  • 对一般人来说,别说在水里,就是在陆地上走120公里也是不易的。
    For ordinary people, needless mention of being in water, even walking on land for 120 kilometers is not easy.
  • 改革开放方向和道路是完全正确的,成效和功绩不否定,停顿和倒退没有出路。
    The path of reforms and opening-up are entirely correct, and their merits and achievements can never be negated. To stop or reverse reforms and opening-up would only lead to a blind alley.
  • 有的部分对新起的武装的许多严重现象,以及由于收编土蒋土匪而引起的群众不满,采取忽视优的态度;
    some adopted a negligent, tolerant attitude towards many serious problems that emerged in the newly organized army units and towards the discontent among the masses over our incorporating local Chiang Kai-shek forces and bandits into our army;
  • 他说他的要求是不讨价还价的。
    He says his claim is not negotiable.
  • 易被协商的要求:可通行的路
    Negotiable demands; a negotiable road.
  • 我们并不想将我们的文化、意识强加给别人,但是,美国将一如既往地、永不妥协地追求人类文明的期待:法制、国家权力的制衡、妇女的权益、保护私有财产、言论自由、平等公正、以及宗教宽
    We have no intention of imposing our culture - but America will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity: the rule of law...limits on the power of the state...respect for women...private property...free speech...equal justice...and religious tolerance.
  • 我们并不想将我们的文化、意识强加给别人,但是,美国将一如既往地、永不妥协地追求人类文明的期待:法制、国家权力的制衡、妇女的权益、保护私有财产、言论自由、平等公正、以及宗教宽
    We have no intention of imposing our culture - but America will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity: the rule of law... limits on the power of the state... respect for women... private property... free speech... equal justice... and religious tolerance.
  • 他有一个与他谈判很不易的名声。
    He has a reputation for being difficult to negotiate with.
  • 通过这条很滑的路并不易。
    Negotiation of the slippery road was not easy.
  • 主谈人不让其他政府小组成员知道该报告的内
    The chief negotiator keep the report secret from the rest of the government team.
  • 主谈人不让其他政府小组成员知道该报告的内
    The chief negotiator kept the report secret from the rest of the government team.
  • 同亚太各国开展对话与合作是中国亚太安全政策的重要内,是中国睦邻友好政策的组成部分。
    Conducting dialogue and cooperation with Asia-Pacific countries is an important content of China's policy concerning Asia-Pacific security, and a component part of its policy of good-neighborliness and friendship.
  • 并非笔墨所能形容。
    Neither pen nor pencil can express.
  • 位于纽约州阿迪塔克荒野的东北部,高低起伏的山区风光和冬季的纷飞大雪,加上夏季宜人的气候使普莱西德湖成了一个终年旅游胜地。
    Nestled in the northeastern portion of the Adirondack wilderness of New York State, the rugged mountain scenery, heavy winter snows and a pleasant summer climate combined to make lake placid a popular tourist year-round resort.
  • 尼克:多日赛更不易。
    Nick: The multi-day competition is more difficult.
  • 防止虐待动物协会旧金山分会最近开办了一个投资700万美元的动物收所,该分会正在寻找代理机构与之合作为无家可归的成年人在“狗公寓”里提供夜间住宿。
    The city's chapter of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals, which recently opened a $7 million shelter, is seeking to work with a agency to offer adults nightly shelter in "dog apartments."
  • 这个电台的夜间广播,有时候很易收到,有时候则一点也收不到。
    Some nights I can tune in that station easily; other nights I can't tune it is at all.
  • 硝化甘油是一种很易爆炸的炸药。
    Nitroglycerine is a highly volatile explosive.
  • 一种文档,其内仅由根节点组成,无相关数据单元,也无节点名称。
    A file whose file contents consists of only a root node with no associated data unit, and no node name.
  • 她从不迫地击败求职的所有竞争者。
    She defeat all her rival for the job with nonchalant ease.
  • 不能忍某人胡搞,不能允许某人胡说八道
    Stand no nonsense from sb.
  • 她说她不能忍愚蠢的行为。
    She says she will stand no nonsense.
  • 这就是为什么“大型机对客户机/服务器”论战没有意义的原因所在:编制每一层都在大型机上执行的n层客户机/服务器应用程序要比每一层在不同的硬件上执行的程序更易些。
    That is why the "mainframe vs. client/server" controversy is so nonsensical: It is easier to create n-tier client/server applications in which every partition executes on the mainframe than to build them with each partition executing on a separate piece of hardware.
  • 北方人到南方,真不易。
    Conditions in the South were hard for the Northerners.
  • 没有种植任何庄稼。除欧洲西北部和再靠北方的地区外,人类要想在那里生存是不易的。
    No crops were planted. Except in north-west Europe and the far northland it was all Man could do to exist.
  • 虽然这些较慢的交易对普通用户来说可能觉察不到,但它们在isp层面上仍易遭到攻击。
    Although these slower transactions may not be noticeable to the casual user, they may still be vulnerable to attacks at the ISP level.
  • 同往常一样,牧师的演说尽管拖得很长但没有新鲜内
    As usual the minister's speech, although drawn out, contained noting new.
  • 词有时可作名词用。
    Adjectives sometimes act as noun.
  • 绝大多数英语的形词位于他们修饰的名词前。
    Most English adjectives precede the noun they modify.
  • 物体在计算机显示屏上的一种图形表示,实质上是事物的图象,用来使计算机操作更加直观,使初学者更易理解。
    A graphic representation of an object on a computer screen. Icons are essentially pictures of things used to make the operation of computers more visually oriented and easier to understand for the novice.
  • 有长管的输送油到机器的器。
    a container with a long nozzle to apply oil to machinery.
  • 喷水壶用来给植物烧水的一器,通常有长的穿孔的喷嘴
    A vessel, usually having a long spout with a perforated nozzle, used to water plants.