  • 青鱼的鳞是银色的。
    A herring's scales are silver in colour.
  • 鲑一种相似或相关的鱼,例如加拿大鲑、银无须鳕或油鲱
    Any of various similar or related fishes, such as the lake herring, whiting, or menhaden.
  • 她证明她自己是清的。
    She prove herself innocent.
  • 让自己沉溺于徒劳的日梦中
    Indulged herself with idle daydreams.
  • 矾根草,老鹳草一种北美的矾根属多年生植物,有掌状垂片基生叶和无叶茎,茎上有很多淡绿色、色或浅红色的小花
    Any of various North American perennials of the genus Heuchera having palmately lobed basal leaves and leafless stalks bearing numerous small greenish, white, or reddish flowers.
  • 嘿,早上这哥们还是个人呢!
    Hey, this man was still white this morning!
  • 伊丽莎时代的全盛时期
    the Elizabethan period at its heyday
  • 气球越飞越高,最后在云雾里消失了。
    Higher and higher flew the white balloon till it vanished in the clouds.
  • 肢野牛,印度野牛一种(野牛或?牛属)大型、黑体的野牛,生于东南亚洲的山地
    A large, dark-coated wild ox(Bos gaurus) of hilly areas of southeast Asia.
  • 茶陵原有县委,因工作做不进去,去冬今春建设的许多组织大部被色势力打塌了,半年以来只能在靠近宁冈永新一带的山地工作,因此将县委改为特别区委。
    There used to be a county committee in Chaling, but as the work there did not take root, most of the organizations formed last winter and this spring have been crushed by the Whites; Consequently, for the last six months we have been able to work only in the hilly regions near Ningkang and Yunghsin, and so the Chaling County Committee has been changed into a special district committee.
  • 他不能清楚明地表达自己的思想感情。
    he expressed himself imprecisely.
  • 我不明为什么有时候盗贼得以恣意危险害社会。
    I wonder why the thieves are sometimes allowed to prey on society without let of hindrance.
  • 我事后才明自己犯了一个错误。
    I now know with hindsight that I made a mistake.
  • 我事后才明我完全冤枉了他。
    I now know with hindsight that I did him a terrible wrong.
  • 我以为他们是永远也不会走的--有些人根本就不明别人的暗示。
    I thought they'd never go some people just can't take a hint!
  • 一点他就明白了。
    He quickly took the hint.
  • 首相明地暗示她打算提高税额。
    The Minister gave a broad hint that she intends to raise taxes.
  • 首相明地暗示她打算提高税额。
    The minister gives a broad hint that she intend to raise taxes.
  • 我明白了,谢谢。
    I see. Thank you.
  • 就在这时,她听到不远的地方有划水声,就向前游去,想看看是什么,起初,她以为这一定是只海象或者河马。然而,她一想起自己是多么小的时候,就立即明了,这不过是只老鼠,是像自己一样滑进水里来的。
    Just then she heard something splashing about in the pool a little way off, and she swam nearer to make out what it was: at first she thought it must be a walrus or hippopotamus, but then she remembered how small she was now, and she soon made out that it was only a mouse that had slipped in like herself.
  • 白天租用一辆汽车
    Hire a car for the day.
  • 他们都不是纯种人,那么他们是黑混血,黑人与亚裔混血,还是拉美裔与人混血?
    Are they a mixture of black and white, black and Asian, Hispanic and white?
  • 多年来,人口普查局(censusbureau)人口处副处长乔治.德尔皮奈尔(jorgedelpinal)的工作就是将美国人口按照种族和民族分门别类:人、黑人、拉美裔、亚裔,或印第安人。
    For years, Jorge DelPinal's job as assistant chief of the Census Bureau's Population Division was to fit people into neat, distinct racial and ethnic boxes: white, black, Hispanic, Asian or Native American.
  • 一些社会学家认为,自本世纪初以来,美国便成为融合那么多来自欧洲的爱尔兰、意大利、德国等等家庭的大融炉,而亚裔与种人、拉美裔与盎格鲁人的异族婚姻不过是新添加的成员罢了。
    Some sociologists call Asian-white and Hispanic-Anglo intermarriage simply the latest addition to the melting pot that, since the start of this century, has fused so many Irish, Italian, German and other families of European origin.
  • 组蛋白和非组蛋白
    histones and non-histone proteins
  • 我不明你怎么能将和平和希特勒相比。
    I don't see how you can talk about peace and Hitler in the same breath.
  • 那位老人头发花白。
    The old man has hoar hair.
  • 上了年龄的花的胡须-柯尔雷基;点了点他头发花的脑袋。
    whose beard with age is hoar-Coleridge; nodded his hoary head.
  • 空里流霜不觉飞汀上沙看不见
    You cannot tell her beams from hoar frost in the air, Nor from white sand upon Farewell Beach below.
  • 他的花的头发显示出了他的年龄。
    His hoary hair showed his age.
  • 那位老人头发花白。
    The old man has hoary hair.
  • 银白的;灰白的
    Silvery white; hoary.