  • 有关在天然山坡发生的山泥倾泻的分布、性质及起因研仍在进行。
    Research into the distribution, nature and causes of landslides on natural terrain is continuing.
  • 本港的地形资料,载于全港地区岩土研计划的55幅地图和12份报告内。
    Information about the terrain is contained in 55 maps and 12 reports of the Geotechnical Area Studies Programme.
  • ——国土整治研取得多项成果。
    -- Many achievements have been made in research on territorial control.
  • 尽管其他研人员已经在dna计算技术的研方面取得了成功,但是在其中的大多数试验中,dna分子是悬浮在充满液体的试管中的。
    While other researchers have had success with DNA computing, in most of those tests the DNA was suspended in liquid-filled test tubes.
  • 上海纺织科学研究院
    Shanghai Textile Science Research Institute
  • 天津纺织工业研究所
    Tianjin Textile Industry Research Institute
  • 纺织科学研究机构
    textile science and technique research organization
  • 一是讲质地、做工;
    First they are dainty about the texture and making;
  • 及监察科负责监管警队各单位内的视察工作,以及进行警队内的专题研
    The Research and Inspections Branch monitors inspections within police formations and conducts thematic studies throughout the Force.
  • 这个题目是我们研的核心部分。
    This theme is central to our study.
  • 专门研末世学、来世论的神学家。
    a theologian who specializes in eschatology.
  • 基督学研个人和耶稣事迹的神学
    The theological study of the person and deeds of Jesus.
  • 诠释原理的神学分支。
    the branch of theology that deals with principles of exegesis.
  • 布道和说教的神学分支。
    the branch of theology that deals with sermons and homilies.
  • 方法学对于这种工作方法的研或理论分析
    The study or theoretical analysis of such working methods.
  • 不能设想,离开政治的大局,不研政治的大局,不估计革命斗争的实际发展,能成为一个马克思主义的思想家、理论家。
    It is inconceivable that anyone can become a Marxist thinker or theorist if he is divorced from the overall political situation, if he doesn't study it, if he doesn't assess the actual development of the revolutionary struggle.
  • 有相当一部分理论工作者,对于社会主义现代化建设实践中提出的种种重大的理论问题缺乏兴趣,不愿意对现实问题进行调查和研,表示要同现实保持距离,免得犯错误,或者认为没有学术价值。
    A number of theorists are indifferent to the major theoretical questions raised by socialist modernization. They are reluctant to study actual problems because, they say, they want to keep a distance from reality so as to avoid making mistakes, or because they think work of that sort is of no academic value.
  • 关于实践是检验真理唯一标准的讨论,关于党的历史特别是建国以来历史的科学总结,关于建设有中国特色的社会主义,关于经济和政治体制的改革,关于建设社会主义精神文明和加强共产主义、爱国主义思想教育,围绕这些,理论界做了许多研、论证和宣传工作,发挥了积极的作用。
    Our theorists have contributed a great deal by studying, expounding and publicizing the theory that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth, the scientific analysis of the Party's history, especially in the period since the founding of the People's Republic, and the need to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, to reform the economic and political structures, build a socialist society advanced in ethics and culture and to educate people in communism and patriotism.
  • 心理学家经过训练和教育,进行心理学研、测试和诊断的人
    A person trained and educated to perform psychological research, testing, and therapy.
  • 他希望去旅游藉此研其他国家的民俗风情
    He wishes to travel and thereby studies the custom of other countries
  • 为跟进这个策略,当局会就梅窝和南大屿山进行详细规划及工程可行性研,以期为该区制定土地用途大纲。这项研会特别探讨在该区发展康乐/旅游用途的机会。
    As a follow-up to the strategy, a detailed planning and engineering feasibility study for Mui Wo and South Lantau will be undertaken to formulate a land use framework for the area with an emphasis on exploring the recreation/tourism opportunities therein.
  • 国家海洋管理部门负责组织海洋环境的调查、监测、监视,开展科学研,并主管防止海洋石油勘探开发和海洋倾废污染损害的环境保护工作。
    The state administrative department of marine affairs shall be responsible for organizing investigations and monitoring of and exercising surveillance over the marine environment and conducting scientific research therein; it shall also be in charge of environmental protection against marine pollution damage caused by offshore oil exploration and exploitation and by the dumping of wastes into the sea.
  • 空气热力学关于空气的热力学,特别是在高相对速状态下空气的热力学研
    The study of the thermodynamics of gases, especially at high relative velocities.
  • 在llnl武器设计中很可能会发现一些专家研出的经验、结果,是从icf设施(甚至是从彼得-李工作的地方)那获得的,然后再把它们应用于自己的核聚变武器设计中。?
    It is possible that LLNL weapons designers could have found some of the experimental results obtained from some experiments they may have conducted at the ICF facility (even when Peter Lee worked there) useful in thermonuclear "fusion" weapon design. That would certainly be the case now that the US has foresworn any further full-scale nuclear testing.
  • 想进研所的人似乎在写论文时更为专心。
    People with plan for graduate school seem to concentrate more on their theses.
  • 中国学者结合当今世界的实际和中国的实践,对人权问题的各个方面进行深入的研,发表了大量有见解的人权著作和论文。
    In light of the current world situation and China's practice, Chinese scholars have made a deep study of the issue of human rights in various aspects and published a large number of books and theses expressing original ideas.
  • 美国许多军事思想家都研过去的历史。
    I think many American military thinkers have studied the older history.
  • 10.喝水研表明当我们感觉饿的时候,多数情况下是口渴的信号。
    10.Drink Water Studies show that when you think you're hungry, often you're actually thirsty.
  • 这是这个城市的科学研中心
    This is the scientific research center of this city.
  • 彻底的研;做彻底的搜索;彻底的研
    an exhaustive study; made a thorough search; thoroughgoing research.
  • 他们仔细研了这个问题。
    They went into it very thoroughly.
  • 彻底知晓,研或者经验得完整。
    thoroughly acquainted with through study or experience.