  • 每一元钱都捐献了慈善事业
    Every last dollar was donated to charity.
  • 最近他将股票的1亿美元捐赠了慈善机构。
    recently donated $100 million in stock to charity.
  • 今日的门票收入将捐献慈善事业。
    Today's gate will be given to charity.
  • 今日的门票收入将捐献慈善事业.
    Today's gate will is given to charity.
  • 他捐了三百美元慈善机构。
    He came down with $300 for the charity organization.
  • 音乐会的收入将捐赠慈善事业。
    Proceeds from the concert will go to charity.
  • 他把大部分钱都捐赠慈善事业了。
    He gave away most of his money to charity.
  • 救济品作为慈善行为救济穷人的钱或物
    Money or goods given as charity to the poor.
  • 查尔斯又变得高兴起来,递她一支香烟。
    Charles was pleasant again and gave her a cigarette.
  • 国会曾拨查理一世10万镑作军费。
    Parliament voted Charles I £ 1 0 0 0 0 0 for the army.
  • 她心中蓦地涌起一股同情,意识到夏绿蒂只是因相貌平平,年龄日见增长,由于害怕成为老姑娘,过孤独、贫寒的生活才不得已嫁了柯林斯先生。
    She realizes with a sudden wave of sympathy that Charlotte, a rather homely girl of advancing years, married Mr. Collins out of necessity, fearing a lonely and poverty-stricken life as an old maid.
  • 这孩子大家带来欢乐。
    The child charms everyone.
  • …添趣……助兴,带来…魅力或赋予…活力
    To give zest, charm, or spirit to.
  • 那件衣服那个姑娘增添了妩媚。
    The dress lent charm to the girl.
  • 她诱使他把他的钱全了她。
    She charmed him into giving her all his money.
  • 这个画加个框好吗?
    Will you frame this picture?
  • 我们必须那幅画装上框。
    We must frame up that picture.
  • 请给我看彩色图。
    Show me a color chart, please.
  • 要不要我拿价目表您看?
    Shall I show you the rate chart?
  • 予…特权;特许设立
    To grant a charter to; establish by charter.
  • 1215年约翰国王颁发英国男爵的宪章。
    the charter given to English barons by King John in 1215.
  • 英国国王殖民地以特权。
    The king of England granted a charter to the colonists.
  • 他寄我们一份由特许银行付款的汇票。
    He sent us an order on the chartered bank.
  • 为了送她一件礼物,我一上午都在全市奔走寻找。
    I've been chasing around town all morning looking for a present for her.
  • 为了她买件礼物,我在城里转了整整一个下午。
    I've been chasing around town all afternoon looking for a present for her.
  • 大家说说普瓦西人的“追猪”比赛吧!
    Let me tell you something about the "chasing a pig" competitions by the Puwasians.
  • 那天是情人节,他献我鲜花,带我去吃晚餐。告别时还有礼貌地吻了我一下。
    It was Valentine's day and he presented me with flowers, took me to dinner and just chastely kissed me goodbye.
  • 她打电话一个朋友,只是要聊聊天。
    She called up a friend just for a chat.
  • 现在已进入第三个千年期,仍然还有这样的婚礼:新娘头戴面纱,被当作个人物品由一个男人(父亲)交另一个男人(丈夫),仪式则由第三个男人主持,他问:“是哪一位你交托这名女子?哪一位接受?”
    It is the third millennium, but a b ride wearing a veil is still passed as a chattel between two men, her father and her husband, in a ervice conducted by another man who asks ‘who givest this wo an and who takest this woman?’
  • 他买汽车买得便宜。
    I bought him a car cheap.
  • 请拿便宜一点的我看看。
    Please show me a cheaper one.
  • 你在开始为中心暖气装置订购石油之前,一些供货商打电话,看谁的要价最低。
    Before you start ordering oil for the central heating ring around the suppliers to see who will offer you the cheapest price.