  • 小树林缺乏茂密下层树丛的小树林或树木
    A small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense undergrowth.
  • 当然,因为林彪、“四人帮”十年横行,一部分众受害中毒,也因为我们所进行的教育不够,他们对许多情况不了解,以至有些人一时对党和社会主义有某些失望情绪,是可以理解的。
    Of course, it is understandable that for a time some of the masses may be somewhat disappointed in the Party and socialism: their minds were poisoned during the decade when Lin Biao and the Gang of Four were riding high, and they don't understand many things because we haven't conducted enough education among them.
  • 至于此刻的红军,也是由经过民主的政治训练和接受过工农众影响的国民革命军中分化出来的。
    As for the present Red Army, it is a split-off from the National Revolutionary Army which underwent democratic political training and came under the influence of the masses of workers and peasants.
  • 在人中未注意到的面孔
    An undistinguished face in the crowd.
  • 特别指普通的或平凡的人或事物。
    a crowd especially of ordinary or undistinguished persons or things.
  • 如果这些情况发生的话,那么毫无疑问在动物中将有一场巨大的变化。
    Were this to happen, there would undoubtedly be an associated wave of changes in the fauna as well.
  • 云南还是人类重要的发祥地之一,禄丰恐龙、澄江古生物化石以及元谋猿人等,都是极其重要的历史文化遗迹。
    Yunnan is also one of the important origins the of mankind. The dinosaur fossils unearthed in Lufeng, the ancient life in Chengjiang and the Yuanmou Man are very important historical and cultural relics.
  • 直到雨终于下下来农民们才安心;为他的健康不安;发出不安的笑声;不安的垂下了戴着王冠的头;动荡不安的联合政府;不安的平静;这人陷入了不安的沉默。
    farmers were uneasy until rain finally came; uneasy about his health; gave an uneasy laugh; uneasy lies the head that wears the crown; an uneasy coalition government; an uneasy calm; an uneasy silence fell on the group.
  • 太岳、太行区一般应在今年内克服不平衡,完成发动众与组织众的任务。
    In the Taiyue and Taihang areas we should solve the problem of uneven development and arouse the masses and get them organized, for the most part, during this year.
  • 新来者新来的人,尤指对一地或一人还不了解的人
    A newcomer, especially one who is unfamiliar with the ways of a place or group.
  • 卡霍奥拉威岛夏威夷岛中部偏南的一座岛屿,位于茂伊岛西南部。这座地势低的贫瘠的岛屿一直用作监狱和军用靶场
    An island of south-central Hawaii southwest of Maui. The low and unfertile island has been used as a prison and a military target range.
  • 我们要继续坚持毛泽东同志提出的文艺为最广大的人民众、首先为工农兵服务的方向,坚持百花齐放、推陈出新、洋为中用、古为今用的方针,在艺术创作上提倡不同形式和风格的自由发展,在艺术理论上提倡不同观点和学派的自由讨论。
    We must adhere to the principle put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong -- that literature and art should serve the broadest masses and, first of all, the workers, peasants and soldiers.We must always uphold the principles of "letting a hundred flowers bloom", "weeding through the old to bring forth the new" and "making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China".We should encourage the unhampered development of different forms and styles in literature and art, as well as the free discussion of theories of literature and art among exponents of different views and schools of thought.
  •  我们要继续坚持毛泽东同志提出的文艺为最广大的人民众、首先为工农兵服务的方向,坚持百花齐放、推陈出新、洋为中用、古为今用的方针,在艺术创作上提倡不同形式和风格的自由发展,在艺术理论上提倡不同观点和学派的自由讨论。
    We must adhere to the principle put forward by Comrade Mao Zedong -- that literature and art should serve the broadest masses and, first of all, the workers, peasants and soldiers. We must always uphold the principles of ``letting a hundred flowers bloom'', ``weeding through the old to bring forth the new'' and ``making the past serve the present and foreign things serve China''. We should encourage the unhampered development of different forms and styles in literature and art, as well as the free discussion of theories of literature and art among exponents of different views and schools of thought.
  • 如果对其他族的理解不足,甚至是缺乏互相了解的基础,却害怕面对现实而不愿正视欠缺的理解,对种种芥蒂、误会加以掩饰、模糊,肯定是不健康的心态。
    It is unhealthy not to face up to the reality that different ethnic groups may not have an adequate understanding of each other, and sweep any ill feelings or misunderstandings under the carpet.
  • 那时,你打仗不勇敢,怕死,你不同战士心连心,不联系实际,不联系众,做政治工作就没有人听。
    At that time, if you were not brave in battle or if you were not at one with the rank and file and didn't stay in contact with reality and with the masses, your political work went unheeded.
