  • 不过,他拥有的货币和制成品并不全都是资本,因为他不是把它们全部用在这些方面。他用一部分货币和出售制成品所得的货款来满足他个人和他家庭的费,雇用马夫和听差,供养猎人和猎犬,教育子女,交纳税款或捐给慈善机构。
    His money and finished goods, however, are not wholly capital, for he does not wholly devote them to these purposes: he employs a part of the one, and of the proceeds of the other, in supplying his personal consumption and that of his family, or in hiring grooms and valets, or maintaining hunters and hounds, or in educating his children, orin paying taxes, or in charity.
  • 原有的不同的入党手续,是因为原有的社会成分的区别已经或正在失去原有的意义了。
    The distinction hitherto made in admitting new members has been removed because former classifications of social status have lost or are losing their original meaning.
  • 谁人不知,为争取时间和准备反攻而流血战斗,某些土地虽仍不免于放弃,时间却争取了,给敌以歼灭和给敌以耗的目的却达到了,自己的战斗经验却取得了,没有起来的人民却起来了,国际地位却增长了。
    As everybody knows, although in fighting and shedding our blood in order to gain time and prepare the counter-offensive we have had to abandon some territory, in fact we have gained time, we have achieved the objective of annihilating and depleting enemy forces, we have acquired experience in fighting, we have aroused hitherto inactive people and improved our international standing.
  • 希特勒试图全部灭德国的犹太人。
    Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany.
  • 他们通过喇叭声嘶力竭地喊叫,要求黑人工人取罢工。
    They shouted themselves hoarse over the loudspeaker, asking the black workers to call off the strike.
  • 防队接到报警电话後采取了行动, 但是并没有火灾--这完全是一场恶作剧.
    The fire-brigade answered the emergency call but there was no fire it was all a hoax.
  • 我得知他将到来的息,却只变成一个玩笑。
    I hear the news of his arrival, but it turns out to be a mere hoax.
  • 我得知他将到来的息,却只变成一个玩笑。
    I hear the news of his arrival, but it turn out to is a mere hoax.
  • 我用业余爱好来除工作中产生的紧张情绪。
    My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.
  • 我们应该对坏息有心理准备。
    We must hold ourselves in readiness for bad news. (喻)
  • 定期车票持有者在其车次被取时可获得退款。
    Season ticket holder will receive a refund if their train is cancelled.
  • 在这些领域的竞争将反过来刺激中国国内的服务业,从而使公司和费者有更宽的选择面。
    Competition in this area will, in turn, stimulate China's homegrown services sector, giving companies and consumers an even broader range of choices.
  • 广大的游击战争和人民抗日运动将疲惫这一大批日本军,一方面大量地耗之,又一方面进一步地增长其思乡厌战直至反战的心理,从精神上瓦解这个军队。
    Widespread guerrilla warfare and the people's anti-Japanese movement will wear down this big Japanese force, greatly reducing it and also disintegrating its morale by stimulating the growth of homesickness, war-weariness and even anti-war sentiment.
  • 第二十九团随即自由行动,跑向宜章家乡,结果一部在乐昌被土匪胡凤章灭,一部散在郴宜各地,不知所终,当日收集的不过百人。
    Thereupon, acting on its own, the 29th Regiment hurried homeward to Yichang with the result that one section was annihilated at Lochang by Hu Feng-chang's bandits, another scattered in the Chenchow-Yichang area and has never been heard of since, and no more than a hundred men were mustered again that day.
  • 一只信鸽被放出去递送息。
    A homing pigeon was sent forth to carry the message.
  • 父亲生病的息给玛丽的蜜月蒙上了一层忧伤的阴影。
    The news of her father's illness cast a cloud over Mary's honeymoon.
  • 最后一班车已转过街角失了,我们今晚要想回家就得步行。
    That was the last bus disappearing round corner—we shall have to hoof it if we want to get home tonight.
  • 赫德森听到息后喜形于色。他根本没想到获得一等学位。
    Hudson was all cook-a-hoop at the news. He had never expected to get a first-class degree.
  • 她的病使她瘦多了。
    Her illness left her very thin.
  • 他消失得无影无踪。
    He vanished into thin air.
  • 她希望睡一觉之后头疼会好[会除疲劳]。
    She hoped to sleep off her headache [fatigue].
  • 葛:哎,谈不上什么好息,但我还是抱有希望的。
    Well, I can hardly say that. However, I'm still hopeful.
  • 希望这些坚硬的长石椅永远不会失或改变。
    These sturdy stone benches hopefully will never go or change.
  • 望早日得到你方息。
    Hoping to hear from you soon.
  • 息杳然,尽管如此,她还是盼望着。
    There was no news; nevertheless, she went on hoping.
  • (关于天体)失于地平线下的。
    (of a heavenly body) disappearing below the horizon.
  • 小肠内产生的助化的荷尔蒙;刺激胰腺和肝脏。
    a peptic hormone produced in the small intestine; activates the pancreas and liver.
  • 镇上的大多数人都给这条坏息吓坏了。
    Most of the people in town were horrified at/ by the bad news.
  • 我被这个息震惊了。
    I was horrified by the news.
  • 我们要灭私有制,你们就惊慌起来。
    You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property.
  • 镇上的大多数人都给这条坏息吓坏了。
    Most of the people in town were horrified at / by the bad news.
  • 那消息使他震惊。
    The news struck him with horror.