  • 呃道的发作。通常与the
    An attack of these spasms. Often used with the.
  • 过去一段时间接二三出现的有关徖生方面的事件,是香港徖生环境已经严重恶劣的警告信号。
    The outbreak of a spate of incidents of hygiene nature within a short span of time is a warning that the sanitary conditions of Hong Kong are of a seriously low level.
  • 在大学城长久留之后,末了,您再转向右岸,纵目眺望新城,景色顿时改变了。
    When, at length, after having contemplated the University for a long time, you turned towards the right bank, towards the Town, the character of the spectacle was abruptly altered.
  • 转现全景画描述一个续景色的画或一系列画,转动着通过观众面前,一次只能看到一部分
    A picture or series of pictures representing a continuous scene, often exhibited a part at a time by being unrolled and passed before the spectator.
  • 为了迅速完成这项工程,他们星期天都没休息。
    In order to complete the project speedily, they didn't rest on Sundays.
  • 有的学校学生提出生活问题,说厨房没有人管,菠菜就切这么一下,沙子都煮到锅里面去了。
    Students in some schools have complained about their living conditions, saying that no one is paying attention to the way their kitchens are run, that spinach, after one rough cut, is thrown into the pot with the dirt still on it.
  • 合从脊柱索或脑的一边到另一边的神经纤维系统
    A tract of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other of the spinal cord or brain.
  • 她每天要续纺纱几小时。
    She spins away for hours every day.
  • 她扎入水中,浮上来时呛得咳嗽带喷水。
    She dive into the water and come up cough and splutter.
  • 记者们向发言人续不断地发问。
    The reporters fired away at the spokesman.
  • 带把的旋转线轴;接着钓竿。
    a revolving spool with a handle; attached to a fishing rod.
  • 续喷雾炼钢设备有多大?
    How big is the equipment for spray steelmaking?
  • 这是一种新研究成功的续喷雾炼钢法。
    It's a method of continuous steelmaking by the newly develop spray process.
  • 这是一种新研究成功的续喷雾炼钢法。
    It 's a method of continuous steelmaking by the newly developed spray process.
  • 由几个相等的金属弹簧在一块的长的窄的弹簧。
    a long narrow spring consisting of several layers of metal springs bracketed together.
  • 有支部,班有小组。
    In a company there is the branch, with a group in each squad.
  • 美国九一一惨祸引起世人对恐怖主义的高度警惕,并且同声谴责惨无人道的暴力行为,更促成国际社会史无前例的合作,手展开打击恐怖主义的行动。
    The Sept 11 terror attacks on US soil have focused world attention squarely on terrorist activity. The cold-blooded acts have been condemned by all and have led to unprecedented global cooperation to fight terrorism.
  • 我们去西安的第一段路程将乘飞机从大到北京。
    The first stage of our journey to Xi'an will be the flight from Dalian to Beijing.
  • 他用剪子花带茎都剪下来。
    He cut off the flowers at the stalk with a pair of scissors.
  • 贴生的,并生的,生的与不同种类的部分或器官相联的,如贴生在花瓣上的雄蕊
    United to a part or organ of a different kind, as stamens attached to petals.
  • 所以,前民进党主席施明德也认为,陈水扁守住了台湾的立场。
    No wonder Shih Ming-teh, former chairman of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party, approved of Chen Shui-bian for having upheld Taiwan's stance.
  • 香港规划标准与准则订明的最低可接受道路噪音标准,是每小时有一成时间的等效续声级为70分贝(a),然而,香港有接近100万人在家里要忍受超逾这标准的道路噪音。
    Close to a million people at home suffer road traffic noise higher than 70 dB(A) L10(l hr), which is the minimum acceptable standard in the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines.
  • 教师们对分数贬值有种种怨言,甚至那些名牌大学也同样存在维持标准的困难,其中最突出的问题是学生债务增加造成的影响。
    Among the standard complaints of grade inflation and the difficulties that even leading universities are having in maintaining standards, the issue that stood out was the impact of rising student debt.
  • 于是,世界上最棒的两大黑客之一斯坦利·约布森被牵进来。
    That's where Stanley Jobson enters the picture.
  • 对呼叫站作出响应完成数据站之间的接的过程。
    The process of responding to a calling station to complete the establishment of a connection between data stations.
  • 两次金像奖得主,如奇·伊士活,汤姆·汉克斯和艾玛·汤普森,可以期望在好莱坞多叱咤风云六年。
    And double winners of the gold statuette, such as Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson, can look forward to an extra six years in the Hoyywood Hills.
  • 如此有声望的报纸竟会屈尊去增加一版彩色副刊。嘿!那不过是一幅低劣、平庸的环漫画罢了。
    That a paper of such stature should stoop so low as to have a colour supplement. Why, it was nothing more than a cheap, nasty comic.
  • 梅米心生怜悯与内疚,忙去找青蛙,找来一只后,她把青蛙皮剥下敷在黑女孩的额头止血,并用树皮上撕下来的线状物把青蛙皮固定在黑女孩的额头上。
    Memmie, touched with compassion and guilt, ran in search of some frogs. When she found one, she stripped off its skin and spread it over the girl's brow to staunch the wound, binding the dressing in place with the thread from the bark of a tree.
  • 接二三的撞击礁石使船的一边撞了一个洞。
    Repeated batterings on the rocks had staved in one side of the boat.
  • 中国改革开放20多年来,始终坚持对外开放政策,大力发展对外贸易,积极吸引外商投资,中国对外贸易总额已居世界第七位,吸收外资续八年居发展中国家首位。
    Two decades since it inaugurated reform and opening-up, China has steadfastly adhered to the policy of opening to the outside world, developed foreign trade in real earnest and actively attracted foreign investment. China's trade value now takes the 7th place in the world and its foreign capital attraction has been ranking as the foremost among all developing countries for 8 years in a row.
  • 支架,支持物一种装置,如建筑物的支持梁或结的钢丝或绳索,用于稳定或使它物竖直
    A device, such as a supporting beam in a building or a connecting wire or rope, that steadies or holds something else erect.
  • 约翰由于偷了钱而累了自己的朋友。
    John compromised his friends by stealing the money.