  • 所谓发展,就是不受国民党的限制,超越国民党所能允许的范围,不要别人委任,不靠上级发饷,独立自主地放手地扩大军队,坚决地建立根据地,在这种根据地上独立自主地发动众,建立共产党领导的抗日统一战线的政权,向一切敌人占领区域发展。
    To expand means to reach out into all enemy-occupied areas and not to be bound by the Kuomintang's restrictions but to go beyond the limits allowed by the Kuomintang, not to expect official appointments from them or depend on the higher-ups for financial support but instead to expand the armed forces freely and independently, set up base areas unhesitatingly, independently arouse the masses in those areas to action and build up united front organs of political power under the leadership of the Communist Party.
  • 每一个社保留着它们本身独特的色彩和活力。
    Each community retains its own unique colour and vibrancy.
  • 我们联合起来的众越多,就越有利。
    The more of the masses we unite with, the better.
  • 有了党的团结,才能有力量去团结广大众。
    A united party will then be strong enough to unite with the masses.
  • 梯形排列体、单位或个人的类似排列
    A similar formation of groups, units, or individuals.
  • 我们不依靠人民,不走众路线,是毫无道理的。
    Not to rely on them and pursue the mass line is utterly unjustifiable.
  • 警察毫无必要地对人使用了暴力。
    The police used unnecessary violence on the crowd.
  • 大喝倒彩,树上那位不受欢迎的演说家。
    The crowd shouted down the unpopular speaker.
  • 高声叫喊把不受欢迎的演员赶下了舞台。
    The crowd hooted unpopular actors off the stage.
  • 众团体或干部有失理处,可以加以解释,同时指出地主的不合理。
    If the mass organizations or their cadres have done something unreasonable, we can offer explanations to the landlords and, at the same time, point out the landlords' unreasonable actions.
  • 街道人熙攘,我们自知全然未受注意。
    The streets were crowded, and we found ourselves wholly unremarked.
  • 中国的革命的文学家艺术家,有出息的文学家艺术家,必须到众中去,必须长期地无条件地全心全意地到工农兵众中去,到火热的斗争中去,到唯一的最广大最丰富的源泉中去,观察、体验、研究、分析一切人,一切阶级,一切众,一切生动的生活形式和斗争形式,一切文学和艺术的原始材料,然后才有可能进入创作过程。
    China's revolutionary writers and artists, writers and artists of promise, must go among the masses; they must for a long period of time unreservedly and whole-heartedly go among the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers, go into the heat of the struggle, go to the only source, the broadest and richest source, in order to observe, experience, study and analyse all the different kinds of people, all the classes, all the masses, all the vivid patterns of life and struggle, all the raw materials of literature and art.
  • 跟一不守规矩的青年混在一起
    Gang up with a group of unruly youths
  • 共产党的干部政策,应是以能否坚决地执行党的路线,服从党的纪律,和众有密切的联系,有独立的工作能力,积极肯干,不谋私利为标准,这就是“任人唯贤”的路线。
    The criterion the Communist Party should apply in its cadres policy is whether or not a cadre is resolute in carrying out the Party line, keeps to Party discipline, has close ties with the masses, has the ability to find his bearings independently, and is active, hard-working and unselfish. This is what "appointing people on their merit" means.
  • 在香港,基层众组织正奋力保护新界地区所剩无几的古色古香的村庄,以免它们遭到开发商的拆除。
    In Hong Kong grass-roots groups are fighting (with only some success) to save the few remaining ancient Chinese villages in the New Territories from the wrecking balls of unsentimental developers.
  • 但是只有靠大量增加劳动,才能生产出更多的粮食,因此不仅农业人口比起游牧人口来说空闲时间要少得多,而且由于长期使用不完善的工具和不熟练的技艺(在世界上很大一部分地区直到现在仍是这样),除了在气候和土壤特别有利的情况下,农民们生产不出超过自身消费量很多的余粮,因而供养不了大从事其他产业的劳动者。
    But this additional food is only obtained by a great additional amount of labour; so that not only an agricultural has much less leisure than a pastoral population,but, with the imperfect tools and unskillful processes which are for a long time employed (and which over the greater part of the earth have not even yet been abandoned), agriculturists do not,unless in unusually advantageous circumstances of climate and soil, produce so great a surplus of food, beyond their necessary consumption, as to support any large class of labourers engaged in other departments of industry.
  • 不合并且缺乏同情心的性格。
    a disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner.