used as a disparaging term for a foreigner in Latin America, especially an American or English person.
  • 人们还是强调教学技能,忽视学生在另一种情况下是否会有或多或少的真正的进步,比方说,日本学生的语学习是否真的比十年前学得更有成效。
    The emphasis is on the skills of teaching. Much less attention is paid to whether individuals are making more or less real progress in a language than they would under a different dispensation, or whether Japanese students, say, are actually learning English more successfully than they were ten years ago.
  • 懒学生可以把原文抛在一边而用文直译本。
    A lazy student can dispense with the original and use the english text as a trot.
  • 有人认为国过快地发展铁路事业,在某种程度上也重蹈了北美的覆辙。
    and it was for some time doubtful whether England, in the disproportionate development of railway enterprise, had not, in some degree, followed the example.
  • 上个月国发现了一个恐怖小组,一名国警官在摧毁该小组的行动中丧生。
    When the British unearthed a cell there just last month, one British police officer was murdered during the disruption of the cell.
  • 此外,美两国拥有力量强大的印刷媒体、广播与电子媒体,协助它们向全世界输送美文化。
    Moreover, they also have a powerful and effective print, broadcasting and electronic media, which are potent tools to help disseminate their culture.
  • 此外,美两国还拥有强大而有效的印刷媒体、广播与电子媒体,有利的支持它们向全世界输送美文化。
    Moreover, they also have a powerful and effective print, broadcasting and electronic media, which are potent tools to help disseminate their culture throughout the world.
  • 反对英国国教
    dissent from the Church of England
  • 在此之前,国人已于一八九九年四月接管新界。接管初期,尚有零星反抗,但后来终告停止。
    There was some opposition when the British took over the New Territories in April 1899, but this eventually dissipated.
  • 战后的国历届政府眼巴巴地看着帝国逐渐解体。
    Successive post-war governments have presided over the gradual dissolution of the British Empire.
  • 我家离海四英里。
    My house is four miles distance from the sea.
  • 国测量距离用里,不用公里。
    In England distance is measured in miles, not in kilometers.
  • 这段距离我估计是20里。
    I make the distance twenty miles.
  • 公司距离我家五里远。
    My company is five miles distant from my home.
  • 点钟吃茶点是国人很流行的习惯。
    Drinking tea at4 pm is a popular British institution.
  • 农场主决定把10亩耕地改为牧场。
    The farmer decided to pm ten acres down to grass.
  • 这个独特的国重大节日的细节。
    the subtleties of this distinctly British occasion.
  • 培根,弗朗西斯生于1909籍爱尔兰裔画家,以其扭曲变形并带有恐怖感觉的肖像画最为著名
    Irish-born British painter best known for his portraits in which subjects are distorted and invested with feelings of terror.
  • 外面的吵闹声打断了他的语课。
    The noise outside distracted him from his English lecture.
  • 国)分配广播或电视节目的系统。
    (British) a system for distributing radio or tv programs.
  • 国苏格兰中东南部行政区。
    a district in southeast central Scotland.
  • 我们徒步漫游格兰西北部湖泊区。
    We tramped through the Lake District.
  • 确立的社会秩序;对既定权威的不信任;一个队已被确定为职业体协的一组;陶醉于他作为一个确定作家的威望;既定的先例;国国教。
    the established social order; distrust of established authority; a team established as a member of a major league; enjoyed his prestige as an established writer; an established precedent; the established Church.
  • 这些以语文为主导将国家精分成几个小圈子,固然能够反映出我国多元的特性,但其中或许也播下不协调种子,造成危机。
    Dividing the nation's elite into different linguistic streams may reflect the multifarious nature of our country, but it can also sow the seeds of disunity which may result in a national crisis.
  • 跳过两英尺宽的水沟
    Hop a ditch two feet wide.
  • 专心研究英国文学史
    dive into the history of English literature
  • (源自希腊神话)是指一个极脏的马厩,后来被大力雄用了两条河的水才清洗干净。
    (Greek mythology) the extremely dirty stables that were finally cleaned by Hercules who diverted two rivers through them.
  • 吉利海峡是分开国和法国的海洋通道。
    The English channel is the ocean passage dividing England and France.
  • 他一直在潜心研究国文学史。
    He has been diving into the history of English literature.
  • 这位31岁的父亲正在距离他的家乡中国乌鲁木齐市5500里的地方攻读土壤学博士学位。
    The 31-year-old father was 5,500 miles from his home in Urumqi, China, competing for a doctoral scholarship in soil science.
  • 1999年,他获得北京外国语大学语语言文学博士学位,最终实现了他从小的读大书的夙愿。
    By 1999, he had realized his dream of getting his doctorate from Beijing Foreign Languages University.
  • 我们先看了一部用文译制的记录片。
    First we saw a documentary dubbed in English.