  • 那些目击者肯定对我作了种种猜测,他们一准会暗暗思忖,我一百法郎的高价来买这么一本书究竟是为了什么,这本书到处都可以买到,只要上十个法郎,至多也不过十五个法郎。
    I must have greatly intrigued the onlookers who, having witnessed this scene, doubtless wondered why on earth I had gone there to pay a hundred francs for a book that I could have got anywhere for ten or fifteen at most.An hour later, I had sent round for my purchase.
  • 这个园离市中心只有五分钟的路程。
    The park is only five minutes from downtown.
  • 当空气在气垫船下面急速冲击水面时,从海里卷起了浪
    This spray was thrown up from the sea when the air rushed downwards under the hovercraft and struck the water.
  • 加州和墨西哥北部的任何一种美丽的常青的灌木,有绒毛的浅裂的叶子和艳丽的黄
    any of several handsome evergreen shrubs of California and northern Mexico having downy lobed leaves and showy yellow flowers.
  • 椒薄荷一种薄荷属植物,有紫或白色小,带绒毛的叶子可制成辣油
    A plant, Mentha piperita, having small purple or white flowers and downy leaves that yield a pungent oil.
  • 欧洲一种成簇的芳香的多年生草本植物,茎有毛、红色或紫色,叶黑绿色、下侧有白色绒毛,有红棕色小
    European tufted aromatic perennial herb having hairy red or purple stems and dark green leaves downy white below and red-brown florets.
  • 澳大利亚南部的一种多年生灌木状植物,茎、叶背面和下侧有绒毛或柔毛,有红色至粉红色的总状序。
    shrubby perennial of southern Australia having downy or woolly stems and undersides of leaves and racemes of red to pink flowers.
  • 垂状叶片和金黄色球状冠的山莞荽属植物;原产澳洲和新西兰。
    any of various plants of the genus Craspedia grown for their downy foliage and globose heads of golden flowers; Australia and New Zealand.
  • ,草棉,木棉多种棉属的灌木植物,绚丽,种植为了收获其富油的种子周围的柔软、白色绒羽状纤维
    Any of various shrubby plants of the genus Gossypium, having showy flowers and grown for the soft, white, downy fibers surrounding oil-rich seeds.
  • 高大的欧洲一年生植物,叶多毛,呈灰绿色,具有浓密的白色小序,继之是多毛的荚;广泛移植于北美。
    tall European annual with downy gray-green foliage and dense heads of small white flowers followed by hairy pods; naturalized in North America; sometimes a troublesome weed.
  • 马利筋属植物一种马利筋属植物,有乳白色汁液,通常叶对生、色各异且聚成伞状,果荚绽裂后落出带绒毛的种子
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Asclepias, having milky juice, usually opposite leaves, variously colored flowers grouped in umbels, and pods that split open to release seeds with downy tufts.
  • 如果她没有无节制地钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。
    The dowry will be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.
  • 男衬衣至少要1000打,绣衬衣至少需要5000打。
    We want a minimum of 1,000 dozen of men's shirts and minimum of 5,000 dozen of embroidered shirts.
  • 一束红玫瑰。本周我们卖的长柄红玫瑰一束12美元,这些确实很好。
    A dozen roses. Our long- stem red roses are selling for twelve dollars a dozen this week, and they are really quite nice.
  • 一束红玫瑰。本周我们卖的长柄红玫瑰一束12美元,这些确实很好。
    A dozen roses. Our long - stem red roses is selling for twelve dollars a dozen this week, and they are really quite nice.
  • 这两个文件是了很大功夫的,我看都是比较成熟的。
    Much effort has gone into the drafting and, in my opinion, both documents are fairly well thought out.
  • 龙的嘴里射出烟火焰来。
    The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth.
  • 主要产品:咖啡黄,龙凤黄大理石板,岗石板。
    Main products: Coffee Yellow and Dragon and Phoenix Yellow marble granite plates.
  • 赫斯帕里得斯与一条龙一起看守长有金苹果的园的仙女们
    The nymphs who together with a dragon watch over a garden in which golden apples grow.
  • 她给自己编了一顶玫瑰冠。
    She entwined a crown of roses around her We engraved a dragon entwining around the stone pillar.
  • 由于价格上涨太快,我的钱都快光了。
    Now that prices are rising so fast, all my money is draining away.
  • 马萨伊族妇女参加了一个开创性抗旱新倡议,有望大量减少寻找和收集足够的干净和卫生水源所时间。
    Masai women have joined a pioneering new antidrought initiative that promises to dramatically reduce the time spent finding and collecting sufficient clean and healthy water supplies.
  • 别弄巧了只管说出事实经过吧!
    Don't dramatize--just give us the facts!
  • 马德拉斯提薄布用于棉织品的一种轻棉布
    A light cotton cloth used for drapery.
  • 让我们先关注一下容易做的决定,安全/多用途因特网邮件扩展(s/mime)应该是信息加密和数字签名的格式,因为它是已被认可的标准,被做进了主要的电子邮件客户端软件中,如微软的outlook98/2000和莲公司的notesr5。迄今为止,你只能用s/mime一类的标准。每家供应商都有自己对s/mime的解释,这就引出了互用性问题,最新的电子邮件客户端软件中s/mime三版的出现,加重了这个缺陷,它再次可能带来互用性问题。
    Let’s take care of the easy decisions. Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions(S/MIME)should be the message encryption and digital signature format because it’s the accepted standard and is built into leading e-mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook 98/2000 and Lotus Notes R5. Yet a standard such as S/MIME only takes you so far. Each vendor has implemented its own interpretation of S/MIME,which makes interoperability problematic. This drawback is exacerbated by the emergence of S/MIME Version 3 in the newest e-mail clients,which again could create interoperability issues.
  • 想到我们把所有的钱都到儿子的教育上,而他去想去一家沉闷的工厂工作,我感到很伤心。
    It breaks my heart to think of all the money we spent on our son's education and all he wants to do it work in a dreary factory.
  • 我还没有告诉我的太太她买衣服钱太多,她先下手为强反问我为什么那么多钱去买新钓鱼竿。
    Before I could tell my wife she had spent too much for the dress, she stole my thunder by asking why I spent so much for the new fishing rod.
  • 她穿着花俏俗气。
    She was loudly dressed.
  • 我用自己配制的调料和生酱。
    I use self-made dressing and peanut butter.
  • 我妻子把100英镑去买一件新衣服,看成是小事一桩。
    My wife thinks nothing of spending a hundred pounds on a new dress.
  • 梅希林边一种织成六边形的细小且坚硬的边,用于制衣业
    A thin, stiff net woven in a hexagonal pattern and used in dressmaking.
  • 我们专门研究干燥的
    We specialize in dried flowers.