  • 我们会与内地的对部门携手合作,加强两地在互联网络上的联系,方便香港公司把他们在内地的生产和供应程序互相结合。
    Working with our Mainland counterparts, we will improve our mutual Internet links, making it easier for Hong Kong companies to integrate their manufacturing and supply operations on the Mainland.
  • 116.此外,我们会与广东省的对机关紧密联络,以期制定长远的污水处理标准,并研究其他措施,务求减轻香港和邻近水域的污染情况。
    116. We will also liaise closely with our counterparts in Guangdong with a view to planning long-term sewage treatment standards and to designing further measures to reduce pollution in Hong Kong and neighbouring waters.
  • 一个十几亿人的国家不容易自华盛顿的雷达幕上消失。二十年来中国多半被看做对莫斯科的制衡力量,苏联解体后中国就显得虽然庞大却无关宏旨。现在,中国经济起飞其本身就有资格被看做一个力量。
    It's not easy for a nation of more than a billion people to fade from Washington's radar screen. Seen mostly as a counterweight to Moscow for 20 years, China seemed a giant irrelevancy after the demise of the Soviet Union. Now, China's economic boom will make it a power in its own right.
  • 好多国家都有出补贴。
    Many countries subsidize exports.
  • 日本向许多国家出货物。
    Japan exports to many countries.
  • 中国向许多国家出货物。
    China exports to many foreign countries.
  • 三分之一的人是住在城里,三分之二住在乡下。
    One third of the population are townsmen and two thirds countrymen.
  • 三分之一的人是住在城里,三分之二住在乡下。
    One third of the population is townsmen and two thirds countrymen.
  • 但是在丹麦队断送了法国队的世界杯之梦后,希拉克向全队发出了战斗号,其实也可以看作是他向选民发出的戴高乐式的个人宣言。
    But following the coup de grace against Denmark, Chirac sent out a rallying call to the team which could have doubled as a personal statement of Gaullist intentions to voters.
  • 考文垂市英格兰中部城市,位于伯明翰东南偏东。因是11世纪戈黛娃夫人的家乡而著名,二战中(1940年11月),考文垂受到空袭的极严重破坏。人318,600
    A city of central England east-southeast of Birmingham. Famous as the home of Lady Godiva in the11th century, Coventry was severely damaged in air raids during World War II(November1940). Population,318, 600.
  • 牛产奶时,那位农民吹着哨。
    The farmer whistled as the cow milked.
  • 普及工作若是永远停止在一个水平上,一月两月三月,一年两年三年,总是一样的货色,一样的“小放牛”⑺,一样的“人、手、、刀、牛、羊”⑻,那末,教育者和被教育者岂不都是半斤八两?
    If popularization remains at the same level for ever, with the same stuff being supplied month after month and year after year, always the same "Little Cowherd"[6] and the same "man, hand, mouth, knife, cow, goat",[7] will not the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?
  • 女孩害羞地从窗偷看。
    The girl coyly peeped through the window.
  • 渔船和游艇跟随著大型班轮进入了港
    Fishing boats and pleasure-craft followed the great liner into the harbour.
  • 他的袋里装满了巧克力糖。
    His pockets are crammed with chocolated.
  • 很有可能你正在办公桌旁边吃三明治边读这篇文章,如果是这样,那么你也许不愿意听到这样一则消息:估计本周约有15万人为了一饱眼福和福而涌入意大利都灵的一个名为"慢餐博览会"的宴会。
    If,as is all too likely,you are reading this over a sandwich at your desk,you may not want to hear that an estimated 150,000 people are this week cramming into a feast for the eyes and stomach called the"Slow Food Fair"at Turin,Italy.
  • 每一个窗都有人探出头来看。
    From every window head is crane for a view of it.
  • 囟门一柔软的膜状,在胎儿或婴儿的未完全发育好的头颅骨头之间
    Any of the soft membranous gaps between the incompletely formed cranial bones of a fetus or an infant.
  • 我看到下一个十字路发生交通事故。
    I see a crash at the next intersection.
  • 别跟他费舌了, 他太笨了.
    Don't talk to him: he's so crass.
  • 火焰从火山猛烈地喷出来。
    Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano.
  • 火山口凹陷的中心
    The depressed center of a crater.
  • 烟从火山一阵阵地喷出。
    Smoke puffed up from the crater of the volcano.
  • 喷火孔道直通火山的熔岩通道
    An eruptive passageway opening into the crater of a volcano.
  • 他们看见火焰从火山猛烈地喷出来。
    They saw flames blaze out from the crater of the volcano.
  • 虽然她在公众眼里显然是个烟不离、热衷于社交聚会的夜猫子,但对她与阿姆斯特朗-琼斯的两个孩子而言,玛格丽特是个慈爱的母亲。
    Yet even as she honed her reputation as a chain-smoking, party-loving night crawler, Margaret also proved herself a loving mother to her two children with Armstrong-Jones.
  • 他的夹克袋上的袋盖给缝上了,这样就不会打皱。
    The flaps of his jacket pocket were sewn down so that they did not crease or wrinkle.
  • 订单的增加提供了数以百计的就业机会。
    The in crease in export order have create hundreds of job opportunity.
  • 我们必须增产食品, 减少进
    We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.
  • 虚构,捏造虚构作品或捏造借的行为
    The act of inventing such a creation or pretense.
  • 我们创造性地实现了由新民主主义到社会主义的转变,全面确立了社会主义的基本制度,使占世界人四分之一的东方大国进入了社会主义社会。
    We have creatively materialized the transformation from new democracy to socialism and established the basic system of socialism in an all-round way , enabling this big country in the orient whose population accounts for a quarter of the world total to enter the socialist society.
  • 当joe联络她,同时她也就这个应当在uddi注册中心中公共可见的关联关系达成一致之后,xina向她的uddi操作入站点发出了完全相同的断言(当然,使用了另一个authinfo认证令牌)。
    Since Joe has contacted her and she agrees that the relationship should be visible within UDDI, Xina sends the exact same assertion (with a different authInfo credential) to her UDDI operator site.