  • 不得通过任何褫夺权的法案、追溯既往的法律和损害契约义务的法律;也不得颁发任何贵族爵位。
    pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
  • 2.国会有权宣布对於叛国罪的惩处,但因叛国罪而被褫夺权者,其後人之继承权不受影响,叛国者之财产亦只能在其本人生存期间被没收。
    Clause 2:The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
  • 诸于众;开张扬暴露于开的注意之下
    Exposure to public attention.
  • 附加在文上的印记(用来证明其可靠性或将其密封)。
    a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it).
  • 证检验或证明(如文件签字是否有效),作为
    To certify or attest to(the validity of a signature on a document, for example) as a notary public.
  • 看看无数"中国制造"的玩具就知道,出口到美国的中国产品并不算少,但是一个中国司以自己的品牌打入美国市场却凤毛麟角。
    As shelf after shelf of made in China cuddly toys attest, Chinese exports are hardly uncommon in the U.S.. But a Chinese company exporting under its own brand name is.
  • 为了完善职业安全卫生管理制度,中国政府于1999年布了职业安全卫生管理体系标准,并开展了认证工作。
    In order to improve the management system of job safety and hygiene, in 1999 the Chinese government promulgated related standards, at the same time starting attestation work.
  • 目前已办结23件,主要有大庆联谊石化股份有限司专项审计、广东湛江特大走私受贿案审计查证等,为有关部门认定违法犯罪事实起到了重要作用。
    At present, the National Audit Office has completed attestation for 23 cases, among which the typical ones are the audit of Daqing Lianyi Oil and Chemical Industrial Co. Ltd. and the audit attestation of the extraordinarily serious case of smuggling in Zhanjiang city, Guangdong Province, which has played an important role in helping competent departments to clear criminal facts and mete out legal liabilities..
  • 近几年,根据党中央、国务院的指示,审计署办理了大量经济案件的审计查证工作,参与了北京王宝森和陈希同案件、江苏无锡非法集资案、云南红塔集团褚时健贪污案、成都红光实业股份有限司违规炒作股票案以及天津蓟县国税局虚开增值税专用发票案等重大经济案件的查处工作。
    In the past few years, following the instructions of CCCPC and the State Council, the National Audit Office has undertaken a great deal of attestation work for the investigation of economic criminal cases. The National Audit Office participated in investigating some key economic criminal cases including Wang Baosen and Chen Xitong case, illegal fund raising of Wuxi city, fraud and corruption case of Chu Shijian of Hongta Group Co. in Yunnan Province, fraudulent speculation on securities by Chengdu Honguang Industry Co. ltd. and fraudulent VAT invoicing by the State Tax Department of Jixian county in Tianjin.
  • 对工作与玩耍的困惑影响到了办室里的着装和关系。
    This confusion ex- tends to office attire and relationships.
  • 不适合于办室的服装;说一些全都不合适的事情。
    unsuitable attire for the office; said all the wrong things.
  • 花花子的,纨绔的显露出或打扮得像花花子的;花花子的
    Suggestive of or attired like a dandy; foppish.
  • 公开敌对的态度
    An attitude of open hostility.
  • 为国家做检察工作的诉人。
    a prosecuting attorney for a state.
  • 首席检查官将在严重犯罪案的审判中作诉人。
    The attorney-general will prosecute in trial for serious crime.
  • 首席检查官将在严重犯罪案的审判中作诉人。
    The attorney general will prosecute in trial for serious crime.
  • 检察官指定某人某罪的正式文。
    a formal document written for a prosecuting attorney charging a person with some offense.
  • 取消…的律师资格取消(辩护律师)法律务行动或程序的常规工作
    To expel(an attorney) from the practice of law by official action or procedure.
  • 外来直接投资额,以及外国司在香港设立的地区总部和地区办事处的数目,是反映香港作为营商地点的吸引力的两项重要指标。
    Hong Kong's attractiveness as a place to do business is reflected by two major indicators, namely the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI), and the number of foreign-owned regional headquarters and regional offices.
  • 损害系由贵司疏忽所致。
    Damage attributable to your negligence.
  • 大卫说他们司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。
    David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.
  • 正的正义和报复的相矛盾的特点(约翰·毛莱)
    "Contradictory attributes of unjust justice and loving vindictiveness"(John Morley).
  • 认为她的成功完全是因为有财富是不平的。
    Attribution of her success solely to wealth is not fair.
  • 非典型的行为…不是我们期待从孩子那里得到的认的典型回答-g.e.加德纳。
    atypical behavior..not the accepted type of response that we expect from children- G.E.Gardner.
  • 我提出最低价格,但他把合同给了他朋友的司——一个对朋友偏袒的典范。
    I put in the lowest price but he gave the contract to his friend's firm-atypical example of the old pal's act.
  • 大榄隧道于一九九八年五月通车,全长3.8里。该隧道与全长6.3里的元朗引道连接,组成三号干线(郊野园段),由汀九伸延至凹头,一九九八年平均每日行车量达29000架次,每程收费由10元至60元不等。
    The Tai Lam Tunnel measures 3.8 kilometres and, together with the 6.3-kilometre Yuen Long Approach Road, forms the Route 3 (Country Park Section) which extends from Ting Kau to Au Tau. Opened in May 1998, it was used by an average of 29000 vehicles daily in 1998. Tolls ranged from $10 to $60.
  • 那些珠宝开拍卖以前我们私下看了预展.
    We had a private view of the jewels before the public auction.
  • 明天将有三千万美元的俄亥俄州债要拍卖。
    Tomorrow $ 30 million Ohio bonds will go on the auction block.
  • 开拍卖时他会把他的旧家具陈列出来的。
    He will expose his old furniture for sale at public auction.
  • 破产事务官将举行司资产拍卖
    The receiver will hold an auction of the company 's assets
  • 那些珠宝开拍卖以前我们私下看了预展
    We had a private view of the jewel before the public auction
  • 那些珠宝开拍卖以前我们私下看了预展。
    We have a private view of the jewel before the public auction.