  • 地理上分布在网络各主机之的数据库。
    Data bases geographically distributed among the network hosts.
  • 他破门进入房间。
    He bashed the door in and entered the room.
  • 国际货币基金组织的策略只适合结构稳固的国家,它是一个拖延时以等待信心恢复的策略。
    The IMF strategy is designed for countries that have a basically sound structure.
  • 以短时为基础或以长时为基础
    on a short-term or long-term basis
  • 另一端,是卢浮宫的巨塔,钟声介于男中音和男低音之
    at the other end,the great tower of the Louvre, with its bass.
  • 黑克尔管属于双簧管家族的一种木制管乐器,其音高位于英国号和巴松管之
    A woodwind instrument of the oboe family, with a pitch between that of an English horn and a bassoon.
  • bastion主机作为内部和外部世界之的网关。
    Bastion host server as gateway between the internal and external world.
  • 典型配置包括两个路由器,其中一个作设防主站,它起了两者的应用入口的作用。
    A typical configuration includes two routers with a bastion host that serves as the application gateway sitting between them.
  • 蝙蝠在夜飞行,以昆虫为食。
    Bats fly at night and feed on insects.
  • 蝙蝠翅膀的膜是长在趾的。
    The membrane of a bat's wing is interdigital.
  • 有些可以连续运行,有些以批处理方式在可能不同的预定隔上运行。
    Some may run continuously, others in batch mode at possibly different pre-scheduled intervals.
  • 我不喜欢戏演到半中时进场。
    I bate to come in the middle.
  • 一个有浴室的单人房
    A single room with a bath.
  • 充满阳光的房间
    A room that was bathed in sunlight.
  • 她到洗手洗了个脸,重新化了妆。
    She went to the bathroom, bathed her face and fixed it.
  • 你在那里逗留期,到大海里进行海水浴没有?
    Did you go bathing in the sea while you were there?
  • 旅馆中的每个房都有一个单独浴室。
    Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom.
  • 我们要有一带浴室的屋子, 还要有一不带浴室的.
    We'll have one room with a bathroom and one room without.
  • 卫生间的柜子
    In the Bathroom Cupboard
  • 2.记得卫生间在哪里;
    2.Remembers where bathroom is
  • 洗澡间在楼上。
    The bathroom is upstairs.
  • 住在这所房子里的人共用这浴室。
    Everyone in the house shares the bathroom.
  • 每两个运动员共用一个洗手
    Every two athletes will share a bathroom.
  • 盥洗室洗手,尤指在公共场所的
    A bathroom, especially one in a public place.
  • 女孩子喜欢在洗手里磨蹭。
    Girls just love hanging out in the bathroom.
  • 抱歉!我要上洗手
    I excuse myself and go to the bathroom.
  • 然后我去洗澡洗个澡。
    I then take a bath in the bathroom.
  • 整个洗手的地下都浸满了水。
    The whole bathroom floor is drenched with water.
  • 我们需要一带浴室的卧室。
    We want a bedroom with bathroom en suite.
  • 他唯一能够逃脱摄象机的地方就是卫生
    His only sanctuary from the cameras is a bathroom.
  • 她把洗澡粉刷成淡兰色的。
    She has done the bathroom over in pale blue.
  • 卫生里有自动出纸巾的装置。
    There is a paper towel dispenser in the bathroom.